
Spirit’s Journey

Reaching the end of her final year of university, Adeline was finally ready to put her focus on her most important relationships. But before she had the chance, her life was taken from her by an otherworldly being, drained and broken by their burdens. Finding herself in an entirely foreign landscape, Adeline struggles through coming to terms with the loss of her previous attachments and finding her place in her new home.

Quassim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


While Adeline was still immersed in her trial, a childlike figure watched on with a troubled look on their cherubic face. In front of him, a small screen displayed the events within the illusions that formed Adeline's trial. As he focused on the expression of the young dark skinned girl, he thought back to the events that had occurred a few weeks prior...

It was a particularly busy day for the childlike figure, as per his usual. A certain empire had begun aggressive experimentation using forbidden magic, which had caused an unprecedented amount of stress unto the mana veins surrounding them. As the administrator of world, it was his job to monitor the progression and happenings of the mortals and prevent the occurrence of any apocalyptic events, such as a bursting mana vein.

"Such a troublesome bunch, I must get Tyla to put a stop to this when she next reincarnates" He thought to himself mindlessly as he worked. Suddenly, his concentration was broken by an unprecedentedly massive mana event. It did not require Telus' perfect mana perception to notice this event, as even the least attuned of creatures could notice the raging whirlpool of mana that had began condensing at the centre of the continent.

Not wasting any time, Telus instantly teleported himself to the centre of the event. As he looked down at the epicentre, he noticed a familiar figure,

"Is that Tyla? What spell is she forming for her to require this much mana?" he thought. But before he could receive his answer, her spell had completed. The swirling streams of mana began forming many layers of intricate magic circles that spanned from the ground to the upper atmosphere, obstructing the sky for kilometres in every direction.

It was too late, despite his power being at the peak of the world, Telus could not reverse a spell formed with such an abundance of mana without a catastrophic backlash occurring.

"What have you done Tyla, you foolish child..." lamented Telus through gritted teeth. Deciphering the circles, he could discern that Tyla was attempting a universal scale spatial spell using soul magic as a basis. All Telus could do was contain the phenomena to minimise it's overall effect. On that day, two major events occurred. The hero of the world disappeared without a trace, and a soul from a foreign world took her place.


Roused from her emotional reverie, Adeline glared in the direction of the voice she had heard. Feeling aggravated by their condescending tone, she was prepared to give them a piece of her mind when she finally realized who, or what had just spoken to her. It was not a face she was familiar with, but in-front of her was a cherubic young boy with a fluffy golden bob. His face carried an innocent grin as he bemusedly watched Adeline's face.

Although her tears had finally ceased, the tracks staining her face and the rawness of her eyes remained as clear evidence of what she had just experienced. Having slightly cooled off, Adeline realised it would be improper of her to berate a child, regardless of how inhumane their words were, and so she decided to take a more mature route.

"Do y-ou... mind no-t enjoying my... gri-ef so mu-ch" she chastised to the best of her ability. While she wasn't entirely certain of the identity or the role of the child, she could easily deduce that he was in some way related to the administrator trial she had just taken and from his words it seemed that he was powerful enough to even directly interfere with her trial putting him at a power level even greater than that of the fairy matriarch. Still, how could she possibly bring herself to speak reverently to such a childish face?

"How interesting! To think that you'd chastise me as if I was a child, you truly are an enigma!" he replied, an amused glimmer registering in his eyes.

"But really, it's you who's being rather rude no? I DID just provide you the opportunity for a proper farewell with your family after all?" Telus continued, his tone remaining jovial. Adeline, however, did not fully trust his claim. Although she had clearly seen the nostalgic, a hint of doubt still remained within her on whether she truly reunited with her family rather than some illusion created by the trial.

"Oho, suspicious are we? Well, you're entirely justified in your concerns. But you must have noticed I'm sure, the change in the illusion? I used some of my power to briefly connect you to the subconsciousness of your family in their dreams so that you could give a formal farewell, take it as me taking pity on you," said Telus, seemingly answering her thoughts before she had the chance to vocalise them.

In truth, the trials experienced by each fairy are uniquely tailored to expose them to the full domain of their respective element. In Adeline's case, given her possession of the darkness element, she experienced the extents of darkness' materialisation and manipulation.

"Regardless, we should move on! you have completed the trial of darkness! you've experienced a significant portion of the utility of the darkness element, although the intricacies of each element are almost endless! Regardless, it's up to you to learn how to properly utilise your element," said Telus, subtly changing the subject.

"Dar-kness, huh..." mumbled Adeline. Although her understanding of the elements of this world was quite limited, the darkness element was seldom represented positively in any stories she had read on Earth. She felt quite conflicted by being associated to with such an 'evil' element, especially given the illusion she had experienced due to said element.

"Well, that's more that enough for this trial, good luck in this world! I'll keep an eye on you!" exclaimed Telus energetically. However, Unbeknown to Adeline, there was a dangerous glint that momentarily appeared in his eyes before disappearing again, leaving only his jovial expression.

Adeline's sight immediately began darkening as she seemed to pass out an disappear from the trial realm. Standing alone in the realm where he had just been conversing with Adeline, Telus wore a complex expression that bore no resemblance to his previous energetic persona.

"A foreign entity born to power, such a glitch could possibly become a risk for this world. I suppose I will have to eliminate her if she becomes too dangerous. It seems I must find a new champion..." He mumbled to himself before quickly disappearing without a trace.


Gradually opening her eyes once more, Adeline found herself standing once more in altar grounds, facing the grand stone pyramid.

"Adeline! you did it! I'm so happy for you!" shouted a familiar voice that seemed to be nearing her position. In a slightly drowsy daze, Adeline turned around to see Constance rushing towards her. A crushing embrace enveloped her as Constance entirely lifted Adeline's small body from the ground, spinning her around on the spot.

"Pl-ease st-op... I'm feel-ing sic-k," Adeline eeked out as she attempted to hold back her stomach contents that threatened to erupt from her throat.

"Sorry, sorry! I was a little too excited," said Constance, embarrassed, as she gently placed Adeline back on the ground. They soon began walking away from the altar, with Adeline giving out thanks to all the spectating fairies that offered their congratulations.

Taking one last look at the stone pyramid at the centre of the altar, Adeline thought back to what she had experienced in her trial. Although she experienced a great amount of anguish from what she saw, she also felt a sense of relief at finally giving her family real closure. Turning forward once more, a determined resolve shone in Adeline's eyes as she made her way to her new home.

Adeline's starting to accept her new world just a little more. I don't know if I love this chapter, but I've spent so much time on it that I feel I should just upload it. It's been a month since I uploaded a chapter and I'm quite disappointed in myself. Hopefully I can get back into it from this chapter. The portion at the beginning of this chapter begins during Adeline's trial, at around when she's exploring the house. I don't know if it's clear, but during her trial, Adeline's emotions are manipulated to an extreme level using darkness magic.

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