

Step into the world of horrifying and ghastly short stories. From werewolves howling in the depths of the night, to witches taking their frightful revenge; this book will leave you scared for the rest of your life. Go on, read it, only if you dare. Don't say I didn't warn you!

asmi_tyagi · Horror
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2 Chs


Once, there was a boy named Stephen. He was always scared of little things. Sometimes, he got scared by his baby sister.

One day, Stephen went to a graveyard about half a mile from his house. It was a dare given to him by his friend, Mary while they both were playing "dare and dare". Stephen always used to choose truth, so mary changed the game to "dare and dare" He walked slowly deeper into the depths of the graveyard. He accidentally stepped on something.

Stephen let out a huge cry before realizing that it was just a twig. He kept on walking and walking. His dare was to reach the end of the graveyard and come back. Of course, knowing Stephen, he would probably come back running.

He turned his head from side to side, looking out for any possible dangers. He didn't realize where he was going and stumbled upon a grave. It read in capital letters "DISTURB AT YOUR OWN RISK". Stephen got worried. He thought, "what if I've disturbed this person?" "Oh no!" he started to run out of the graveyard and towards his house when something grabbed his foot.

It was a hand. A zombie's hand. It pulled and pulled Stephen back into the graveyard. "NO! Stop! Let me go! "Stephen screamed. But it was too late now. The hand had taken Stephen to an old oak tree and made him sit under it.

He started feeling dizzy. He closed his eyes and started descending into the darkness. "No!" Stephen woke up with a jerk and was determined to get out of the haunted graveyard and go back home.

He kept pulling and tugging but because of a strange force, he couldn't set himself free. He heard a strange voice, just like a whisper. "don't try to escape, Stephen. Go to sleep forever.

Stephen relaxed a little bit. "Yes," he thought, "go to sleep forever."