
Spinsters by choice: A bridgerton Fanfic!

[FL/ML + BL] Everyone who knows of her nature, is hooked on lady Danbury as she spins her masterful web of clever yet mostly well meant manipulation, making matches and changes here and there directly and indirectly and shaping society of London at her will. Although, her strong persona doesn't stop her from being a good friend as She is the loyal best friend of Violet Bridgerton, but Lady Danbury is also a friend of none other than her Majesty's Queen Charlotte. Which is why perhaps Lady Danbury is in shock as she finds out the queen has made a new secret friend whom she has been meeting with regularly, A new hidden persona that seems to interest Charlotte the most as of recent. After defying the request made by the queen in a letter she sent to Danbury, Agatha finally discovered the identity of the secret friend that turns out to be A spinster Lady in hiding from society. And although her fortune is outstanding, this lady's name is unknown despite that it has been years since she moved and settled in England. Apparently she hasn't attended any social event not even a ball, never married, and is the only surviving member of her family, She isn't a famous figure in the Tons as she came all the way from a different country and remained hidden, perhaps that's why Her name is unfamiliar to Agatha who knows almost every lord and lady there is to know. This Young Lady has been regularly visiting the queen when Lady Danbury is away busy working, but for reasons that only The new Lady and the queen might understand, Queen Charlotte started to favor the time she spends with this Mystical Lady rather than Lady Danbury herself. All of this intrigued Lady Danbury but perhaps the most striking fact about this secret friend is that other than her interest in being of assistance to the queen, she indulges in an unusual yet platonic relationship with her own manservant and Another mystery Lord, which is uncommon for a 30 years old spinster, especially one living willingly in seclusion from the rest of society. But the surprise doesn't end there as once her new friend is on her way back home, Queen Charlotte secretly Asks Lady Danbury to help her with a favor. She wishes for her young lady friend to find love, and she believes Lady Danbury can grant her that wish. So accepting the request, Agatha sets on a mission to bring romance to the life of the queen's new favorite spinster. But Lady Danbury has no idea yet who she is truly against, As this new woman with the help of her two gentlemen friends, is not an easy target to take down. Will Lady Agatha Danbury be able to complete her mission? And what's the story of the two gentlemen friends of the mystery woman she's meant to help her find love? [Fair Warning: Strong language, sexual themes, Traumatic experiences, offensive jokes and This is an LGBT inclusive story, so Happy pride month!] Note: While this is a Bridgerton fanfiction, It will mostly focus on original characters storyline, Actual Bridergton character will be used, but The main focus is not necessarily on them.] Btw, this is my first time writing a fanfiction, wish me luck dear readers!

QW_JiHi · TV
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66 Chs

She is the life of the party.

Today is the day, it has been a week since that dinner party has happened and The Vega manor has been buzzing with movement since early morning, as it was turn for Safa to host her own first party.

It was a small party by all means necessary, but everyone was working hard to make sure that the guests arriving this afternoon, will have a wonderful experience.

Not to mention, most servants were excited since there's rarely anything of importance happening in this household, And Safa is known for her generosity when she's impressed with Their work, most of them hoped for a reward of some sort, so they made sure everything was going to be perfect.

So while they worked really hard to impress her, "Spring is almost here..." Safa said as she gazed at the garden from the window of the drawing room.

"Spring is were most balls are hosted!... Oh how I wish I have attended the Featherington butterfly Ball!" Clara replied.

"I think I heard of that one, it is where lady whistledown was exposed by the queen?" Safa said.

"Oh yes! It was the talk of Mayfair and most London for quite some time...I heard James was invited but he declined the invitation." Clara replied.

Annoyed, "Maybe that idiot felt bad, being able to go to lavish Balls while his sister cleans at home." Safa said.

"Maybe...now that I think about it, James never hosted a ball... for obvious reasons, but he did attend few and it wasn't like he was going to take me with him like you said, after all who takes a maid with them?" Clara replied.

"So you must be excited for today's party."

"Oh absolutely!"

"I know it is not a lavish ball, so I hope you still enjoy it, but I assume you never attended any form parties either." Safa asked.

Smiling, "No I didn't...but it's alright, I'm about to attend my first party ever! I can't wait to see how this one goes...even though I'm really nervous." Clara said.

"By the way, I am glad you choose to continue living with me." Safa replied.

"Me too, I'm grateful that you decided to let me stay.

Besides this is James's punishment, he will have to endure this since I gave him another chance." Clara said giggling.

"I am proud of you, for not completely giving in to his demands, although I personally would have taken longer to forgive him in your position, I suppose we cannot deny that he is an idiot with a good heart.

Hopefully his relationship with Wolfgang would help him mature more, how can he be the oldest in our group but the manchild out of us?" Safa replied making Clara giggle more.

"Hehe! I must admit that I did forgive him early on due to Wolfgang.

I can't believe they're finally together!"

"Heh, right you like this sort of thing, You are so adorable that I seem to always forget your perversion."

Embarrassed, "Safa! Please stop calling me a degenerate in synonyms!" Clara replied.

"Degenerate or not, I am not one to judge...I believe we all have something deviant inside all of us." Safa said.

Curious, "Wait, does that include you too! Do you have a fetish of some sort?" Clara asked, but was surprised when Safa's seemingly blushed and was fumbling over her words.

"Well...I...umm...I do not think I can answer that question..."

"Oh my goodness Safa! You never struggled to answer before! It must be something insane!

Please tell me! I promise on my honor I won't judge!"

"Can you...keep a secret?"

"Of course! I promise you!"

"Then come here, I shall whisper it for you." Safa said and Clara came closer and leand in with her ear.

As Safa whispered to her, Clara's face turned fully red, and she quickly took a step back from surprise.

"Oh...wow...!" Clara said.

"Yes...wow indeed..." An embarrassed Safa replied.

Suddenly, Clara smirked, "Hehe I didn't take you for a naughty girl Safa."

"I am a spinster by choice, it does not always mean that I do not have desires, I just simply know how to control them." Safa replied.

"Most men won't be interested in your fantasy, I wonder if there's a man out there willing to try... would you marry such man if you knew he existed?" Clara asked.

"Hmm, that depends, but a man like that is as rare as a flying pig.

I doubt such man even exists." Safa replied.

"How did you even know you liked this sort of thing!"

"By complete chance...I suppose."

Clara's smirk grew wider, "I grew-up exposed to all sort of things and subjects, maybe that's why I am perverse like you say it, but you're a noble born, I know nobles shelter their little girls more than anyone eles does.

So why do You seem to know awfully a lot about sexual desires, is it a favorite topic of your to research?" She asked.

Flustered, "You really turn into James sometimes!" Safa replied.

"It's less shocking to think that since it turns out him and I share blood." Clara said.

"Maybe it is a good thing you are staying here now then, more of that lustful man's influence would only corrupt you further." Safa replied, "Ugh, now that I think about it, they are late, James and Wolfgang.

We have a party to host, where are they!" Safa asked.

"Who knows maybe as we speak Wolfgang is being corrupted by that lustful man you hate." A sly Clara mumbled underneath her breaths.

"I cannot hear your rambling Clara, but I know you must be imagining some indecent things, just remember, James is your brother."

"Relax Safa, I'm only imagining Wolfgang's side of the story."

"Is that supposed to make the situation better?"

"As long as you don't tell Wolfgang what I say about him."

"I suppose as long as you keep my secret, I shall keep yours." Safa replied.

"Yes! Now about the party...Are you really going to have a shooting contest? Can I try! I never shot a gun before but I hope you would teach me!" Clara asked.

"I can teach you if you really want to, as for The contest, it should be mainly me against future Lord Struat, but I am sure others would want to participate, so you can try your luck as long as you do not kill one of my guests accidentally." Safa replied.

"Yes! I'm so excited I can't wait until I meet that gentleman! The future Lord I mean, what was his name again?" Clara replied.

"Fabian Kainz..." Safa said.

Smiling, "Yes Fabian! I can't stop thinking about meeting him ever since you spoke of him.

Do you think he'll tell me about his travels? Is he really as handsome as you said? Do you think he will find me interesting?!" Clara began bombarding Safa with questions.

So Safa chuckled at her, "You are acting as if you are going to marry the guy as soon as you see him!

Take a deep breath darling, when he is here all you have to do is be yourself and remember to introduce yourself properly.

You are a lady now!" She replied.

As her smile faded, "Although this is going to be my first time introducing myself as James's sister...what if people shun me away because you know...

I mean everyone who knows the Teatons, thinks that James is an only child...how can I explain my origins?" Clara said.

"If a person is willing to judge you for something that is out of your control, such as your origins, then they do not deserve to be in your life, Clara.

Illegitimate or not, you are a beautiful respectable intelligent young lady, and you deserve love and respect as much as anyone else does in this world.

Your parentage should not define you as a person." Safa replied making Clara smile again.

"Yes! You're right!... although, one more question."


"I...Well, about Fabian.

I can't help but to feel nervous, about meeting an eligible bachelor.

I mean, I'm not really looking for marriage at the moment either, but judging everything you said about him, I feel like I might fall for him as soon as I meet him." Clara said while blushing.

"And where is the issue here?" Safa asked.

"I...well, you spoke about him a lot, everyday in fact.

You sang his praises all week, are you sure you don't have any feelings for Fabian? I mean he is your friend and you met him before I did...I just want to make sure...you wouldn't be bothered if I ended-up been charmed by him." Clara said.

Safa was taken by surprise with Clara's words, she found herself unable to respond right away.

Nervous, "I'm usually good at telling who likes who...Safa you've never shown this much interest in a man before..." Clara said.

Sighing, "I cannot answer your question Clara, however I just want you to know...I am more than happy to let you have Fabian if you end-up liking him, you deserve happiness with a man like him.

He is a good fella." Safa replied.


"I am sure he would be swoon by you the moment he meets you Clara, you are a woman many men dream of."

"And what about you Safa?"

"What about me darling?"

"Do you really prefer being a spinster over finding love?"

"My darling, love only makes you vulnerable.

I have enough vulnerabilities already, I cannot afford to gain more."

"But Safa, love can also be your strength!" Clara said, "I saw what love did to my family, I will not fall victim to it again!

I have not problem with you, James or Wolfgang pursuing love, but it is out of the question that I pursue it myself!" Safa replied firmly.


"No but no if...I chose peace of mind, I shall take responsibility for my actions."

Sighing in defeat, "I just wish you realize that you deserve love just like the rest of us." She said.

But Safa didn't respond, she just turned her head back to the window, trying to avoid being seeing by Clara as her eyes glistened with tears.

...An hour or so later...

The parlor or the drawing room, depends on how you call it, was now eerily silent.

Ever since their conversation ended earlier, Both Clara and Safa sat in silence, Denver has woke up by now and was in Clara's lap enjoying her petting him when all of the sudden, "Ladies! We have a surprise!" James said as he and Wolfgang came into the drawing room with a box in each man's arms.

Safa turned to look at the boys, "A surprise? Did you finally learn how to handle money without losing it?" She joked.

Unamused, "I said surprise not miracle!" James replied.

Happy to see his favorite human, Denver the dog jumped off Clara's lap and hurried with his little paws to greet Wolfgang with a bark, "Woof!"

"Good morning to you too Denver." Wolfgang replied.

When she noticed the boxes, Clara gasped, "Oh my god! Are these the gowns madam Delacroix made for us?!" She asked.

"Indeed, we picked them up for you." Wolfgang replied.

"You know what that means!" James said, "It's time for you ladies to doll up!"

"I can't wait to wear it!" Clara said rising from her seat, she went over to Safa and started pushing her chair.

"What are you doing?" Safa asked.

"Enough sulking, it's time for us to dress up and become The prettiest girls in the party! You can't let Mrs Bridgerton outshine you in your own house!" Clara replied happily.

"What are you rambling about?!"

Safa's question remained unanswered as Clara hurriedly wheeled her out of the room, giggling and laughing at Safa while the boys started at the girls in confusion.

Fun fact!: the term Party’ was first used for a social event, with food, drink and fun, in the early 18th century.

The earliest known use of the phrase “dinner party” was in Jane Austin’s novel Emma in 1816.

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