
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 29

The two of them left the train carriage.

As they were about to jump, Mark held onto Miles.

Then, he raised his wrist, revealing a communicator on top.

With a light tap, the communicator displayed the hologram of Prowler.

This was the "device" he had just discovered installed in this suit.

Due to the nearby spatial turbulence, Prowler's figure flickered, and his voice was intermittent, but they could still understand what he was saying.

Prowler said, "I've found the green button. Should I press it now?"

Mark looked at Miles.

Miles nodded.

"Uncle, press it quickly!" Miles urged.

Mark: ?

Although Kingpin was unconscious, this kid is way too straightforward.

It's like he's practically written his true identity on his face!

Mark felt somewhat speechless.

However, Miles seemed oblivious to this.

Seeing Miles nodding repeatedly, Prowler forcefully pressed the green button beside him.

In an instant, the connection between the liquid helium transfer system and the particle collider and accelerator was severed.

The particle collider's superconducting magnet, already in a critically unstable state due to overload, was instantly destroyed by high temperature.

The outpouring particle stream formed a reverse flow, sucking things from the outside and returning them to where they belonged in other universes.

The chaotic buildings that were floating in this space disappeared one after another.

Mark and Miles, who were on their way, were almost swept into the collider by the strong wind.

Fortunately, both of them reacted quickly and shot out web threads, then firmly stuck to the walls, barely able to resist the powerful wind.

As the strong wind gradually subsided, the interior of the collider was already a mess, and its original appearance was no longer recognizable.

"Phew..." Miles let out a long sigh, "That was too dangerous. I didn't expect that destroying the collider would lead to such an event."

Mark nodded in agreement, "Indeed, if we hadn't reacted in time, we would have been pulled in."

"But," Miles suddenly noticed a problem.

He looked at Mark's hands and feet sticking to the metal wall, puzzled, "What about Kingpin?"

He remembered that Mark had immobilized Kingpin with web threads, wrapping him up, and then carried him in his hands.

Mark also looked at his own hands and then asked, "Where's Kingpin?"

Then, both of them turned their heads together and looked at the collider port on the side closest to them.

"Oh shit!!"

Mark tried hard to remember the moment when the strong wind swept through. He happened to be in the air at that time. Feeling a bit panicked, he instinctively extended both hands to find a stable spot nearby.

And at that moment, he was holding Kingpin in his hands.

So, if nothing unexpected happened, Kingpin should be...

Miles stared blankly at the particle port, remaining silent, and it was unclear what he was thinking.

Perhaps he was relieved?

He no longer had to make a choice between killing Kingpin to protect his family or sparing him and abiding by the law.

Regardless, at this moment, Miles indeed felt a tinge of relief deep down.

On the other hand, Mark quickly recovered.

In theory, killing someone for the first time should have made him nervous, guilty or some other things that people always says.

But strangely, he wasn't.

Perhaps he was influenced by Noir? Kingpin was an outright villain, so Mark didn't feel guilty about killing him.

Or perhaps it was because Kingpin didn't die directly at Mark's hands.

In a sense, Kingpin "died by suicide."

After all, the particle collider belonged to him, and it was the collider that killed Kingpin.

"Cough," Mark cleared his throat and said, "Let's get out of here. I believe there might be another explosion."

Although the particle collider lost its ability to confine the particle stream due to the strong magnetic field entering a high-temperature state, it was still operational.

It just didn't have anything left to produce.

Not only did it stop production, but it also "swallowed" a lot of things.

The more advanced the technology, the more precise it is.

With the particle collider swallowing such a chaotic mix of objects, it was bound to cause immeasurable damage to its internal structure.

So, an explosion was almost inevitable.

"Alright." Miles didn't think too much like Mark did. He hadn't paid much attention to the information that Penny had studied, but after a series of events, he had already developed complete trust in Mark.

With nothing obstructing them, they quickly found Miles' uncle - "The Prowler" Aaron Davis.

Aaron Davis seemed somewhat disappointed when he saw the two of them empty-handed. He thought they hadn't captured Kingpin.

In his mind, he had already started planning for Kingpin's other hideouts, preparing to fight to the death. Whether he died or Kingpin died, at least his brother's family would be safe.

Luckily, Mark noticed his subtle reaction and understood his thoughts.

So, he pointed to the distant accelerator particle port and said, "When we shut down the collider just now, Kingpin got sucked into the accelerator. It looks like you don't have to worry about his retaliation anymore."

Aaron Davis was slightly stunned, but then an expression of surprise and joy appeared visibly on his face.

"Is that true? That's great." Aaron Davis cheered subconsciously, but immediately realized that being so happy about someone's death in front of his nephew might not be a good example for the child's upbringing.

He coughed lightly to conceal his embarrassment and said, "Ahem, I mean, it's such a pity. Originally, I wanted to defeat him and hand him over to the police for proper handling."

Mark rolled his eyes.

Who would believe your words?

Even Miles couldn't help but facepalm at his uncle's poor acting skills.

After that, the three of them quickly moved past this little incident.

Aaron Davis left first to return to his residence and pack up his things. Even though he had separated himself from Kingpin's underground organization, he had indeed worked for him in the past.

While Kingpin was alive, that might have fine.

But now that he was dead, there was no guarantee that others wouldn't trace it back to him through some evidence.

There were quite a few people within Kingpin's group who knew his true identity!

So, he had to go back immediately and destroy some things.

Once Aaron Davis left, Mark and Miles quietly emerged from the underground under the cover of the night.


A/N: Here's our bonus chap. Enjoy!

If you're still hungry for more, then check out our pătreon!

Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.