
Spider-man reincarnation (YT: Green Door/ type "green door blue lock")

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Video versions of the "What If Nagi Had The Biggest Ego" episodes will be released on Fridays weekly, starting on the 7th of April!!! Check out the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km49ThwYyzc YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCevBY7JxEuKmd-g_G5JDOig Channel Name: Green door Type "green door blue lock" and you should see our channel Help us to get to 1K subs by May, and we will be doing this full-time ;) Thanks a lot for supporting this story. This is a text fan-fic version of our project. We will also have different videos and discussions coming out about Blue Lock and other shows. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Typical teenager gets reincarnated as a Spider-Man and gets a chance to meet the Marvel world's greatest superheroes. His aim is to become the greatest superhero of this world and he will use his knowledge as the key to defeating his enemies and people that face him during his journey. ________________________________________________ I am open to any constructive critique, suggestions and feedback. ________________________________________________ I do not own any of the rights on the characters. They belong to Marvel studios and Disney. ________________________________________________ I am sure you will enjoy this story!

Bad_Ken · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

End of Holidays



Hello dear viewers, long time no see. I have been absent for more than 2 years due to personal issues during covid and starting college/university. I am thankful to all of you for your support of this project. I would like to announce that I just got back to posting fan-fics and it is about anime/manga - Blue Lock. The name of the series is "What If Nagi Had The Biggest Ego" and it will be coming out in 2 formats, text, and video. Episode 1 is already out in the text version. The trailer is up on my YouTube channel.

Video versions of the "What If Nagi Had The Biggest Ego" episodes will be released on Fridays weekly, starting on the 7th of April!!!

Check out the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km49ThwYyzc

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCevBY7JxEuKmd-g_G5JDOig

Help us to get to 1K subs by May, and we will be doing this full-time ;)

Thanks a lot for supporting this story. This is a text fan-fic version of our project. We will also have different videos and discussions coming out about Blue Lock and other shows.


Peter woke up, it was about 8 a.m. He took his phone and saw that he got a message from Harry.

"Hi, I am going to a meeting right now and will be free in the afternoon. How did the night go? If you know what I'm talking about ;)"

"Harry, as always in his style... If only I could know what Gwen thinks of us being in one room. I was happy when Harry did that, to be honest, but I think our relationship is not that close yet. We started dating this month after all. Today is a perfect chance for us to get closer, but I have limited time... If Avengers captured Loki yesterday, today should be the day Chitauri will attack New-York. As far as I remember it should happen in the afternoon or even in the evening, but the timeline here is a little different, so anything is possible. I should go there on my own to save Harry's and Gwen's lives..." Peter was thinking.

"Good morning Peter" Gwen said.

"Good morning" Peter responded. "Harry said that he will be busy for most of the day and will join us in the evening. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, I think the White House would be a good place to start the day with"

"True, there are lots of galleries and museums around as well. It will also be easy for Harry to find us there"

"Ok, just give me 30 minutes. Are we going by taxi or train?"

"Let's go by taxi, I heard that it's far from here. It's also faster"


Peter just wanted to save up as much time as he could to spend more time with Gwen. He was planning of staying in Washington till the afternoon and going back using Harry's plane. He already planned what he was going to say Gwen, so that she doesn't suspect him being Spider-Man.

(After an hour)

Gwen and Peter got to the White House and started taking photos. They had a great time as they visited all of the museums and galleries nearby. They enjoyed spending time together and their relationship became stronger.

After a few hours, they decided to have lunch together.

"What do you want to eat?" Peter asked.

"I don't know why, but I really want to try shawarma. I have never eaten it and I think eating it somewhere I've never been before is a good idea"

'Yeah, try something new is always fun"

Peter found this fact very funny, as after the fight against Chitauri and Loki Avengers went to eat shawarma because they've never tried it before as well.

They were talking about other places they wanted to visit when Peter received a message from Harry. He said that he was free and asked where they were.

Peter sent him the address. Harry got to the cafe in about 30 minutes.

Peter realized that it was 2 p.m., so he went aside with Harry to tell him something.

"Harry, I have bad news..."

"What happened? Did you break up?"

"No, it's not about Gwen. I just got a notification from the security system, it seems like someone got inside my lair"

"Don't worry, let me call someone and they will sort everything out"

"You shouldn't do it"


"Because nobody should know what's inside that laboratory, they will easily find out the fact that I am Spider-Man"

"But if something gets stolen?"

"I planned this ahead, there's a hidden tracker in almost everything in that laboratory. I just need to get to New-York to find the stealer and return the things he took from me"

"You sure a day will be enough?"

"I am pretty sure, I will get back at night or even in the evening"

"But what about Gwen?"

"Tell her that I got a notification from the security system from my home. Make it seem like I am going back to sort everything out and to talk with the police. Don't forget to say that I'll get back later today" Peter said.

"Ok, I will tell the pilot to be ready to get you to New-York. Get into the car, tell the driver that I allowed you're from Harry."

"Thank you!" Peter said before hugging Harry.

"Where are you going?" Gwen asked when Peter got inside the car.

"I am sorry, I don't have time to explain. I'll be back!"

(30 minutes later)

Peter was at the airport, showed all of his documents, and got inside the jet. He didn't bring anything apart from his phone, hotel room key, and the house key. He couldn't stop thinking about the battle that was about to start...

"Today is the first time I'll fight against such strong enemies. Chitauri and Loki are very dangerous and don't forgive any mistakes. Although the Avengers are very strong, I should do my best to save the city from being captured!" Peter thought.

Author's note: I know that some of you expected a bed scene between Gwen and Peter, but I think that it's unrealistic and that their relationship is not on that level yet. It'll probably take place in the future tho.