
Spider-X Chapter 11

Opening scene Peter and Kitty are walking the streets of New York City. Kitty is leading Peter and the two are still holding hands. "Were almost their?" Kitty says looking back at Peter. Peter looks down at their hands and says "Are we going to hold hands the entire way".

"Oh, Sorry I just got excited," Kitty says letting go of Peter's hand. We both walk for a moment in silence and then I see a large building with what looks like French words written on the front sign. "Where here?" Kitty said proudly. I walked ahead and held open the door for Kitty "Thank you" Kitty said with a smile.

"Welcome Ghost," I say with an even bigger smile. We walk inside and wait for a minute before our names are called and we are seated by a server and both given a menu. I quickly look over it and the only thing on it I recognize is pasta

"Anything look good," Kitty asks.

"Everything looks fancy and expensive," I say back.

"Well yeah it's a fancy place," Kitty says back with a giggle. The waiter comes and takes both our orders I just ask for the pasta Kitty orders something I can't even pronounce and we both eat in silence for a minute. I can't think of anything to say I hope this doesn't make the whole date awkward.

"So this got weird" Kitty says

"Thank God you said it first I have no idea what to say or what I'm even doing," I say with relief.

"I know we talk all the time, but now that it's a date its super awkward with all this pressure," Kitty says. I'm relieved that we both got that off our chest and I muster up the courage to say "Is this your first date too".

"Yeah I've had crushes before but I've never been on an official date," Kitty says looking down at our meal.

"It's the same for me" I pause for a second and then say "Well look at that we have something in common". We both laugh and all the awkwardness of earlier just washes away. We finish our meal and the check comes. I go to grab it but Kitty gets it first.

"Ah, Shouldn't I pay," I asked rubbing the back of my head

"Nope, I'm the one who asked you out so I should pay," Kitty says proudly.

"But I'm the guy," I say weakly.

"And?" Kitty questions. "You being a guy doesn't mean anything plus I insist"

"How about a compromise you pay for dinner I'll pay for dessert," I say. Kitty nods and agrees and we both get a slice of cheesecake for dessert. After we're done eating and we pay Kitty takes us for a walk around the city. We pass by a street performer playing the violin, in the park, I give him some change and he tips his hat. I grab Kitty's hand and I just look at her as the sunsets just as I lean down to kiss her I hear an explosion in the distance.

"Goddamnit," I say with frustration. I look over and see a bank being robbed by the Shocker.

"Looks like we're going to get a post-dinner workout," Kitty said. I duck in an alleyway and reveal my Spider-man underneath my clothes and put on my mask. Kitty just changes her shoes to sneakers and puts on shorts underneath her dress. As shocker was causing mayhem and running away two giant bags full of money I web swing in and knock him on his ass.

"You want to come quietly or do we have to kick your ass a second time," Kitty says approaching him from behind.

"You two brats again why are you even here," Shocker said. I web his gauntlets again and pull them off him.

"Just give up Shockey," I say. As I say that I notice the gauntlets getting warmer in my hands and my spider-sense goes off. "Crap" I web up the gauntlets in a ball and throw them as high as I can in the air as I grab Kitty and put my body over her's. The gauntlets explode in the air and I look at Kitty and ask "Are you alright".

"Yeah though you didn't need to protect me with my power that explosion wouldn't have hurt me," Kitty says.

"Oh right," I say a little embarrassed. I look up and see the Shocker and the money he stole is gone. "Ready for a supervillain chase," I ask Kitty.

"Lead the way," Kitty said as she grabbed on my shoulder as I web swing in the direction the shocker went. He was easy to spot a guy in a bright yellow quilted body suit carrying two big bags of money. I land in front of him and let Kitty down. The shocker stares to back away and says

"Come on can't you just let me have this".

"No," I say as I tase him and see him go down on the ground.

"Ughhhhhhh" He groans.

"Wow is he still conscious," Kitty asks poking him on the ground. I pull Kitty back and tase him again this time I know he's out cold. I go to grab the money and see one bag is missing.

"Kitty where is the other bag". She just shrugs her shoulders when I see a girl with silver hair and cat ears on, top of her head, running off with the money down an alley. I web the shocker to the ground in case he regains conciseness and Kitty and I run after the woman. We follow her for a block before she turns down the corner and we lose sight of her.

"Where did she go," Kitty asks.

"I use my night and thermal vision on my mask to try and see her, but she's nowhere to be found it's like she disappeared. We walk back toward the shocker and leave the leftover money for the police to find before I web swing me and Kitty back to the mansion. As we walk up the steps to the front door I say "Sorry our date got ruined".

"Ruined what made you think this date got ruined," Kitty said raising her eyebrow.

"We had to stop it to fight the shocker and we lost some of the money to whoever that woman was," I say looking down. Kitty raises my head up and pulls up my mask and Kisses me. At first, I'm shocked but I lean into it and wrap my arms around her.

"The shocker didn't ruin our date if anything it was fun who else can say they arrested a criminal on their first date," Kitty says with a smile. "Plus this is the only date I've ever been on so I can honestly say this is the best date I've ever had". I pull up my mask all the way and just laugh.

"So I win by default," I say.

"Hey, a wins a win," Kitty says. Just as I was about to lean in and give Kitty another Kiss the front door opens and I see Bobby standing in the doorway smiling at both of us

"So I see your date went well want to tell me about it"

Suprise two chapters in two days you know the drill comment, rate, vote, and review.

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