
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 33: Allies in the Shadows

A random Warehouse, New York.

In a dimly lit hideout, the air thick with the smell of oil and old machinery, Frank Castle, known to most as the Punisher, was fixing his car. A beer bottle lay on the ground beside him as he worked under the vehicle. The soft hum of a radio playing classic rock provided the only background noise. The hideout, while still a secret, had seen better days.

Peter Parker stepped into the hideout casually, his eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. Not much had changed, except the place looked a bit cleaner. The cars that they had secured back in the day were still there, lined up in a row. Frank had covered them with white cloths, probably for protection.

"Still fiddling with that junk?" Peter asked as he walked to the fridge and took out a soda can.

"Not junk!" Frank said, pushing the cart he was lying on out from under the car and sitting up. "Vintage, Spidey," he corrected Peter with a serious expression.

Peter looked around, shaking his head. "C'mon, look around you, man. There are nine cars lined up here, two vintage models too... And yet, you keep fiddling with that one. How many hours have you spent working on it alone?"

Frank sighed nostalgically, taking a sip from his beer, his eyes fixed on the vintage car. "Let's just say this one holds some good old memories, and it's special."

"If you say so," Peter shrugged nonchalantly. "So, how's everything been since I disappeared? Still running into trouble?"

Frank grunted. "Not really, just that Officer Watanabe has been on to me for quite some time, sometimes as police and other times as Wraith. Annoying if you ask me, but now that you're back, she'll be onto you again."

Peter chuckled slightly as he drank the soda. "Guess I have that effect on people."

Frank's tone turned somber. "Kid, I'm sorry I couldn't help you against those bastards. I—"

Peter cut him off. "No worries, Frank. I don't want you to talk like those hypocrites who find other excuses. I knew what you were doing at that time, and it was important." Peter looked toward a shadowed corner. "Same goes for you two, so come out."

From the shadows emerged Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool, and his girlfriend Vanessa.

"Hey yo! Pete, how's it going?" Wade greeted with his usual irreverence.

Peter removed his mask, revealing a friendly smile. "Still as charming as ever, Wade."

Vanessa approached Peter and hugged him tightly. "We're sorry, Peter. We weren't there for you."

Peter hugged her back. "No problem, sis. Don't feel sad. Your little bro is back with a punch, you see."

Vanessa punched Peter playfully. "If you really considered me a sister, you should have come to me, not run to another country, idiot brother."

Peter looked at Wade. "Seriously, how does her mood change so quickly?"

Wade shrugged his shoulders. "Don't ask me, man. I just fell in love with her. Didn't think much, really."

In Peter's mind, his personalities began their usual banter about Vanessa's behavior.

Jason, always blunt, chimed in first. *"That's how women are, Pete. Don't try to understand them. Just cope with it."*

Ben, the voice of reason, added, *"It's true. Women are complex. But that's part of their charm."*

Goku, with his simplistic view of relationships, said, *"Just roll with it, Peter. It's not that hard."*

Issei, always enthusiastic about matters of love, remarked, *"You just gotta love 'em for who they are. It's worth it."*

Natsu, with his fiery passion, exclaimed, *"Women are like dragons. Fierce but amazing!"*

Togi, always the strategist, noted, *"Understanding isn't the key. Acceptance is."*

Garou, with his rebellious nature, said, *"Just go with the flow, man. That's all you can do."*

Even Ddraig, the ancient dragon, offered his wisdom. *"Women are like the tides, ever-changing. Embrace it, and you'll find peace."*

Peter smiled, appreciating the support from his inner voices. He turned back to the group, ready to focus on the task at hand.

"So, how have things been?" Peter asked, looking at Frank, Wade, and Vanessa.

Frank took another sip of his beer. "Been keeping busy. The usual scum of the city needs dealing with. But it's not the same without you around, kid."

Wade nodded, a rare serious look crossing his face. "Yeah, the city's been missing its friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. We tried to keep up, but it's just not the same."

Vanessa added, "We've been doing our best. But we knew you'd come back. You always do."

Peter nodded, his expression resolute. "I appreciate that. But now, I need your help. I've got information about dealings between Kingpin, the Hand, and the Hood Gang. They're using stolen technologies from Avengers Tower and the Baxter Building. I know where the deal is going to take place."

Frank's eyes lit up with a rare spark of excitement. "I thought you'd never ask."

Wade grinned broadly. "Oh, Pete, you know me. You son of a gun, I'm in."

Peter handed them some advanced guns and tools he had been working on. Frank and Wade examined the new toys, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

Frank nodded appreciatively. "Now, this is what I'm talking about."

Wade looked at the gadgets with childlike wonder. "Ever since you came back, you've become more and more awesome, Pete."

Vanessa, not wanting to be left out, spoke up. "Hey, Pete, I want to help too."

Wade turned to her, his expression serious. "No, absolutely not. I wouldn't let you risk your life. It will be dangerous."

Vanessa glared at Wade, determination in her eyes. "Shut up, Wade. I want to help my baby brother, and you do way more dangerous stuff than this."

Wade sighed, exasperated. "Because I have a ridiculously high healing factor. Even if you slice me in half, split my body into pieces, blast my body—give me some time, and I would be back up."

Peter interjected, "Well, I could do something for you, Vanessa."

He handed her a suit made of nanoparticles. It looked like Wade's suit, just white. Vanessa's eyes widened in awe.

"Cool! Love you, Pete," she said, slipping into the suit.

Wade's eyes widened, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh, Vanessa, you look so hot in this. Damn, we should try this in bed."

Peter and Frank both slapped their foreheads in exasperation, shaking their heads. Some things about Wade would never change.

Vanessa, ignoring Wade's comment, turned to Peter. "What should be my hero name?"

Peter thought for a moment. "How about Mrs. Pool?"

Wade gave him a thumbs up. "You're the best brother-in-law anyone could ask for, Pete."

Vanessa smiled, accepting the name. "So, it's decided then. I am Mrs. Pool."

Frank finished his beer and stood up. "So, should I ready the car for us to go?"

Wade clapped his hands in excitement. "Yeah, man, I've always wanted to ride around in the Punisher's car."

Vanessa added, "It would be so cool."

Peter shook his head. "Nah, we won't be leaving via road."

Frank raised an eyebrow. "Then how will we raid them?"

Peter slipped on a red ring and transformed into his Red Hood avatar. A portal formed in front of him.

"We're going straight for the action—the element of fucking surprise," Peter said, running towards the portal.

Wade followed closely behind, shouting, "Hell yeah, baby! I like this new Pete!"

Frank and Vanessa looked at each other, shrugged, then smiled and ran after Peter and Wade, entering the portal.


Inside the portal, the world around them shifted into a kaleidoscope of colors before solidifying into a dark, narrow alleyway. The air was thick with tension as they emerged, ready for action.

Peter took a deep breath, his senses on high alert. "Alright, team. We need to be quick and precise. We hit them hard and fast."

Frank checked his weapons, his expression serious. "Got it. Let's do this."

Wade was practically bouncing on his heels, his twin katanas gleaming in the low light. "I can't wait to slice and dice some bad guys."

Vanessa adjusted her new suit, her determination evident. "Let's show them what we're made of."

Peter led the way, moving swiftly and silently through the shadows. They approached a heavily guarded warehouse, the site of the impending deal.

Peter turned to his team, his voice a low whisper. "This is it. Frank, take the high ground and provide cover. Wade, Vanessa, you're with me."

Frank nodded, moving to a nearby fire escape and ascending swiftly. Wade and Vanessa flanked Peter as they approached the main entrance.

With a nod from Peter, they moved in. Frank's sniper rifle took out the guards on the roof with precision shots. Peter, Wade, and Vanessa burst through the door, catching the thugs inside off guard.

Peter's web shooters and agility allowed him to disarm and incapacitate multiple enemies in seconds. Wade's katanas flashed, cutting down anyone who dared to get close. Vanessa, her movements fluid and precise, used

her new suit's abilities to take down foes with a combination of strength and speed.

In the midst of the chaos, Peter spotted the leaders of the three gangs: Kingpin, a shadowy Hand leader, and the Hood. They were gathered around a table, discussing their plans.

Peter swung towards them, landing gracefully in the center of the room. "It's over, Kingpin."

Kingpin's eyes narrowed. "Spider-Man. I should have known you'd show up."

The Hand leader, a sinister figure with a scarred face, drew his blade. "You're making a big mistake."

The Hood, his hands crackling with dark energy, sneered. "You're outnumbered, Spider-Man."

Peter's lips curled into a confident smile. "I don't think so."

Frank's sniper rifle fired, taking out a thug aiming a gun at Peter. Wade and Vanessa took up positions beside Peter, their eyes locked on their targets.

Kingpin growled. "You think you can stop us?"

Peter's eyes glowed with determination. "I know we can."

The battle was fierce and intense. Peter's team fought with unparalleled coordination and skill. Kingpin's brute strength, the Hand leader's deadly precision, and the Hood's dark magic were formidable, but Peter's team held their ground.

Peter focused on Kingpin, their battle shaking the very foundations of the warehouse. Frank's cover fire kept the Hand leader at bay, while Wade and Vanessa faced off against the Hood, their teamwork proving to be a match for his dark powers.

As the fight reached its climax, Peter managed to deliver a powerful blow to Kingpin, sending him crashing into a stack of crates. Kingpin struggled to his feet, his rage evident.

"This isn't over, Spider-Man," Kingpin spat.

Peter's eyes narrowed. "It is for now."

With a final coordinated effort, Peter's team took down the remaining thugs and secured the stolen technology. Kingpin, the Hand leader, and the Hood were restrained, their plans foiled.

Peter looked at his team, pride swelling in his chest. "We did it."

Frank, Wade, and Vanessa nodded, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction.

Wade grinned, clapping Peter on the back. "Hell of a job, Pete. Hell of a job."

Vanessa smiled warmly. "We make a good team."

Frank, ever the stoic, simply nodded. "Damn right we do."

As they stood amidst the wreckage of the warehouse, Peter knew that they had taken a significant step towards making the world a safer place. And with allies like Frank, Wade, and Vanessa by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

**End of Chapter**