
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 08:The Others (Final part)


Goku, now the legendary Handsome Monkey King who not only had the legendary super saiyan bloodline but also the legendary dragon bloodline, stood atop a cliff overlooking Universe 7. The universe tournament held by Zeno was a significant event, and Goku had just returned victorious with his team. His harem of lovers, including Chi-Chi, Bulma, Android 18, Launch, Android 21 ,Maron,Zangya,Tights,Videl, Mai, Caulifla, Kale,Panchy, Brola, Vegetia, Vados, and Anubia, all gathered around him, sharing in the glory of their victory.

Chi-Chi hugged Goku tightly. "I was so worried, Goku. But I knew you would win!"

Bulma grinned, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "You really outdid yourself this time, Goku. Wish for everyone to be revived? That's so like you."

Vados approached, her angelic aura shimmering. "Goku, your selflessness continues to surprise and impress me. You've earned the respect of all universes."

Anubia,Beerus and Champa's sister, gave a rare smile. "You've proven yourself a true warrior, Goku. It's no wonder you are called the Handsome Monkey King."

Goku scratched the back of his head, laughing. "Aw, shucks, guys. I couldn't have done it without all of you by my side."

The Supreme Angel appeared suddenly after months after tournament, his presence commanding attention. "Goku, a new threat has emerged. Gora seeks to destroy the balance of the multiverse. Only you can stop him."

Goku nodded, determination in his eyes. "I'll take care of it. Everyone, stay here and stay safe."

Caulifla clenched her fists. "Are you kidding? We're coming with you, Goku. You're not facing this alone."

Kale nodded shyly. "We'll fight by your side, Goku."

Goku smiled. "Wait for me I will be back I


The battle against Gora was intense. Gora, a powerful entity bent on multiversal destruction, attacked with unparalleled ferocity. Goku alone fought valiantly.

Gora laughed maniacally. "You think you can stop me, Saiyan? I will annihilate everything!"

Goku transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form, his aura flaring green. "I won't let you! For the sake of all universes,I'll defeat you!"

Goku unleashed a barrage of attacks, combining his Super Saiyan God powers with his Legendary Dragon Bloodline abilities. His lovers joined the fight, their combined might overwhelming Gora.

Gora snarled. "Impossible! How can you have such power?"

Goku smirked. "We fight for everyone we care about. That's what makes us strong."

With a final, powerful attack, Goku and his team defeated Gora, saving the multiverse from destruction.

After defeating Gora, Goku's multiversal sense led him to the One Piece universe, where Luffy didn't exist. He quickly adapted, making friends and learning Haki to its fullest extent.

Nami was the first to speak. "Goku, your strength is incredible. How do you do it?"

Goku grinned. "It's all about hard work and never giving up. You can do anything if you put your mind to it!"

Robin smiled softly. "Your determination is inspiring, Goku."

Boa Hancock blushed, her heart racing. "Goku, you are truly a magnificent man."

After defeating the World Government and Imu Sama, Goku gathered his new lovers, including Nami, Robin, Alvida, Boa Hancock, Tashigi, Hina, Khalifa, Wanda, Shirahoshi, Vivi, Viola, Perona, Baby Five, Reiju, Charlotte Smoothie, and a young Big Mom, and returned to his universe.

As he was proceeding with his hew lovers although they reached his universe and home he teleported to another universe He was....

In the Naruto universe, Goku stepped up to protect Konoha in Naruto's absence. He mastered chakra to an extreme level, gaining all types of nature transformations and bloodline limits.

Hinata approached Goku, her cheeks flushed. "Goku, thank you for protecting us. You're amazing."

Tsunade placed a hand on his shoulder. "You've got the spirit of a true warrior, Goku."

Kushina smiled warmly. "You've brought hope to Konoha, Goku. We're all grateful."

Goku blushed, feeling their admiration. "I'm just doing what I can to help. You all are incredible, too."

During the battle against Obito & Madara Uchiha Goku fight together with the ninja alliance,After Might guy unleashed the eighth gate Fought madara but madara regentated again kakashi and all ninjas thought the might guys efforts were in vain But then Goku delivered a powerful blow, causing Madara to acknowledge him and looking at Guy said,"Sorry boy but you will be the second syrongest of my opponrnt" He looked at Goku and said "Tell me your name warrior",Goku said" I'm Son Goku" "I, Madara Uchiha, declare you Son Goku as the strongest warrior I have ever faced."

And Madara was deafeted but thier happiness

Couldn't last longer as a new foe entered the battle field.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki arrived, and Goku fought her, winning her heart. She looked at him with newfound admiration. "Goku, you have shown me the true strength of humanity."

Goku said,"Sorry but I am saiyan and part dragon hehehe"

Hearing this kaguya widened her eyes then started laughing herself with tears in one eyes"You truly are one of a kind".

Then Goku proceed to take his new lovers to his universe but again his lovers got to go to his universe his home but he got teleported to a new universe.

In the Bleach universe and of course Ichigo wasn't present in this universe, Goku joined the Soul Reaper Society, mastering all forms of kido, shunpo, and other techniques.

Yoruichi Shihouin smirked. "Goku, you learn fast. You might even surpass me someday."

Rangiku Matsumoto winked. "You're quite the charmer, Goku. I can see why you have so many admirers."

Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck approached. "Your strength and kindness are unmatched, Goku."

Goku smiled warmly. "Thanks, everyone. I'm just doing my best."

After defeating Aizen and other enemies, Goku gathered his new lovers, including Tier Harribel, Orihime, Riruka, Nemu Kurotsuchi, Rangiku Matsumoto, Haineko, Yoruichi Shihouin, Sui Feng, Kukaku Shiba, Mashiro Kuna, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, Ikumi Unagiya, Franceska Mila Rose, Retsu Unohana, Kirio Hikifune, Senjumaru Shutara, Masaki Kurosaki, and Meninas McAllon, and returned to his universe.

As fate would have it, Goku's lovers returned to his universe his home , but he found himself pulled into a white room, an empty void with stars and planets scattered around. Alone, Goku prepared for whatever challenge lay ahead, knowing his strength, charm, and love would see him through any trial.

Goku looked around, his Saiyan instincts kicking in. "Alright, whoever brought me here, show yourself! I'm ready for anything!"

Goku's determination blazed within him. "No matter what comes, I'll face it head-on. Bring it on!"

In this strange, new place, Goku wondered what adventures awaited him next, ready to face whatever came his way with the heart of a Saiyan warrior and the love of a harem king.

But he heard a voice;

['Son Goku(Kakarot)' You have been chosen by the 'Persona Nexus System' the information will be directly provided you in the form of signal also let me familarize the language for you]

[Please wait while the system process your information... ]


Subject Name:() Son Goku(Kakarot) aka THE Handsome Monkey KING 👑/ The Harem king/The CHARISMATIC Warrior

Age: 40


1.Base Forms

*Saiyan Physiology: Enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and healing.

*Flight: Ability to fly using Ki.

*Ki Manipulation: Energy blasts, beams, and waves (Kamehameha, Spirit Bomb, etc.).

*Super Saiyan Forms

*Super Saiyan: 50x base power level.

*Super Saiyan 2: 2x Super Saiyan power level.

*Super Saiyan 3: 4x Super Saiyan 2 power level, increased speed and strength.

*Super Saiyan God: Divine transformation with godly Ki, increased power, speed, and durability.

*Super Saiyan Blue (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan): Combines Super Saiyan with godly Ki, extreme power and efficiency.

*Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken: Temporary power boost by multiplying Super Saiyan Blue's power using Kaioken.

2.Legendary Super Saiyan Forms

*Legendary Super Saiyan: Unique transformation with immense power and muscle mass, usually with a greenish tint to the hair.

*Legendary Super Saiyan 2: Enhanced version of Legendary Super Saiyan with further increased power.

3.Unique Forms and Powers

*Ultra Instinct (Sign and Mastered): Extreme agility and reflexes, allowing instinctive reactions to attacks without conscious thought.

*Legendary Dragon Bloodline Powers: Enhanced strength, durability, and a unique dragon-like aura.

---*Dragon Form: Temporary transformation into a Dragon-Human hybrid form, granting Goku immense strength, flight, and elemental breath attacks.

---*Dragon Energy Manipulation: Ability to harness and manipulate dragon energy, enhancing his ki attacks with the mythical power of dragons

4.Divine Energy Manipulation:

**Divine Ki: Beyond Super Saiyan God and Ultra Instinct, Goku can tap into Divine Ki, a higher form of energy that grants enhanced power, speed, and durability.

**Godly Techniques: Mastery of new godly techniques, such as Hakai (destruction energy) and Angelic abilities like Whis' temporal manipulation.

**Divine Aura: Godly presence that amplifies his strength and abilities, making him even more formidable.

5.Cosmic Awareness:

**Multiversal Awareness: Goku gains the ability to sense and understand the nature of different universes, allowing him to navigate and interact with diverse realms more effectively.

**Cosmic Perception: Enhanced perception that lets him detect energy signatures and threats on a cosmic scale.

**Multiversal Sense: Ability to sense disturbances and presences across different universes.

6.Weapon Mastery:

**Ki Weapons: Goku can create and wield weapons made of pure ki energy, such as ki swords, spears, and shields, adding versatility to his combat style.

**Divine Artifacts: Mastery of divine weapons and artifacts, such as the Power Pole (Nyoi-bo) with enhanced abilities and other legendary items from different universes.

7.Spatial and Temporal Abilities:

**Instantaneous Movement: Enhanced Instant Transmission that allows Goku to travel not just across space but also through dimensions and parallel universes he also added Flying Raijin to this ability helping him to mark any one with his ki, chakra, aura etc.

**Temporal Control: Limited ability to manipulate time, such as short bursts of time stop or time rewind for strategic advantages in battle.

8.Fusion Mastery:

*"Multi-Dimensional Fusion: Advanced fusion techniques that allow Goku to fuse with other powerful beings from different universes, creating entirely new and formidable forms.

**Extended Fusion Duration: Prolonged fusion duration and stability, allowing him to remain fused longer without the typical time limits.

9.Advanced Healing Factor:

**Regeneration: Enhanced healing abilities that allow Goku to recover from injuries much faster, akin to a regeneration factor similar to Wolverine or Piccolo.

**Healing Aura: An ability to emit a healing aura that can restore the health and stamina of his allies he also integrated medical ninjustsu to this ability.

10.Addtional Abilities Aquired In Other Universes

**Haki: Mastery of all Haki types from the One Piece universe (Observation, Armament, Conqueror's Haki).

**Chakra Mastery: Mastery of chakra, including all nature transformations and various bloodline limits from the Naruto universe.

**Soul Reaper Powers: Mastery of kido, shunpo, and other Soul Reaper techniques from the Bleach universe.


Goku, a Saiyan warrior, was sent to Earth as a baby and raised by Grandpa Gohan. Over the years, he grew into a powerful fighter, protecting Earth from numerous threats. After the defeat of Majin Buu, Goku's adventures continued across the multiverse. During the Tournament of Power held by Zeno, Goku's team emerged victorious. Instead of a selfish wish, he chose to revive all erased universes, earning the respect and admiration of many.

Goku's powers expanded as he trained with Vados and Anubia, Beerus and Champa's sisters, and gained new forms and abilities. These included Legendary Super Saiyan forms, Legendary Dragon Bloodline powers, and Ultra Instinct. His charisma and heroism won him the love of numerous women from different universes, including Chi-Chi, Bulma, Android 18, Launch, Videl, Mai, Caulifla, Kale, Brola, Vegetia, Vados, and Anubia.

Goku's adventures led him to the One Piece universe, where he mastered Haki and formed new alliances new lovers. He then found himself in the Naruto universe, mastering chakra and gaining new allies and lovers. Finally, in the Bleach universe, he mastered Soul Reaper abilities and continued to protect the multiverse he also aquired new lovers here too. Despite his many trials, Goku remained steadfast, earning the title of Handsome Monkey King and becoming a revered hero across all realities.


[Now shall we proceed then]

After Going throughThe information Goku looked at system panel and "So if I accept your offer does it mean I have abandoned my life, from what could I tell others who accepted are dead souls isn't it right??"

[Well you will the Fourth living one Who will accept].....

"Why did the first, second and third one accepted yor offer??"

[To tell you the truth one didn't had many things left in life lost something no some people very precious the other accepted that terms as he was trapped in another universe like you, Last one was trapped inside of another panet which he couldn't escape]

"Then let me tell you something I have lots I mean lots of people precious to meet so No thanks Give your offer to some other guy who is trapped cause I can escape any situations just this weird space of yours is annoying,Also can you help me get out of here??"

[Mr.Son Goku what do you get by meaning of being a alternate personality?]

"Nope, never heard of it,Can you eat it?I am hungry you know."Goku plainly said.

[°_°....*Sigh*Well the alternate personality is nothing but a part of peron he didn't show on the outside which caused by a certian traumatic event,in other words the person and personality will be one and the same.]

"So you are saying he and I are one will be Or become the same person?? "

[That is something for the future for you to find in future So will you accept or not??ಠ_ಠ]

"Hmm...hmmm" Goku placed his finger on his chin and started contemplaing tapping the floor with his foot.

[Well I and the host and others will be your friends ^_^]

Gokuu's eye's Suddenly had stars in it..

"Ok,I agree to your offer. "

[Pleasure to having You aboard Son Goku-san]

Goku responded"My friends call me Goku some even call me KaKarot choose whatever you like as we will be friends from now on."

[So Shall we proceed then friend(◍•ᴗ•◍)]

"Let's Go on an epic adventure my friend." Goku enthusiastically said.

[Initializing transfer]