
1.death and meeting

this day is anything but normal and why? do think is it normal to die at the hands of truck or wheels to be precise. {trucksama- feel worthy to die by my hands(wheels) mortal 😡😡😡😤😤} anyway did I introduced myself self if not it does not matter anymore.

let's start from the beginning........

I used to same as you find any normal person. Normal job, normal life with no love or girlfriend. It's not that I am complaining. I am happy with my life though it is lonely but who cares.

It was the same day when I was going from work to home. When I was at signal then I noticed Ad about "Avengers endgame." I have seen the movie, and it was quite good. But I think it could be better rather than full of tragedy and death.

when I was thinking that a truck suddenly loses control and speeding.

I was hit by it not because I was lazy to move or my body was weak. I saw a little girl in its path so I did the most obvious thing every mc does I started yelling " help"......Nah just kidding. I ran up to her and pushed her towards the safe zone. then I took the hit from the truck.

what happens next you know. a large and direct K.O. and man that hurt like hell. when I think I was dying I saw girls face crying on her mother's shoulder. I was satisfied with what I have done. letting my last breath pass I died without regret.

(flashback ends)

now I am currently standing in court like the room you know-how it looks like. sitting in front of me on a higher position an old man in his seventies I guess. he was looking at the documents in front of him carefully. after some time he stops looking papers and looks at me and says in a plain voice.

old man: you have died.

mc: ok........ so what's next?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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