

A high school student gets into an accident that changes his life for the better or worse. This is my first fic so I would love it if the readers would leave some advice and criticism. Also English isn't my first language. First Person POV Multi POV /Note: I don't own the rights to the picture and to the characters used in this fic beside the OC

Mixren · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Detective Parker

Hello readers, as English isn't my first language, it may contain many grammar issues. That's why I will be using Grammarly. The sponsor of today's vid... 

Still, if you find any incorrect grammar or punctuation inside this fanfic, it would be awesome if you would write a correction in the paragraph comments.

'...' : thought

"..." : talking

/...\ : something is written

[...]: place/time

{...} : talking per phone/PC/tv

>...< : sound

(...) : the all mighty me ᕕ( ಠ‿ಠ)ᕗ

Without further ado, let's begin the Story!


Time after the Queensboro bridge incident: 2 Week 4 Days 6am

Day: Monday (Gonna add that from now on)


[6am | Parker House | Peter's POV]

"What to do?" I asked myself, looking at the map again.

'Should I go there?' I thought, trying to think of a way to deal with this issue fast.

'I don't have my powers. Spider-Man doesn't exist anymore!' I answer my question.

"To the police again?" This time, I asked myself out loud.

'This Web-Murder is dangerous. The officers could die.' I concluded again while shaking my head.

'I could go! Not as Spider-Man that is, but as Peter! Friend of David Ken Thompson! Wouldn't be suspicious either.' I finalize, ending my thought process.

I go to my closet and take out my jacket, gloves, scarf, beanie, rope made out of my T-shirts, and detective kit, which my uncle bought me when I was 8 years old, Before going to the window, looking out of it.

'Never noticed this was so high!' I screamed in my head, knowing that without my powers, a fall from this height would seriously hurt me.

I climbed onto the roof before my window, sitting down while holding the window frame. I slowly let go of it and crawl to the edge of the roof, looking down at what is to come.

I slowly let the rope, which I bound to the detective kit, down, not wanting to break anything inside, after which I begin to turn around, readying myself to hang on the edge. 

"Calm down. You have done this a thousand times already." I said to myself, trying to calm my nerves, obviously failing.


Letting myself fall, I make a thud sound as I land on the ground on my butt.

'That hurt more than I thought it would!' I exclaim in my head while I start walking away from our house to not let Aunt May see me.


[One taxi drive later]

"How can I be this stupid!" >sigh< I yelled while exhaling, thinking about my idiocy of forgetting it was a crime scene.

'Welp, let's try my luck!' I thought as I put down the detective kit and started making my way around the house, trying to find the one place where you could go through the hedges.

'there it is!' I thought, feeling how my hand had sunken into the hedge. 

>rustle< >rustle<

As I slowly made my way through the hedge, I tried to make as little noise as possible. But still, some rustling sound escaped it on my way in.

'Finally!' I thought as I took some leaves out of my mouth and straightened my glasses.

I rush to the bench as I see a camera filming the backyard.

'Since when did they have these?' I asked myself, picking up a stone.

>swoosh< >crash<

 After throwing the stone against the security camera, I started to run to the Garden door while crouching down. Afterward, I looked at the broken camera and took a short look inside the house, only to see more cameras with the same logo on them.

(picture here:) 

'Wait! How isn't there any video recording if there are so many cameras in the house?' I thought after counting all the cameras I could see. 

'Unless...' "I was framed!" I mumbled to myself with a lot of surprise in my voice. 

>blitz< >blitz< >...<

 I took out my Starkphone so that I could take a picture only to be caught in surprise, when my phone started to take a blitz-photos, making me drop it.

 >blitz< >blitz< >...<

"Nononono! How do I turn it off?!" I question myself, trying to keep my freak out as quiet as I can.

"Phew" I breathed out in relief after making my phone stop and started looking at the pictures.

"Cough" Hearing a cough behind me I slowly turned around and saw a police officer with short hair and a chubby face looking at me.

(picture here:)

"What are you doing here boy?" He asked slowly looking me up and down.

"I eehmm- I thought this was my house! I must have gone down the wrong street! Heh heh?!" 'Wow, Pet! All this intelligence only so that it could fail you now?!' I said while gesturing with my hands, instantly regretting this decision and berating myself.

"Hmm? What do you have on your phone boy?"The police officer asked while looking at my hand.

"Ehh... nothing! Just wanted to call my aunt to tell her to pick me up after noticing that I was in the wrong place!" I answered fast, this time finding a better excuse.

"Why don't you give me the phone, and I call her for you?" The officer asked while slowly reaching for his gun.

'This isn't looking good!' I concluded as I took a step back.


I heard his earpiece bep, making both of us look at it.

"Hallo... Yes, ok. Will do, boss!" He said, having a conversation with the earpiece.

"Seems today is your lucky day boy! You can go!" The police officer shouted, slightly looking at the security camera.

"Thank you, sir!" I shouted back, bowing a little while I started moving.

"Hey, kid!" He yelled, making me stop in my movement.

"Yes?" I answered, a little scared.

"This time, use the front door instead of the hedges!" He shouted at me while squinting his eyes.

'How!?' I asked myself as I nodded and continued walking.


[7am | Parker House | Peter's POV]

After I entered the house quietly, I climbed the stairs and entered my room.

'Wow! I can be thankful, that winter recess started this week!' I thought, looking at the time.

"Time to gather some information." I said to myself as I loaded the photo onto my computer.

Using the Internet, I used the image search function to find the camera but failed. After activating a VPN and setting it in a different country, I tried it again.





Seeing it fail, again and again, I became frustrated and started using a random country generator to decide which one to use next.

/The Security Firma Link-Security and Co. was a British company, which was established in 1969. They produced different types of security cameras but were nearly closed, when it was leaked, that the firm had exes to all the recordings made with the cameras. The founder Linkoln Link sold the company to Oscorp ind. and fled with the money...\ 


For those asking themself, why the police didn't question the company about the cameras. It is going to be answered soon (;

How did you find the pure Peter POV chapter?