
Spider-Man: The Successful One

It's about a strong Spider-Man who gets married, has a kid, is wealthy, and is successful in life. [It won't be like the disappointment of the official writers' story and it's just my imagination on how Spidey will be like if his character is not... ow to say restricted? by the ever-changing writers]

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Chapter 5

[3rd Person's POV]

The living room, Parker Residency

"How was your day Oliver?" Peter asked his son, Tony and he had a competition on who would have the most tickets so they rented the whole arcade for the day, but in the end, Peter lost because of a damn lucky wheel, that was the summary of his Friday.

"It was just as usual… but I made a new friend, Her name's Laura Kinney", Oliver said while chewing on his slice of pizza. Both of them are relaxing on the couch, enjoying the pizza.

"Wait… Laura? Logan's daughter?" Peter raised his head, a little surprised. He knew about that girl, he was also there with the X-men while raiding the 'Prison for mutant criminals'.

"Her dad's the Wolverine?" Laura didn't tell him anything about herself except her powers.

"Yeah… It should have been obvious with her powers!" Oliver exclaimed, facepalming himself.

"So how's she? She was like an angry wolf when I met her" Peter asked as he took another slice of the pizza.

"You met her before? When?" Asked Oliver while looking at the pile of pizza crust his dad formed, " And mom's not going to be happy when she sees you wasting food Dad"

"I met her a few weeks back in the 'Prison for mutant criminals' which surprise, surprise turned out to be another one of the government's mutant research facilities. We raided the whole base and pretty much didn't leave any researchers alive. She's one of the children who were researched on and she is made from Wolverine's DNA." Peter didn't hide things from his son and just said what happened, He and Wanda agreed to not hide things from their son and let him get used to it rather than hiding it causing extra drama.

"So that's why she looked very clueless…" He trailed off.

"So is she not like us Dad?" Oliver asked as he was curious to know whether Laura was like them.

Peter sat upright and sighed, 'I didn't expect to have this conversation with him this early', he thought and patted his son's head.

"You see Oliver, It really doesn't matter if we are different from others… In the end, all that matters is that ARE YOU HAPPY"

"Are you happy Oliver?"

"Yes Dad" he nodded his head cutely.

"You better be" Peter chuckled and patted his head.


"Is he asleep?" Wanda asked Peter who just came out of Oliver's room after putting him to sleep.

"Yeah, he was pretty tired after seeing the new Mr. Beast's video, and damn! That guy doesn't know how to hold back, last to leave the circle wins a trip to the moon. I should meet him sometime. He looks like a nice guy." Peter said while slowly hugging Wanda. He buried his face in her neck, slightly kissing it.

"Ugh…" she moved her head to avoid the kisses, like that worked, "Not today Pete, It's not a safe day" she whispered.

"It's fine" he pulled back his head and said, "It's about time we make Oliver a big brother" he was still hugging her. "Don't you think" he whispered to her ear embracing his demon side, knowing her weakness to sexy stuff.

"Yes" She pushed him "but not today".

"It's because of Sue right?" Peter sighed and asked, knowing that it was the reason, he knew his wife well.

"Yeah… I'm scared that she'll do something bad" She agreed with a worried tone.

"Don't worry I'll keep an eye on her and talk to Reed tomorrow after the Party." They were going to the party Emma invited them. She is opening a new cosmetic brand.

They both entered their bedroom. Wanda tied her hair in a hair bun and Peter came out of the bathroom after peeing.

Wanda lying on her bed asked, "So did Clint agree on babysitting Oliver?".

Peter too lay on the bed and said," Yeah, he told me to drop Oliver at his house tomorrow morning at 7 am"

"So till the Party starts, the day is ours," Peter said as he turned to look at a smiling Wanda, "So will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"Hmm… let me think" Wanda decided to play with him.

Peter found her funny, went with the flow, "I'll do anything"

"Well then, what about a shopping date?" Wanda asked knowing fully well how much he hates shopping.

"Anything but that!" came Peter's immediate scream.

"Hahahahaha" Wanda laughed hard at his reaction.

She moved her hand and pushed aside the strands over his face, At first she didn't like him dying his hair blonde, it reminded her of Pietro which annoyed her but soon got used to it.

They both stared at each other's eyes without speaking, Wanda's hands unknowingly went to his cheeks and cupped his face.

She suddenly said, "I Love You"

Peter felt butterflies in his chest and smiled, he still felt the same way every time she said she loved him.

She pulled him and kissed him, it was not a passionate one but a gentle kiss which conveyed her feelings, They kissed for a few a while before Peter pulled back.

"I too love you" He whispered to her.

Wanda laid with her head over his chest, hearing his heartbeats and Peter hugged her from her sides with one of his arms. They lay peacefully without speaking, enjoying the silence together.

But Peter was in deep thought, seeing Wanda's behaviour he knew Sue's situation had affected her.

'Now you just made it personal Reed'

There was a slight blue flame in his eyes for a second.


[The Next Day]

[Clint Barton's POV]

I feel like shit.

Well, that's not new for me.

I am waiting at my house for Peter to bring his son. Ever since I retired I have become the personal babysitter for him and Tony whenever they went somewhere or had a fancy date with Wanda and Pepper.

Don't get me wrong Oliver and Morgan are great but I'm not too fond of the smug faces of their fathers, I can't believe Those idiots have such great kids, must be from their mom's side.

*Knock* *Knock* "Uncle BartonWe are here"

Speak of the devil… wait that is true.

"It's not locked Peter" I bet he already knew that and just wanted to annoy me by those childish insults like uncle, like that could rile me up.

The door opened and Peter and Oliver came in, both were wearing casual clothes.

"Good morning Uncle Clint" At least Oliver has some respect for me.

"So thanks for taking care of him Uncle Barton, and don't annoy Aunt Laura Olive, You can annoy your uncle instead BYE!" You bastard! Not even some greetings and you bail out.

"Bye Dad"

The bastard drove away his supercar at a moment's notice, tch! rich bastard.


[3rd Person's POV]

On a land filled with dark sky and raging flames, with sounds of screams and piles of bones, there stood a human figure, he had black hair with streaks of red and gold as well as golden eyes with black sclerae, and he wore a suit which made him look like an english butler.

He was Diablo, the right-hand of the king of hell and the second strongest being in hell. He is the one and the only remaining Primordial demon, one of the first demons.

"Hmmm… Sire is here", he immediately teleported to the skull throne, to see his sire, Peter.

He appeared near the skull throne, which was entirely made of Mephisto's bones.

Peter and Wanda just arrived in hell to have a date and look how things were going on hell.

"Welcome, Lord and Lady Parker", Diablo bowed down to them.

"You needn't be that humble Diablo, We're here just to have a look if everything's okay in hell and have a date." Peter sighed at Diablo's over humble behavior.

"There is no problem in Hell sire, Everyone is scared of your power and is charmed by your charisma and majesty, no demon dares to disobey your rules."

"That's nice to hear", Peter said, "And Bye!"

He disappeared along with Wanda to have their date.


[Emma Frost's POV]

Sheesh! organising things is a pain in the ass.

I should have some personal assistant like Peter's, his handsome demon butler what I wouldn't give to have my own handsome demon butler who's strong. What was his name again? Yeah, Diablo. I should form a contract with some demon.

I should have told Peter to also bring his butler with him, maybe I could have had a chance with him.

What am I thinking!? Am I in love? It's probably just a crush.

*Ring* "Ring*

I picked up my phone and checked to see who was calling. It was a number which wasn't saved on my phone. I should change my service, I'm paying 100 dollars a month and I still get spam calls.

I cut the call.

*Ring* *Ring*

The call came from the same number again, this time I was curious to check who was calling, so I picked up the phone.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello Emma" I can't be, I know this voice! He's supposed to be dead!

"What, shocked to hear me?" It may be someone trying to trick me.

"Prove me It's you!"

"I have no need to, Emma Frost. I just wanted to warn you to switch sides, join me if you want to survive. We are going to kill the heroes and rule the Earth."


"Really? You are still adamant on that? You are more than 90 years old and still haven't realised that your dream is not even remotely possible, even for someone as smart as Doom and you believe you can do it? And you informed me of this? Someone who has Spider-Man on speed dial? Guess your age took a toll on you, Shaw."

I cut the phone and switched it off.

What is he, a teenager still trying to rule the world, grow up loser. Wasn't being killed once enough for you?


[3rd Person's POV]

In the grand hall, many people were present, attending Emma's party to launch a new cosmetic brand. All those who were present were friends, family, acquaintances and people with a powerful position.

Peter and Wanda were surrounded by many but a little magic by Wanda solved the problem. Peter wore a three-piece black suit with a red tie and Wanda wore a stunning blue dress, Her spider earrings and necklace made her look stunning. She had her hair done in a ponytail and her hand locked with Peter's.

Tony and Pepper who saw them, approached them,

"You almost look as handsome as me," Tony bragged while shaking his hand with Peter.

"You mean idiotic?" Peter replied.

"Let the guys talk among themself Wanda come with me" Pepper dragged Wanda aside to talk girl stuff.

"So how's things going in hell?" Tony asked.

"It's as usual, Diablo has both the power and authority so nothing's wrong," Peter replied to Tony's question, Tony knew Peter's journey to hell because it was Peter's regular habit to drop Oliver to Clint and visit hell.

They took a glass of wine from the server and Tony started, "I heard about Reed" he continued after a pause to see if Peter would speak but Peter just kept sipping on the wine, "Pepper told Susan is going to file a divorce."

"Yeah…. That is not my main concern. I'm sorry for her, yes but my main concern is" Peter replied.

"Reed researching dimensions," Tony answered.

"Yeah… I won't disagree he is very intelligent maybe more than both of us but all know that he has null wisdom" He sipped his wine, "Half of the opponents the Fantastic Four fights are caused by an accident in Reed's research and the other half is Doom"

"That's true… so what's your plan? Penance stare?" Tony asked curiously.

"That's overkill and won't be necessary, I will try to stop him but if he still continues I can simply make him forget everything and reset his brain."

"So that isn't an overkill?"

