
Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger

In a wild twist of fate, I, a random person from another universe, find myself transmigrated into the body of Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy's universe, Earth 65B. But there's a catch - this version of Peter Parker was destined to die, paving the way for Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider to fall in love with Miles Morales. Well, let me tell you, I'm not going down without a fight! First things first, death is not on my to-do list. Nope, not happening. Secondly, did I mention I refuse to die? Yeah, it's a firm no from me. Thirdly, you guessed it, I absolutely refuse to meet my untimely demise. P.S: Just to make things interesting, I am gonna put some dirt in everyone's eyes!! ~ I will be posting on RR as well.

_oinkchan · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Aunt May and Uncle Ben

Aunt May's excitement was palpable as she rushed past Peter, her focus solely on embracing the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl.

"Gwendolyn darling, we rushed as soon as we heard the news."

Gwen embraced Aunt May tightly, a wave of gratitude washing over her as she chortled.

"It means the world to see you May,"

Peter's lips twitched, a mixture of amusement and playful annoyance crossing his face at being seemingly ignored.

Uncle Ben, noticing Peter's reaction, stepped forward, removing his jacket and hanging it with a playful smirk. As he patted Peter on the shoulders, he jokingly whispered,

"Well, Peter, we are not backs. We are living, breathing humans."

Peter couldn't help but chuckle at Uncle Ben's dad joke. Aunt May finally released Gwen from her warm embrace, she turned to Peter with a radiant smile and stepped forward, her arms outstretched for a warm embrace.

"Peter, my dear, it's been too long, I hope you weren't eating Pizzas everyday."

Peter's eyes widened in sudden realization as if a distinct burning smell filled the air. He sniffed his nose profusely, a hint of panic creeping into his voice.

"Is something burning?" he exclaimed, his gaze darting around the room. "Oh my, did I leave the eggs on the pan and forget about them?"

Gwen and Aunt May exchanged amused glances, while Uncle Ben chuckled heartily. Gwen quickly stood up and rushed towards the kitchen, a sly smile forming on her face.

"Don't worry, Peter, I'll check on the eggs.

Peter gulped nervously, glancing at Aunt May with a sheepish expression as he stammered.

"Uh... I promise I've been trying to eat healthier,".

He continued as May's gaze sharpened with each passing second.

"Although, I must admit, I may have indulged in a few pizzas here and there. But hey, pineapples on pizza should count as healthy, right?"

Aunt May raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, Peter, you and your pizza obsession," she chuckled. "Well, as long as you balance it with some nutritious meals, I suppose we can let it slide."

Peter let out a sigh of relief, a small grin forming on his face. "Thanks, Aunt May," he replied. "I'll make sure to incorporate more vegetables into my diet from now on."

Uncle Ben, joining in on the conversation, added with a chuckle,

"Remember, Peter, with great taste comes great responsibility."

Laughter filled the room as they shared this lighthearted moment. In the midst of their playful banter, Peter felt a sense of warmth and acceptance.

In his past life, Gehrman Sparrow was a lonely soul. Tragedy struck early on, with the loss of his mother during childbirth and his father's battle with cancer during his pre-teenage years.

Growing up without the support and love that a family provides, Gehrman learned to rely solely on himself.

The mask he wore became his shield, a defense mechanism to protect himself from further pain and disappointment. Yet, deep down, he longed for the warmth and connection that only a loving family could provide.

As the aroma of newly cracked eggs wafted in the air, Gwen returned from the kitchen with a playful smile.

"Don't worry, Peter, the eggs were just a little overcooked,"

Peter let out a nervous laugh and shook his head as Uncle Ben cast a deep gaze upon the two teenagers.

"I'm glad you stayed with Peter, Gwendolyn," Uncle Ben said warmly. "You shouldn't be alone during these challenging times. Our door is always open to you."

Gwen nodded, a little emotional and taken by gratitude. Right at that moment, May's eyebrows raised slightly as she spoke.

"I've been meaning to ask you for a while, Peter. Why are you half-naked?"

Her gaze then shifted toward Gwen, lingering on her pink pajamas, and then moved to the red spots on Peter's back that now looked less like burn marks and more like hickeys.

A mischievous smile formed on her face as she had an epiphany. She let out a small "Oh" and couldn't resist stealing playful glances at the two teenagers, particularly Gwen, who couldn't help but blush.

Uncle Ben chuckled as he brought a few bags into the apartment. He gazed at the three of them and spoke with a hint of mischief.

"Shall we embark on the grand adventure of unraveling all the souvenirs from Japan?" he asked as he then said in a profound voice. "I hope they're not too soy-venirs, or we might have a miso-rible time!"

Peter and Gwen couldn't help but exchange smiles and then turn their gaze toward Uncle Ben. Aunt May observed their interactions with a light smile on her face as she spoke sarcastically.

"I had the pleasure of hearing these puns the entire time we were in Japan,"

Aunt May then remarked, her voice laced with amusement.

"They were truly 'souper' entertaining!"

Peter couldn't help but almost facepalm, realizing that Aunt May had been infected by Ben's contagious dad joke virus.

On the other hand, Ben's eyes sparkled with excitement as he began unpacking the multitude of souvenirs.

There was an abundance of them, ranging from traditional clothing like Kimonos and Yukatas, to delicate Matcha Green Tea and Japanese Handheld Sensu Fans. The collection also included exquisite Traditional Crafts, mouthwatering Japanese Snacks, captivating Traditional Masks, elegant Chopsticks and Tableware, as well as artistic Stationery and Calligraphy Supplies...

... and last but not least... Hello Kitty.

"This one is for you, Peter. This one is for Gwen... oh this one is mine!"

Peter's gaze lingered on the navy blue kimono and pure white yukata that he had been given. He glanced at Gwen, noticing her own kimono with delicate flower patterns, one in white and the other in a charming violet hue.

'I wanna see her wear that... right, fucking... now!'

Gwen's eyes sparkled with excitement as she ran her fingers over the silky material of the kimono and yukata, reveling in their smoothness. She couldn't help but appreciate the intricate patterns adorning the fabric as she sized them up, imagining how they would look when she wore them.

Suddenly, Gwen turned around, a flash in her eyes, as if remembering something. Her fingers discreetly slipped under the cloth of the kimono, and she leaned in closer to Peter, whispering to him.

"I forgot to ask you... did you happen to change my clothes last night?"

Peter held a traditional fox mask in his hands as he leaned closer to Gwen, whispering into her ear.

"I made sure not to avert my gaze, ensuring utmost gallantry in the face of temptation."

Peter paused for a moment before adding with a playful wink,

"See? Chivalry isn't dead yet..."


A/N: Man... This week hasn't gone well. First, the puking, and now Stomach Flu + Food poisoning + High Fever.

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