
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 115

Gwen Stacy rolled her eyes at her boyfriend.

The evil Andrew Spider opened his eyes when they came in, but just looked at them quietly.

Maybe he was surprised.

It was clear that he had severely injured his other adult self before, so why didn't he come to trouble him after he recovered?

He was even more surprised when he heard that the adult Andrew Spider had come up with such a treatment plan specifically to save Harry Osborn, who had killed Gwen.

"Why? Have you forgotten your Gwen?" The evil ghost Andrew Spider suddenly said.

The adult Andrew Spider didn't even look at him, and said calmly: "People can't live with hatred all the time."

"Hoo—" Ghostly Adult Andrew Spider-Man exhaled deeply. It wasn't clear if he was suppressing his anger or feeling something else, but his emotions seemed complex.

However, he didn't speak again.

At this moment, Mark walked up to Doctor Octopus. "Dr. Octavius, have you considered it?"

Doctor Octopus took off his sunglasses and looked at Mark, saying, "You already have another version of me from a different world. Why do you need me?"

Mark smiled lightly and replied, "I just don't want a star with wisdom beyond its time to fall so easily, carrying regrets. Isn't that regrettable?"

Doctor Octopus silently stared at Mark, as if trying to discern something from his face. But Mark just stood there, saying nothing, with a faint smile on his face.

Afterward, he raised his gaze and looked at Middle-aged Tobey Spider-Man.

Middle-aged Tobey Spider-Man nodded, casting an encouraging look at him.

"Alright, but when I go back, I hope you can come to rescue me as soon as possible. Otherwise, this rising star will truly fall," Doctor Octopus finally made up his mind.

Mark shook his head slightly. "No need for that."

He extended his hand, pressed it against the magical barrier, and with a slight force, the magical barrier disappeared into scattered starlight.

The complexity of this barrier wasn't sophisticated, and he could freely move within it. Naturally, he had a way to dispel it.

Then, in Doctor Octopus's somewhat astonished eyes, Mark flashed behind him and pressed a chip on the back of Doctor Octopus's head.

It was a neural repair chip made using nanotechnology, capable of not only replacing the damaged chip on Doctor Octopus's mechanical tentacle but also possessing self-repairing capabilities.

This meant that even if he were attacked again and inadvertently damaged the control chip, the chip wouldn't be permanently damaged.

From now on, Doctor Octopus could maintain a clear state of mind.

And in this state, he could stand as the top nuclear physicist at the pinnacle of the era.

Mark made two of these repair chips using the machine that Spider-Tom had. In reality, it was a simple circuit component with no significant technological complexity.

"Dr. Octopus, welcome back," Mark walked up to Doctor Octopus, or rather, he should be called Dr. Octavius now because he was no longer under the influence of the mechanical tentacles.

"The world is surprisingly quiet," Dr. Octavius closed his eyes, savoring the long-lost tranquility.

During the period when he was influenced by the mechanical tentacles, strange voices often sounded in his mind, constantly influencing and tempting his emotions.

But now, they were all gone.

He opened his eyes, looked at the young man standing in front of him, and sincerely expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Mark."

"And you, Peter," Doctor Octopus's gaze went beyond Mark, landing on Middle-aged Tobey Spider-Man, "Peter, you've grown up."

This time, his tone was even gentler, tinged with satisfaction.

Middle-aged Tobey Spider-Man smiled, stroking his beard, "Yes, Doctor. In fact, I have a child now."

"Is it Mary Jane's?" Doctor Octopus asked with a smile.

Middle-aged Tobey Spider-Man nodded, "Yes, she's a lovely girl."

"That's wonderful," Doctor Octopus smiled kindly.

Mark reached out, pressing his hand on Doctor Octopus's shoulder, "Do you have any attachments to that world?"

Doctor Octopus didn't quite understand, but nodded.

Mark nodded slightly and then withdrew his hand, "Then, don't go back."

"Hmm?" Doctor Octopus didn't quite understand Mark's meaning.

Mark didn't explain; anyway, he would understand soon.

As for the remaining people, he didn't pay attention to their intentions. Lizard Doctor wouldn't die when he returned to his world, at most, he would be defeated and then incarcerated. The Vulture might pose some trouble due to discrepancies between his world and the original plot, but the Spider-Tom there should handle it.

As for Evil Adult Andrew Spider-Man, judging from the current situation, it seemed like he had been healed by Gwen Stacy?

But Mark wasn't planning to interfere with him anyway.

Although Evil Andrew Spider-Man had committed many wrongs and was an anti-hero, he also had his uses. For example, in the future battle against the Inheritors, as most Spider-Men held a moral stance of "not killing," they only banished the family to a wasteland world filled with nuclear radiation (the weakness of the Inheritor Family).

However, this indirectly led to the Inheritor Family's comeback.

Spider-Noir and British Spider-Man were among the first casualties when the Inheritor Family returned.

Mark didn't want to witness that.

So, he hoped there would be a few individuals as "ruthless" as him in the fight against the Inheritor Family, eliminating them directly and not giving them any chance of a comeback!

Evil Andrew Spider-Man seemed like a good choice.

Moreover, after psychological treatment by Gwen Stacy, his current condition had indeed improved a lot. Perhaps, for the people of that world, this was a stroke of luck.

At this moment, Doctor Strange walked over, holding the Kadavus box in his hand. Judging by his appearance, he had already adjusted the magic.

"Are you ready?" Doctor Strange asked.

"Let's call little Peter over too; his treatment should be finished by now," Mark spoke up.

Doctor Strange made a portal expressionlessly. (A/N: Blud's tired with all the bs, lol)


A figure suddenly rushed in from the circle.

Just as he was about to crash into the wall, Mark flashed in front of him and caught him.

"What are you doing? Practicing frog jumps?" Mark quipped.

The guy in his hands was none other than Spider-Tom.

Spider-Tom stood on the ground, awkwardly scratching his head, "I thought you might leave at any time, so I came to see you off."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Turns out, he was rushing here just now, and Doctor Strange happened to open the portal in front of him.

Swish swish!

MJ and Ned were also conveniently grabbed by Doctor Strange.

So, the group gathered here once again.

Doctor Strange glanced around casually, then decisively pressed the button on the Kadavus.


Lizard Doctor, Vulture and Rhino disappeared in sequence.

"Young me, you must find a way to cure Harry after going back!" Adult Andrew Spider-Man waved and then gave Mark a tight hug, "And, thank you, buddy. I'll remember you, thanks."

Young Spider-Andrew held Gwen Stacy's hand, saying, "Don't worry, I'll definitely cure him!"

Mark, with a bit of disdain, pushed away Adult Andrew Spider-Man, "My girlfriend is watching, don't hug so tight."


Middle-aged Tobey Spider-Man also bid farewell to Spider-Tom, Adult Andrew Spider-Man, Mark, and others one by one, "Goodbye, everyone. It's been a great journey."

"I'm not as optimistic as you. If I go back, my world will still be shrouded in the shadow of my Hell Legion." Evil Andrew Spider-Man crossed his hands over his chest, cold and ruthless.

Mark looked at him, saying, "Maybe one day, I'll visit your world."

Evil Andrew Spider-Man didn't respond, closed his eyes, and in the next moment, he disappeared on the spot.

Apart from that, Eddie Brock was indulging in a feast at a restaurant in the distance.

"Why eat here? Isn't it better to go out and have fun? There are so many exciting things in this world! Like that Spider-Man called Mark, he's too powerful; I really want to get close and absorb him!" The Venom in Eddie Brock's mind alternated between shouting and speaking nervously.

Eddie Brock sneered, "Do you think I'm stupid? There are sorcerers here. Have you seen that sorcerer? Whoosh, he could just grab us in an instant! Stop daydreaming! You big idiot!"

"You're the big idiot because your name is Eddie!" Venom responded with friendly greetings.

"Wow, it seems like we're leaving?" Eddie Brock, about to retort, immediately felt the change in his body.

He quickly picked up the steak just served on the table and took a big bite.

Then, thud!

The steak fell on the table.

"Someone's skipping the bill! Catch them!"

After all the visitors from other universes had returned, in the basement of the Sanctum, only Mark, Spider-Gwen, Doctor Strange, Andrew Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy, Otto Octavius, Max, Spider-Tom, MJ, and Ned remained.

Doctor Octopus looked at the empty magic cells, then glanced at his own hands, finally understanding what Mark had just done to him.

"How did you do that?" Doctor Octopus's eyes gleamed.

"This is my ability; maybe we can study it in the future," Mark casually extended an invitation to Doctor Octopus.

Actually, it wasn't just a casual invitation. Doctor Octopus, the typical good guy, was a genuine mentor and friend.

So, if Mark wanted to study his own ability in the future, Doctor Octopus would undoubtedly be a priority.

Doctor Octopus understood Mark's intention and silently took note of it.

"Alright, now let's talk about our plan." Mark redirected the discussion.

Then, he reiterated the plan he had discussed with Doctor Strange, mainly addressing Spider-Tom, Ned, and MJ.

"How about it, Little Peter? The final decision on this matter still depends on you." Mark looked at Spider-Tom and said. (He's being called little Peter because he's the youngest Peter here.)

Spider-Tom began to contemplate.

The hidden unpleasantness behind what Mark had just analyzed for him was something he hadn't considered before.

At this moment, the image of his "godfather" Tony Stark before his death involuntarily surfaced in his mind:

He snatched the six Infinity Stones from Thanos's hand, knowing he would die, and resolutely snapped his fingers.

Because he was Iron Man!

And he is the inheritor of the will of Iron Man!


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