
Spiderman Prime

Unknowingly entangled in a Great Web, a conservative Damien Dark living in Marvel dies from a suspicious spider bite, only for his life to be taken over by a less conservative Damien Dark. Follow Damien as he discovers and advances how to swing with magic, just so that he can protect his Life Force from Marvel’s gallery of rogues. This is fanfic is a what-if case on the first Spiderman's story - Earth-001 (Spiderman Prime). I own nothing but my character and plot.

SorcererPrime · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7. The Unlucky Spider Part 2


(Damien's POV)

[Still Earlier]

The taxi ride was paranormal. It felt both short, and eternally lasting as we kissed in the back seat with the cab's music almost at full volume, and the driver singing along to keep himself distracted.

However, despite the driver's visible discomfort, we still kept at it and enjoyed every lasting second of it until we made a stop.

After ejecting from the taxi and paying, the driver sped off into the night, leaving Jenny and I to laugh at how much nervous we had gotten him.

"Thought you had a nice place." Jenny pointed out as she looked at the less than visually appealing, towering apartment building behind us. 

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I reminded her.

"Come on. My apartment is only a few floors up." I beckoned for her to follow me.

Jenny and I got into the elevator, and as the door closed, the flame reignited, and once again, we got busy kissing as the couple behind us flinched.

I still felt the exact same way as I had, back in the joint, and with every tongue collision, that feeling only got reinforced, if not bigger.

I liked how it felt with her hands around my neck and how great it was for my fingers to dig into her ass cheeks and pull her closer to me in the process. 

From the elevator, Jenny popped the wine and we sensually integrated drinking to our elating, less than gentle, moment.

My hands found their way to lifting her thighs, alternately, every time we switched as to who's back would be pinned on the hall walls.

Sometimes there were slight chuckles as I delicately bit her neck, but most of the time it was the heavy breathing that made the moment as we yearned for more of each other's touch.

Opening the door to my apartment was a fascinating struggle in the heat of the moment, but I somehow managed, and we nearly broke the door as we crashed into the dimly lit living room as things got more intense than before.

I made the move to switch on the lights on as our bodies nearly stumbled through the furniture, but Jenny stopped me. 

"I like it better this way." She had said while proceeding to work miracles along my neck, ears and back to my lips as I lifted and supported her with both my hands.

I really didn't think we would make it to the bedroom with how fast everything was moving, but we somehow did, and she started ripping off my clothes viciously, starting with the belt.

Just like the living room, the bedroom was dimly lit from the uncovered window, and I could make out most of her features.

It was only after she started to unbutton my trousers that I remembered about the costume beneath. 

Deciding to stall, I effectively changed the focus by pinning her to the bed and kissing her while working my way to locate the zip on her dress.

I liked how she made soft moans with every kiss or pressure applied to her breasts, but mostly, I loved and enjoyed how she seemed to get completely lost in the moment.

I had unzipped her dress and had undone it almost halfway, revealing her bare breasts, when her senses seemed to kick back in, and she excused herself to freshen up.

"Where's the bathroom?" She had asked, and I had gestured to the narrow hallway, knowing she wouldn't miss it.

Immediately she was out of sight, I quickly removed my clothes and the costume underneath and did my best to conceal it inside the closet. 

After that, I fetched any glasses I could find, swiftly and stealthily, then poured out the wine in them before Jenny came back.

A bit self conscious, I had left a short and a t-shirt on, and I intended to deflect her attention by immediately engaging her with wine poured out in water glasses.

However, seeing her come back with absolutely no clothes on made me imagine that there was enough lighting in the room to make out her beauty without hindrance.

And the beauty I imagined was enough to stun me and make the wine on my hands to pour a bit from a nervous shiver.

"I- You look stunning." I reveled at the imagined perfection with a teenage-like stutter, while somehow managing to hand her the wine despite the stiffness in my body.

She took a sip of the wine, came closer to me and wrapped her free hand around my stiff back while all the while looking into my eyes as if checking the vibe.

"This is too good to be true." She said after the once dissolved tension rebuilt. "It's all so new and unnatural to me. Everything I'm feeling for you right now is really genuine."

"And it's all just getting started" I gloated as I too sipped and ran my hand along her gorgeous body while taking note of how goddess-like her curves felt.

"Yes." She agreed, with her voice taking on a strange raspiness. "This is going to be very delicious."

And that's basically when it all went to $#@#.

My spider sense went haywire. "Wait, what?" I exclaimed, suddenly realizing that this night might not end the way I hoped. Or it wasn't the way I had imagined it either!!



Have you ever gone from feeling like you're on cloud nine to crashing down to earth at Mach speed? That's basically what happened with my infatuation with Jenny.

All night long, there were signs I should have picked up on, but I was too caught up in Jenny's... uh, charms.

Every time my spider sense tingled, warning me of danger, my heart raced at record speed. But just as quickly as the adrenaline rushed in, something in the air would calm my nerves, and I'd miss the red flags waving right in front of me.

Instead, I'd mistake that experience for pleasure, thinking Jenny was the bee's knees.

Turns out, that tingling wasn't just my spider sense; it was my brain cells screaming for attention.

I should have known something was up when Jenny wanted to know if I had any dark or delicious secrets. But no, I just chalked it up to her being curious. 

Nope, it wasn't just curiosity. That was her sizing me up, preparing to pounce with whatever diabolical plan she had in store.

And don't even get me started on her pheromones. Those things could knock out an elephant. One whiff, and I was putty in her hands. Literally.

When she finally dropped the act and showed her true demon form, I did what any self-respecting wall-crawler would do: I flipped onto the ceiling to avoid getting skewered by her claws and tongue.

But honestly, I was kind of disappointed that a succubus would go straight to murdering me before... yk. Instant murdering shouldn't have even be on the menu. 

What was the deal with Jenny?

"I knew there was something special about you. I could smell your magic from miles away," Jenny purred, her demon eyes gleaming. "Your life force is positively scrumptious."

"Uh, thanks?" I stammered, trying to avoid becoming her next snack. 

"You still look beautiful by the way." I added quickly and lustfully, because my 'brain was not braining' to be spooked by her transformed appearance.

With my spider sense dulled, Jenny sort of had the upper hand, prancing on me more agilely.

With a flick of her tail, she snagged me like a bug in a web before I could escape to the living room, and pinned me to a spiderman poster on my wall.

"Just like a bug." I humored myself to avoid the intoxicating effect of the pheromones all around me. I finally understood why spiderman always made jokes while fighting.

However paradoxical this may sound: you had to stay distracted so you could focus on the matter at hand. And in my case, it was surviving the succubus trying to eat me alive.

"You know, for a second there, I thought I could resist the urge to drain you dry in an instant," she taunted as I struggled, her voice dripping with malice. "Thought I'd savor you slowly while you moaned on top of me. But you're too delicious for me to be that patient." 

"Could you maybe stop saying 'delicious'? It's kind of creeping me out," I said, desperately trying to fight off the intoxicating effects of her pheromones. "And don't get me started on why that's not my favorite sex position."

Thinking fast, I spun a web around her drooling tongue and bound her in a sticky, mystical cocoon before she could reel me in any further, and her grip on me loosened, allowing me to slip through. 

Then, I swiftly wove a web barrier around myself to block out those pesky pheromones that made me worship her.

"That should hold you for a bit," I said, breathing a sigh of relief as the fog in my brain began to clear. 

With Jenny struggling in my webs, the first thing I did was to snatch the costume in my closet and, without hesitation, smashed through my bedroom window and stuck to the exterior wall.

Before I could swing higher and further away, I heard a snarl that made me realize Jenny had broken free from my entanglement. 

Within seconds, she was viciously clawing her way to me like a hungry tiger.

Quickly, I swung away from the building with nothing but a short and a t-shirt on, while using the magical net around me to move further away in hopes of losing her tail, even for a second. 

It was a good thing that she couldn't swing or fly, but I didn't stop to consider any of her other abilities.

Several swings later, I was sure I was out of her sight, and I safely hanged in the air with a lucky web to compose myself and formulate an attack plan.

"She obviously drains people for a living, and it wouldn't be good to let her continue to do so freely." I reasoned while donning my suit. "I'm also sure that she'll never stop hunting me until she drains my life force."

"Really? What makes me so special?" With my suit on, I felt a change in the atmosphere. "Oh, right. I might have asked for this, subconsciously. Lack of a clear purpose and all."

"woohhfff.." I tingled as warmth crawled into my body. "I was freezing and I didn't seem to realize it."

"Come on Damien. You don't really think you can run away from me, do you." I heard Jenny's uncanny voice around me and autonomously swung further away while looking around in hopes of locating and countering her.

"We are practically soulmates. That means two souls entangled as one." Her voice was in the air taunting, but she was nowhere in sight. "Me absorbing that juicy life force of yours is an inevitable fate."

"Hiding in the shadows makes you look unbelieving of that 'fact'." I pointed out while swinging and looking around.

"Think again." My body tensed and shivered at her words, and I found myself spewing nonsense.

"Your eyes really pop with that crimson glow." I found myself mesmerized as Jenny mysteriously popped from directly above me, her body heavily crashing onto mine. "I love your magnificent horns and the intoxicating sme--."

Realizing the regrowing infatuation, I quickly webbed another barrier to hinder more of her pheromones that I guessed she had taken the time to secretly release before she could show herself.

The damned pheromones had managed to dull my senses again, but recuperation was in progress - so long as I remained unexposed to more.

"You're too un-fun for a succubus. I recommend a career change." I was honestly struggling with how tightly she was holding my body in place, and it was freaking me out.

She had her body seductively, yet firmly wrapped around me, but she didn't seem to contribute to keeping as aloft. All she did was lick my suit with her tongue while keeping my shoulders pinned with her strong, scaled hands.

The succubus had become surprisingly heavier, compared to the Jenny I had easily lifted earlier, and the added weight only became unbearable, such that I had to let go of the web-line suspending us.

As the both of us plummeted, with Jenny's gluttonous face drooling all over my mask, I couldn't help but think, "Of all the ways to go, why did it have to be because little Damien wanted to play?"

"You'll make quite a snack, Damien," the succubus driveled.

And for a moment, I was starting to think I would become succubus soup as her tongue started to tear through my suit in my chest area.

"If I'm being honest, I liked it better when Jenny said my name." I witted while running calculations as to how I'd survive falling on my back with a heavy succubus on top of me. "Her voice was a little less, raspy."

"Keep your opinions to yourself." The succubus said as I felt an unnatural hollowness originate in my chest area. "I'm only just beginning to feel the taste of your essence."

"This might be my favorite position but," I said as I shot two lucky webs (despite my restrained position) and miraculously used them to spin, causing my body to rotate and be on top of the succubus. "I wouldn't mind switching up for your maximum pleasure."

"This is your favorite when you're executing your evil missions, right?" I cornily added the subtle word play.

Perhaps there was some geometrical explanation to how I had switched our positions, but all I knew was that I was lucky it worked. 

Because, we were barely inches from crash-landing, and with how tough the pavement looked, I was pretty sure Jenny wouldn't appreciate my chauvinism. 

Sadly... the tables kinda turned on me within the last inch of impact.

And just as my face survived from kissing the pavement, I found myself cursing, "Teleportation be damned!"

The succubus had saved herself in the nick of time, and if not for the web lines I had cast from before, I would be considering more than a change of faces.

(To be continue-... Finished)