
Spiderman-Into The Dc Universe

David Parker, a young science nerd, is one day bitten by a radioactive spider while visiting star labs, and through it he becomes The Amazing Spider-Man! Don't forget the Hyphen.

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


David returned home after what felt like an eternity of a bus drive.

The moment he opened the door to the Parker house, his aunt and uncle immediately welcomed him home.

" Hey, David how... was school today?" Aunt May asked the boy.

David however, wasn't exactly feeling up to answering questions. He was feeling worse than he had ever felt before. Ever since he left the Lab, he's been sweating, experiencing nausea, and having headaches.

" David, you okay?" Uncle Ben asked.

" Yeah, I'm just feeling a little tired from the trip. I'm gonna go lie down for a little bit." David told the man. He walked up the stairs as fast as he could, the pounding feeling in his head growing more and more intense as time passed on.

When David reached his room, he shut and locked the door behind him, and just as he got settled in, he collapsed onto his bed. Grabbing the blankets, David wrapped himself up in the cover, while his body began pulsing and throbbing, as if David was having a seizure.

David's thrashing was violent, and when it finally did stop, it would have seemed the boy was gone. But in fact, he was going through a metamorphosis.


David slept the rest of the day and all through the night. Not moving, barely breathing, and sweating profusely as if he were in a desert. But it wasn't all for naught.

The next morning.

The sound of the alarm clock blaring to life awoke David from his slumber, and as he lie in bed still groggy from the intense night from before, David quickly slammed his hand down over the alarm clock.

He had intended to only shut the clock off, but instead, when his hand hit the button, he shattered the alarm clock entirely.

David rolled back over, once the noise stopped, but when he realized what he did. he exploded up straight to look at the damage.

" What? How did?" David looked at the shattered pieces of his clock and then at his own hand.

" David! Are you alright in there? I heard a loud bang." Aunt may asked through the door.

" Y-Yeah. Sorry Aunt May. I just fell." David lied.

" Well, hurry up, you're going to be late again." May told the boy.

" Oh crap!" Daivd shouted. He jumped out of bed and quickly stripped off his clothing from yesterday and ran to the bathroom. However, as he passed by his mirror, David stopped and frantically looked into the mirror, and boy he was ripped. " What the fu-" David was speechless.

He began examining his new body. His eyesight was better than before. He had a toned six pack, his muscles were larger, much larger than his normal toothpick arms. He looked like he was all-American wrestler.

" David are you alright in there?" May yelled out.

" Yeah!" David exclaimed. " I'm hot." David muttered.

" What was that?"

" Nothing! I'll be out in a minute." David exclaimed. He quickly hopped in the shower and when he went to turn the knob, he nearly pulled it off, breaking slightly at the top. " Oh shi-" David nearly cursed. He slowly started trying to turn what was left of the knob, without ripping it off.

He was glad when the water started coming out of the shower head.

As David was cleaning his body, he went to wash the back of his neck, his hand brushed over a small hairy object on the back of his neck.

" What the?" David muttered. He grabbed hold of the object and pulled it out in front of his face. It was a web and on the end of the web, crumbled up, was a small red and dark blue spider. It was an odd color for a spider, the blue was so dark that it appeared to be black. But in all honesty that didn't really matter at the moment, David was more worried about the fact he had a dead spider on his back.

David ignored the spider, pushing the thought to the back of his head and quickly finished showering, turning the shower off with the same ease and gentleness that he had used to turn it on. While David was getting dressed, he couldn't help but grow somewhat thankful of his clothing, seeing as how almost all of it was baggy, it would be weird if David showed up and was suddenly in shape.

Before leaving the room David took another look in his mirror.

" Looking good, Parker. Looking good." David couldn't help but be impressed by what he saw. He always had a problem with being confident in anything other than his brain. But this was definitely a major boost to his confidence period.

David slowly opened his door, fearing what using too much force would do to it, and ran out of his room. On the way down the stairs, he used the rail to steady himself as he jumped up and kicked off the wall in front of him spooking his aunt and uncle.

" Well, someone's in a good mood." Ben joked.

" Yeah, never felt better!" David exclaimed.

" Glad to hear it."

" I'll see you later!" David yelled as he ran out the door.

May stared at the boy as he left, feeling perplexed about what she just saw, while Ben just laughed.

" Ben?"

" Oh, relax. I told you, teenage hormones. They're all the rage these days." Ben told the woman.

" Right."


" Yo! David, how you feeling, man? You didn't look so good yesterday." Berto said to David as the two boys walked to Gym together.

" Yeah, man. Guess, I just had a stomach bug or something." David told the man. " So, what's up, man? Why are you coming to the gym?"

" Oh, because I got nothing else to do. Free period." Berto told the boy.

" I know that we have the same free period. I'm asking why you are coming to the gym? Specifically, the Gym... That you hate." David spoke.

" Non! Amigo, Berto love the gym."

" No he don't. What you talking bout foo?"

" Alright, look. The cheerleaders are practicing right now. I figured, I go look and spot the talent."

" Ohhhhh! Now, it makes sense." David joked.

" Aye! This guy with the jokes still. Come on, Davey.... Where's the love?" Berto asked.

David laughed along with Berto as the two boys walked into the Gym.

As soon as they walked in, Berto clapped his hands together like a maniac.

" Alright, you have fun taking pictures, I'm gonna go over there for a bit. Hey, Ladies!!!!"

David sighed and shook his head.

" Alright. Guess I should just get to work." David muttered.

Being part of the school paper, David was assigned with taking the pictures of the athletes, the cheerleaders, and those involved in any kind of scholastic event.

So, naturally he started taking pictures of the School's Basketball team, led by Flash Thompson, the average high school jock, narcissistic jerk, egotistical, maniacal, Bully.

" Hey Parker, get a load of this!" Flash yelled out. He was on the defensive, and as one of his teammates went for a layup, Flash jumped up and spiked the ball down onto the court hard, forcing it to bounce and knock over a can of paint being used by a female student named Missy kallenback, a student a grade below David and Flash, who was in the middle of making a sign.

" You did that on purpose Flash!" Missy yelled.

" No but I should have." Flash responded bitterly. " You better watch your back."

If there was one thing that was common amongst many of the students, it was their dislike for Flash and his goons.

David especially disliked the boy, as he had pretty much known him his whole life, living just a few streets over from him.

Seeing how frustrated she was, David stepped over and picked the can of paint up off the floor.

" Hey, sorry about that. You okay?" David asked the woman.

" Yeah, I'm just gonna-"

Before Missy could finish speaking, Flash smacked the ball down once again, this time purposely aiming for Missy and David.

This time however, David stuck his hand out just before the ball hit the two of them and caught it. The speed of which he moved, shocked Missy, just a little bit.

" Sorry about that. Reflexes." David joked. What in the world is happening? David asked himself.

" Hey parker, give it up!" Flash yelled to the boy.

David looked back at Flash and then back to Missy. And in that moment, David had a thought. " O- Oh, one sec." David muttered. " Hold this for me." David placed his camera in Missy's hands and walked to the center of the Gym. He looked at Flash and smiled. " Why don't you take it from me?"

Flash was caught off guard by David's suddenly brass.

" Go ahead, take it." David held his hand out towards Flash, and when the boy went to grab the ball, David quickly moved the ball behind his back and placed it in his other hand. Flash tried once again to take the ball, only for David to move the ball back to his other hand.

Feeling playful, David acted like he was gonna pass the ball around Flash's head, but instead he pulled the ball back, and as Flash turned around to look for the ball, David hit him in the back with it, getting a laugh out of the other students in the gym and making Flash look like a fool.

Feeling embarrassed, Flash went to grab the ball again, but this time, David swung at him with it, making Flash flinch.

David laughed at Flash.

" Alright, here. How about this." David placed one hand over his eye while holding the ball out for Flash. He even turned away from the boy.

But despite that, Flash couldn't move the ball at all, much to the dismay of his teammates.

" Come on, Flash, take it." David told the boy.

Seeing that he couldn't, Flash backed away.

David then started bouncing the ball, and Flash, taking that as a challenge, went into a rage.

" All right, come on, Parker. bring it!" Flash yelled.

David rushed Flash and knocked him off of his feet. He then jumped into the air and dunked the ball through the hoop with so much force he broke it.

" Puta Merda!" Berto exclaimed.

He, along with everyone else in the Gym, were in absolute shock at the sudden explosion of one of the basket ball boards.

Even David himself realized he might have made a mistake.


Ben was called to the school, where the principal explained to him what David had done, and the damages to the school's property, and when they left the office, Ben was less than pleased with David.

" Look, Uncle Ben, they aren't gonna make us pay for the backboard." David told the man.

" I don't care about the backboard. Is it true?" Ben asked the boy.

" What?"

" What I just heard in there just now. Did you humiliate that boy?" Ben asked.

" Yeah, I did. This guy almost hit me with a ball, I mean, Uncle, he's been bullying me and other kids for years. This was just..."

" A little get back? Revenge?" Ben spoke.

" Yeah."

" And you feel good about that? That make you feel better?"

David was speechless. He didn't know how to respond, or more likely, he was too embarrassed.

" Yeah, I thought so. Now, because of your little escapade, I had to change shifts to come here. So, you will have to pick up your aunt at Nine tonight. Understand? Is that understood?"

" Yes, sir."

" Good." Ben told the boy. He looked over David's shoulder as he was grilling the boy and smiled. " Hey, she looks familiar. That's the girl on your computer."

David shook his head no, but Ben wasn't gonna let it slide.

" He's got you on his computer! I'm his probation officer." Ben yelled to Mia.

" Okay! Uncle, pick up aunt may! Got it! You can go now." David told the man. He started pushing Ben away while also trying to hide his embarrassment.

David then let out a slight chuckle of embarrassment.

" Hey! He's quite the character, my uncle." David muttered.

" You have me on your computer?"

" Well, no... I mean, yeah. You see, I had the photos from yesterday, and he must have seen them while I was touching up stuff." David explained.

" You were touching up stuff?" Mia asked the boy.

David started sweating and laughed nervously. " Ohhhh, I'm... I don't think I'm gonna answer that." David muttered.

Mia was delighted. She even smiled at David as the boy started acting nervous.

" Did you get expelled?" She finally asked.

" No. I just got community service. Pick up some trash here and there. It's cool." David told the woman. " So.... Uhm.. you wanna, uh? You know?"

" You know?"

" Yeah, you know... Just uh? You get it, right?"

" Sure, I think."

" What I'm trying to say.... What I really mean is... Would you... Maybe like to..."

" Yeah, sure."

" Awesome, so, I'll see you later?"

" Yeah."

" Great, I'll see you tomorrow, we'll figure this all out. Right?"

" Right."

"All right! Okay! I'll see you later!" David's attitude quickly perked up. He quickly turned and walked away, but before he was out of ear shot, Mia could hear him shout. " Woohoo!!!!"


David was walking home, and along the way, he stopped and started looking at his hand. There was a funny feeling coming from it. And as he stood there looking at his fingers, tiny sharp blades began rising upwards. But more than that, he saw two tiny holes on the underside of his hand.

" Whoa." David muttered. David took a look around the street around him and then ducked into the nearby alley.

And then he started remembering everything he heard back at Star Labs, about the super spiders, and that got him thinking. So, in the spur of the moment, David reached out and stuck his hand to the wall and he slowly lifted himself up onto it, when he didn't fall, he placed the other even higher up and pulled himself upwards, and then again, and again, and again!

David looked down at the ground in excitement.

" WOOHOOOOO!" David started climbing up the wall as fast as he could. When he reached the top, he started running and even jumped over to the next building.

He was drunk with his newfound abilities. Like any teenage would be. Eventually, David came to a stop. There was a large gap between two buildings, and David doubted he could make the jump.

" I hope this works." David giggled. David stuck his hand and yelled. " GO WEB!" But nothing happened.

" FLY!"

" Up Up and away Web!"

" Shazam!"

" Go Web go!"

David started making all kinds of crazy shapes and signs with his hands to try and get a web to come out, even throwing up the devil horns.

But then he had an idea.

He turned his hand upside down and thrusted his wrist forward with his middle and ring finger pressed against his palm and miraculously a single strand of web fluid shot out of his wrist.

The first shot went sailing underneath a crane right in front of him.

David then tried again.

This time, it went over it.

David took a deep breath and then started eyeing the crane closely to try and get a read on the distance and the angle he would need to reach it.

It took him only seconds to get the math down in his mind, a testament to his own genius. And when he fired his third line of webbing, it connected and formed a solid line straight from his hand to the crane.

With the line of webbing taut in his hands, David took a deep breath and in a moment of either sheer bravery or sheer stupidity. " Last stop." He jumped off the side of the building. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" David yelled as he crossed the street towards the other building.

His initial scream was loud, but his problems were just beginning.

As he reached the other building, David found himself being carried by the momentum of the jump.

" Oh... Oh! AHHHHHHHHHH- Agh!" David ended up smacking face first into the billboard on top of the building and landing on his back on the hard roof.

As he lay there, David started groaning in pain.

" That was stupid." David muttered. " I think.... I think I'm gonna pick up Aunt May now." Daivd spoke. He slowly climbed up to his feet and walked towards the side of the building.


Later that night, David sat in his room alone, thinking about the possibilities that were opened to him. He had always admired the heroes. His favorites always included the likes of Flash, Superman, and Batman. Even Green Arrow and Black Canary were amongst his favorites, especially since the two of them operated in Seattle quite frequently.

David sat at his desk with a pencil and markers on one side and his notebook in front of him.

He was designing supersuits.

Some would call him a nerd, and some would call him a loser. But tonight, he didn't care.

There were many different suits and styles, but one theme they all had in common was the spider symbol on his chest, of course it took many different shapes, some stretched all the way around to his back, some flowed all over the costume, and some were fit with the confines of the chest.

A black suit with green eyes and green spider symbol.

All white with black eyes and a black spider symbol.

All black with a white spider symbol that wrapped around to the chest.

A suit with a black mask and black sleeves with the rest of the suit being red, with a black symbol.

An all red suit with golden eyes and a gold spider symbol.

An All red suit with a blue hoodie.

One of his favorites consisted of a dark blue with a large red spider symbol that worked around the whole suit, with a red mask. this one had two designs. One with a cape and one without a cape.

And his final suit was a special one indeed. David wanted to take inspiration from the spider that bit him. And that's what he did.

David ended up drawing a suit that was red up top. There was blue under his arms that led down the side of his torso, with blue pants and red boots. This design had a web shaped pattern sowed into the costume.

" Beautiful, isn't it?" David asked himself. " Hah, if only right?" As much as David wanted it, he knew in his mind it probably wasn't the smartest idea. " But maybe...."

David's mind began to wander when there came a sudden knock at his door. David quickly set his papers aside. " Come in!" David shouted.

The door started to jingle, and when it opened, Uncle Ben stepped inside. " Hey, David, we need to talk." Ben told the boy.

" About what?" David asked.

" About what's going on with you. What happened at school needs to be talked about properly."

" Uncle Ben."

" Listen to me, David. Okay? I get it. Now, I've been where you are, and I know you're going through some changes. I was there myself at one point."

" I don't think so, Uncle Ben."

" Trust me, David. I was."

" Uncle Ben, can we please not talk about this right now."

" I know it's uncomfortable, but what you did to that boy, David. It wasn't right."

" So, what? I'm supposed to just back down and let this guy beat me up?" David asked.

" No, don't let him beat you up. But you don't go looking for fights either, David. There was a saying your father used to say that if you had the ability to do some good, you were morally obligated to do so. With great power comes great responsibility, David. And what you did today, that wasn't responsible. It didn't make you a man. It didn't make you a big shot. It made you weak." Ben told the boy.

David's mood immediately soured.

Ever since he was a kid, his mom and dad had been hard subjects for David to talk about. And for Ben to throw this in his face, even if it was coming from a good heart, angered David.

" I'm not weak." David told his uncle.

" I'm not saying you are, David. I'm saying it looks weak. It makes you seem like the lesser of the bunch. "

" He was gonna hit that girl."

" But he didn't. You stopped him. That's good. But what did you do, David? Instead of simply giving the ball back and letting it go, you decided you wanted to take it to the next level. And you know better than that."

" Uncle Ben, can we please just drop it? I don't need you to lecture me about this."

" I'm not trying to lecture you, David. And I know I'm not your father." Ben spoke.

" Then stop acting like it! If this responsibility thing was such a big deal, then don't you think he should be the one here saying it?" David shouted.

" David."

" No, you know what? I can't do this right now." David exclaimed.

" David, where are you going?" Ben asked the boy.

" Out! I need some air!" David exclaimed. He walked past his uncle and down the stairs. He was so aggravated. He was having the time of his life, and his uncle just had to bring up the Flash incident again.

As David slammed the house door behind him, Aunt may, who was in the kitchen, looked up from the table.

" Ben? What happened?" May asked the man.

" Just got a little heated, May. I'll be right back." Ben told the woman. He grabbed his coat off the coat hangar and ran outside after David.


" Absolutely ridiculous, I finally fight back, and I'm the one at fault? What am I supposed to do? Just let him beat me up at every chance? That's stupid! I get beat up, everything's fine. I defend myself, and I'm the one to blame?" David muttered to himself.

David pushed open the door to the convenience store.

" Hey buddy, not so hard. Alright. I just got it replaced." The store owner said to David as he walked in.

" Sorry." David replied.

He browsed the convenience store looking for something to snack on, but eventually, he just settled on a bottle of milk.

David grabbed the bottle and placed it up front at the register.

" That's all."

" Alright. two dollars and seven cents." The owner told David.

David reached into his pocket and pulled out two dollars and five cents.

" Dang, I'm sorry, man, that's all I have." David told the man.

" Well, you're two cents short."

" I know, look, I forgot my wallet at home. Can you please just let me pay you back later or something?" David asked the man.

" Can't do that. You either got it, or ya don't. "

" Come on, man, please? It's just two cents."

" Look, kid! You either got it, or ya don't? Now, if it was an order of ten or more, then we may be able to work something out. But as it is, it ain't in my policy."

" Come on, man, it's two cents!"

" Do I need to call the cops?" The owner asked David.

David bit his tongue and grabbed his money. He wasn't in the mood for going to jail tonight.

" No, it's all good, man." David told the store owner. He started walking towards the door, but then he heard a loud noise behind him.

When he turned around, he watched a tall man with shades, shoulder-length black hair with a black goatee, knock over a rack of tickets.

When the owner bent down to grab them the man with the shades reached into the cash register and pulled out a wad of money, the man then turned to David and tossed him the milk before he ran out with six cans of beer he intended on stealing.

David, feeling angry with the owner, kept quiet and walked out, leaving the man.

But when the owner got back up, he saw the man was gone and so was his money.

" HEY! HEY, SOMEBODY, STOP THAT GUY!" The owner yelled out as he ran outside. " Hey, kid, a little help?" He turned to David and asked.

" Sorry, not my policy." David told the man. David then turned and started walking away.

" Somebody stop that man! Hey! Hey! Stop! Somebody stop that dude!"

David was fine with letting the man get robbed. After all, he had just been a complete and utter douce bag to him. So why would he stick his neck out to help him.

But then it hit his ears. The loud sound of a gunshot, and then silence.

David turned his attention back to the mugger and slowly started to walk his way over to where he saw a man lying down on the sidewalk.

A feeling of dread washed over David. The closer he got, the more familiar the man on the ground became.

" Uncle ben? Uncle Ben? UNCLE BEN?!" David shouted. " Oh god, Uncle Ben?"

" David?" Ben gasped.

" I'm here, Uncle Ben. Just hold on. SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

" David..." Tears began welling up in Ben's eyes.

" I love you, Uncle Ben." As Ben started to cry, the tears that David had been saving up suddenly started to flow forward.

" David."

" I'm so sorry, Uncle Ben. I'm sorry." David cried as he held onto his Uncle's hand.

It wasn't long until the paramedics arrived. But by then, it was already too late.

David already watched as Uncle Ben took his last breath.


Police officers had taken David home after the incident was reported, and there they showed the sketch of the man that David and the store owner had described to them to May. But she didn't recognize the man. When she failed to Id the suspect, the police officers there told the woman that the detectives would be looking into it and would see what they turned up.

She was understandably crushed. And so was David.

While the officers were on the way out, David stopped one.

" Excuse me, could I have that?" David asked as he pointed to the sketch of the criminal.

" Sure thing. But there's one more thing you need to know. The suspect has a star on his right hand." The officer explained.

" Thank you, officer."

" No problem, son."

David stared at the piece of paper with a burning hate in his chest. But what could he do now? Absolutely nothing.

David walked upstairs to his room and went to sleep. He was hoping that when he laid down and closed his eyes, he would suddenly wake up, and it would all have been a fever dream. That he would wake up, and Uncle Ben would be waiting on him downstairs. But that didn't happen.

Everything was real. All of it. The joy, the excitement, the pain, the misery.


The next day, when David woke up, it was like the weight of the world had been dropped on his shoulders.

David was sluggish, tired, anxious, nauseous, sad.

But his aunt wouldn't let him miss school because of it. So, David begrudgingly gathered his belongings and made his way to school, where that feeling of loathing only grew more.

David could feel the eyes of every single student bearing down on him as he made his way quietly through the school halls.

" Hey! David! Amigo." Roberto approached David, with a look of sadness in his own eyes. Roberto stopped and hugged his friend, but David didn't respond. Instead, he shook Roberto off and kept moving, leaving his friend behind to watch as he disappeared among the crowd.

Roberto wasn't the first to try and speak with David.

While David was gathering his books from his locker, Flash Thompson of all people called out to David.

" Yo, parker!"

" Not today, Flash."

" Hey, come on, man. I just wanna talk." Flash spoke. He patted David on his shoulder, and David exploded. He reached up and grabbed Flash, lifting him off the floor, and slammed him against the locker.

" That's it. Feels good, right?" Flash asked the boy. " I know your uncle died, man... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, man."

David felt an immediate punch to his stomach. Hearing Flash of all people trying to console him truly made David feel like a pathetic man.

" I'm sorry."

Hearing him apologize so often, David put Flash down gently. He then reached down and grabbed his backpack before scampering off into the hallway, where he ran into Mia.

The two stood in front of each other quietly for a moment, staring at each other, before Mia finally hugged the boy.

And for a moment, David felt like he could see the same kind of pain in her eyes that he saw in his when he first awoke.

As nice as the moment was, and as much as he might have wanted it to continue, David just couldn't find it in himself to be happy at the moment. David quickly broke the hug and continued walking on to his classes.


That entire school day seemed like a blur to David. One moment, he was in class, and the next he was home, standing over his aunt as she slept on the couch.

All the while, David had this burning feeling in his gut. A burning thought in his mind, tat if he could find this man. He'd bring him to justice.

And so, after tucking his aunt in and taking one more look at the sketch, David set out into the night.

He was on a hunt for justice... Or maybe it was for revenge. Either way, he was going to find whoever took his uncle's life.

David walked through the more colorful streets of Seattle, and eventually, as he was passing by a night club, he heard screaming and shouting, coming from the alley beside it.

There was a man pushing a woman against a wall.

" You're gonna do what the King says, understand?." the man shouted.

" Get off of me. Get your hands off!" The woman yelled.

" Stay away from Johnny!"

The man started getting more aggressive. He even grabbed the woman by her throat. It was at this point that David decided to step in.

" Hey!" David yelled. " HEY!" This time, he shouted much louder and got the attention of the man. " You like beating up girls? Beating up old men?"

" Okay, pal, just keep on walking, You're in the wrong place, buddy." The man told David.

" When was the last time you were in Downtown?" David asked as he approached the man.

The man didn't answer, and that angered David.

" I asked you a question, man." David pushed the man hard, nearly knocking him over.

The man didn't like that.

He pulled out a gun and pointed it in David's face for just a moment before David reached up and twisted the man's arm to the side, knocking the gun away.

" You gonna point a gun at me? Are you gonna kill me, too?" David punched the man in the face once, hard. He then did it again.

" Stop it!" the woman yelled at David.

David ignored the woman. He grabbed the man in front of him and tossed him into a nearby wall with force, and started punching him over and over again.

" Stop!"

This time, the woman's yelling drew the attention of some club mates, who, upon hearing the woman yell, came running outside.

" What the hell is going on?" One dude shouted.

Another one grabbed a baseball bat, and while David was hitting his friend, he smashed it into David's back.

Needless to say, things did not go well for these men after that.

David turned around, so blinded by sheer anger and hatred, and punched both men in their face, dropping them with ease. He then turned his attention to the rest of the men that came running out.

Now, David had never really been in a fight before. But right here and right now. It didn't matter.

David grabbed the man on the floor and tossed him into the group of men, knocking them all down.

He then turned and started running as fast as he could. He jumped up and hopped over the fence that was in front of him and continued running down the alleyway.

" Get him!" One man shouted.

The goons quickly got back to their feet and started chasing David.

They chased him all through the alleyway, swinging and shouting like a bunch of madmen, and eventually, they were able to catch up.

David, however, wasn't going to get caught that easily.

He turned around and used one of the many gangsters as a springboard to launch himself up to a fire escape above him and started climbing to the top of the building.

The Gangsters quickly changed course and started running through the building to catch up to him, and when David made it to the top, they met him there.

" Oh shit." David cursed. He turned and ran towards the edge of the building and jumped across it to the other roof, just as the man he had originally assaulted climbed up to it.

David looked the man in his eyes and nodded. " All right, come on."

" You little punk!" The man shouted and swung wildly at David. David dodged to the side and threw the man to the side, sending him over the edge.

David realized his mistake and leaped after the man, just barely catching him, before it was too late. He then grabbed his arm and pulled his sleeve back to look for the star... But it wasn't there.

Seeing that he had the wrong man, David slowly pulled the man back up and placed him on the ground.

" Oh yeah?" The man asked. " You little punk."

" Whatever." David told the man.

" Come on!" The man yelled at David.

David ignored him. However, if he wasn't the man he was looking for, then he had no more business with him. He had other things to do. More people to meet.

Unfortunately, as David was walking, he fell through the floor of the ceiling and smashed into a dusty old wrestling ring below.

" I know who you are! you hear me! I've seen your face!" David heard yelled down at him. He would react, but he was hurting from the fall.

" Owwww!" David groaned. " That wasn't a bright idea." David muttered. He started lifting himself up off the ground, but when he looked up, he saw something that piqued his interest. " He saw my face..... But what if they couldn't?" He asked himself.

David's mind went back to the drawings he made just last night and knew what he needed to do. If he was going to go on this mission, he needed to be able to do it without anyone knowing his identity.