
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 35: Convergence at the Parker Expo

The grand hall of the Parker Expo was a marvel to behold. Elegantly decorated, the atmosphere exuded sophistication and innovation. The event had attracted a who's who of the world's elite—rich, influential people, scientists, and politicians from the USA and various other countries.

Captain America, Steve Rogers, in a formal attire, observed the crowd and remarked, "Quite a large number of people attending this for a relatively new company."

Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, dressed in a sharp blue formal suit, added, "Not just any people. Most of these are the top 10% of the world, whether it's in terms of science, money, power, or fame."

Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, in a stunning black dress, chimed in, "Well, if the company came in as a dark horse and took over the big beasts of industries in terms of money, influence, and power, it's no wonder."

Scott Lang, the Ant-Man, commented, "I don't know about people, but can you look at this place? The decorations and the environment are incredible."

Hope Van Dyne, the Wasp, nodded in agreement. "Scott is right. This place looks so beautiful, with so many people, it has a calming atmosphere."

Hank Pym, dressed formally, remarked, "Well, you two are certainly right, but we came here to look at the technologies presented."

Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, said, "Quite a place Peter has set up here. Looks much better than the Avengers Tower."

Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) and Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk) agreed with her.

Tony Stark, in his fancy formal suit, said, "Focus, guys. Let me see what Parker has in store for us."

Bruce Banner, in a plain suit, nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, they saw the Fantastic Four entering in their formal attire. Johnny Storm (the Human Torch) commented, "Well, isn't this place fancy now."

Ben Grimm (the Thing) added, "Now this is something I didn't expect from Peter."

Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic, marveled, "This architecture and material used are much more advanced than anything I've seen. It's much more vast than it seems from outside. Fascinating."

Franklin and Valeria Richards had sparkles in their eyes. "So cool..."

Susan Storm smiled at them, saying, "Kids, behave, okay?"

The Fantastic Four walked over to the Avengers to greet them.

Johnny grinned, "Hey, guys. This place is something, huh?"

Steve replied, "Yeah, it's impressive. Didn't know Peter had this in him."

Reed nodded, "I've never seen such advanced materials. Peter has outdone himself."

As they were discussing, Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, and other X-Men like Storm, Logan (Wolverine), Rogue, Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Kitty Pryde entered.

Charles Xavier smiled, "Good to see you all here."

Steve shook his hand, "Charles, always a pleasure."

Logan grunted, "Didn't expect to see so many suits in one place."

Jean Grey smiled, "It's quite an event."

They walked towards the Avengers and Fantastic Four, greeting them.

Then, the Avengers were shocked to see Thunderbolt Ross entering, not in his Red Hulk form, but in his normal human form. Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards couldn't believe their eyes.

Bruce stammered, "General Ross...how?"

Ross smiled, "You'll know soon enough, Banner."

Ross entered with his daughter Betty and his Thunderbolts, who were also in their normal forms.

Betty greeted the group, "Hello, everyone."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Betty, it's good to see you."

Betty Ross replied, "Likewise, Natasha."

Bruce, Tony, and Reed asked Ross how he managed to become human again.

Ross smirked, "Let's just say I had some help. You'll find out soon enough."

George Stacy, Yuri Watanabe, Greer Grant (Tigra), and Gwen Stacy entered, dressed in formal attire.

George commented, "Quite the turnout, huh?"

Yuri nodded, "Indeed. Peter has done something extraordinary."

Greer added, "It's amazing to see everyone here."

They walked over to the group of heroes to greet them.

George greeted, "Good to see you all. Quite the event, isn't it?"

Steve replied, "Yeah, Peter has really outdone himself."

As they were talking, the Avengers became vigilant as they saw Norman and Harry Osborn, Mary Jane Watson, and Norman's Dark Avengers entering the hall in formal attire. The Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, George, Yuri, Greer, and Gwen were more shocked to see Dr. Otto Octavius and Dr. Curt Connors walking with Norman and the Dark Avengers in their normal forms, not as Doctor Octopus and the Lizard.

Norman greeted Ross, Betty, and the Thunderbolts, ignoring the heroes until Tony spoke.

Tony asked, "Norman, what's the meaning of this? Otto, Curt...how are you here, and why are you normal?"

Norman smirked, "Don't pry into others' matters, Stark. You'll find out soon enough."

Harry and Mary Jane caught up with Gwen.

Harry said, "Hey, Gwen. Long time no see."

Gwen replied, "Yeah, Harry. It's been a while. How have you been?"

Mary Jane added, "We need to talk to Peter."

George, Yuri, and Greer asked how Otto and Connors were there in their normal forms.

Norman repeated, "You'll know soon."

Then, they saw many political leaders from various countries show up. Among them were T'Challa (Black Panther) and his sister Shuri from Wakanda, along with their bodyguards.

T'Challa greeted, "Good to see you all."

Steve replied, "T'Challa, Shuri, welcome."

Shuri smiled, "This place is amazing."

T'Challa nodded, "Peter has truly created something extraordinary here."

As they were talking, a man entered, his presence fearsome. Many people, especially the Fantastic Four and Avengers, were shocked to see him. Ross, the Thunderbolts, Norman, and the Dark Avengers smiled at his arrival. This man was Dr. Victor Von Doom, the King of Latveria, not in his suit and mask but in his normal appearance.

Dr. Doom walked towards the heroes and villains, greeting Ross, the Thunderbolts, Norman, the Dark Avengers, Otto, Connors, George, Yuri, Greer, Harry, Mary Jane, and Gwen, but completely ignored the heroes.

Reed asked, "Victor, how did you recover?"

Doom smirked, "That is none of your concern, Richards."

Tony, Bruce, Charles, and Hank were also curious, but Doom said he was not obligated to answer their questions.

They Saw May Parker,Betty Brant, Ben Riley entering the hall,

May, Betty Brant and Ben Riley then came to greet them,

Mary Jane greeted "Aunt May how are you doing it's so good to see you. "

Gwen also smiled" Yeah May , it's good to see you"

May also greeted them with smile"Well I am quite alright girls I came to see Peter and also to report about here"

Harry said"Report?? "

May then said" Oh yeah you don't know about it harry, I am working at Daily Bugle"

Betty Brant said "Not just any kind of Work she is assistant editor at daily bugle"

George said "Looks like you have struck quite big May"

May said "Nothing much really George"

Dr. Connors said "So You are peter's Aunt who dis owned him right? "

May became stiff at this comment she was didn't knew how to respond to such question.

Dr Connors continued "I am Curt Connors by the way,you may have heard about me from Peter or Richard. I and Richard were friends since college days, pete's a good kid why did you disown him if I may ask? "

Mary was speechless as not only the person asking her the question was peter's mentor but also peter's father Richard's friend who had every right ask this question.

Dr.Otto also chimed in"Well I too had this question you know, I am Otto Octavius by the way you may have heard of me too from Peter or Mary.My Wife and Mary were Friends,she was at our house for couple of times on occasion of dinner, so will you answer, Mrs.Parker"

May became more nervous on shame as she said"I disowned him cau-caus--cause he was i—irresponsible "

Otto and Connors became speechlesss at May's sentence.

As Norman started laughing after sometime he said, "Irresponsible..Peter is irresponsible Mrs Parker according to you,I should have disowned harry long ago because of how irresponsible he is."

Norman the continued"Let me ask you Mrs Parker there is one boy who after his parents death live with his only relative his uncle and aunt and after misfortunate event loses his only uncle, this boy also is a genius he works as an intern at one of the top companies,became assistant of two of it's best scientists but due to another mishap the scientists became missing, and company loss it's major value in turn firing the all interns and some employees including him, but this boy doesn't lose faith and works in one of the top News Media not as a reporter but as Photographer clearly disregarding value of his talent, but still works thier become a top photographer of this news media as he took pictures of superheros and thier fights while keeping his life at risk,but he was removed from the company as his news media wanted to undermine heroes effort but the boy showed how much they helped the people through his photographs.the last thing Such boy is called is irresponsible Mrs.Parker."

May was deeply saddened as she heard those words of Norman.

But Dr.Doom chimmed in with most saddening line, "It's not like he was your own so it was quite easy for you to disown him"

Tears threatened to come out of May's eyes as Mary Jane and Gwen came forward to support her.

Gwen in anger said, "Dr.Doom you have no right to talk with May like that"

Mary Jane also said, "Yeah May did everything she could for Peter as a single guardian"

Doom was least bothered by what two girls were saying he just shook his shoulders without care.

Ben said,"Victor you went to far with that comment "

Victor said, "It's not like I care Grimm of what you or anyone here thinks but what I said was true if Parker was her own she wouldn't had disowned him, after all she is just a guardian not a mother,Now that think about it she has no child of her own maybe she just doesn't qualifies as mother at all"

Ross then came forward and looked at Victor said, "Not another word doom--- not another word , this is peter's event the start of his new life if you truly consider him as friend so be quit for his sake"

Victor nodded as he didn't want his new friend and saviours special moment to be disturbed by anyone and even himself.

May had already heard victor's comment on how she wasn't a mother as she wasn't qualified to be one.

Tears started falling down her eyes she was going to leave but Betty Ross stopped her,

She wiped tears in may's eyes as she said"This is special occasions for Peter,May and he should have wanted you to attend it no matter what anyone says may you will always have special spot in peter's heart."

MaryJane and Gwen also nodded at Betty's words as May agreed to stay for peter's sake.

May had decided she would go and apologize to Peter for everything she loved him and nothing will change that.

As things proceeded, they saw a man who was an employee at the Parker Foundation, Aden Smith, take charge as he announced their welcome at the Parker Expo.

Aden said, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Parker Expo. My name is Aden Smith, and I, along with my team, will be responsible for guiding you through today's events. We have a lot in store for you, so let's not waste any time."

He looked around at the gathering of heroes, villains, and dignitaries. "So, shall we begin the Parker Expo?"

The crowd murmured with anticipation, ready to see what Peter Parker had in store for them.

(End of chapter)
