
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime & Comics
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186 Chs

Chapter 76

[Third Person's PoV]

Miles burst through Aunt May's front door with a frantic, panicked look, his mask pulled over his head.

"My uncle," Miles struggled to say, "My uncle Aaron, he's the prowler, the one that has been chasing after me."

"Slow down, Miles," Peter B softly said, attempting to calm him down.

"We don't have time; we're surrounded. Mask down, kid," Peter interrupted, rushing outside with the others.

Peter B picked him up, pulled down his mask, and carried him outside.

"What! What's going on?" Miles asked with worry.

"Aunt May, stay inside and be hidden," Peter B warned, explaining to Miles that he was being followed.

As soon as Peter B dragged Miles out, he witnessed Peter kicking Doc Ock back and away from the front door of Aunt May's house.

"Duck!" Peter shouted towards Miles and Peter B, and they followed the command.

Leaning all the way back, Peter shot two webs over their heads before yanking them towards Doc Ock. The bodies of Tombstone and Scorpion flew over the heads of Peter B and Miles, heading towards Doc Ock, who caught them with her tentacle arms.

"Esta Maldita Araña coño," Scorpion cursed as he was pulled and thrown.

(Translation: This fucking spider, damn it)

"Maldita tu madre," Peter replied in perfect Spanish with a smirk, just as Doc Ock's tentacle turned into a saw, attempting to cut him.

(A/N: some words/curses are difficult to translate from Spanish to English, so bear with me as my Dominican blood takes over. Translation: Your fuckin' mother, or, your bitch of a mother)

As Peter rolled away from the saw, Doc Ock seized the opportunity to rapidly extend her tentacle arm and grab the goober from the hands of the unsuspecting Peni.

Peni, realizing the situation, clicked her tongue and swiftly ran towards her mecha before jumping in, transforming it into battle mode.

Gwen jumped from a surrounding building, swiftly shooting her web at the goober in Doc Ock's tentacle, successfully taking it away.

However, a blurred figure swooped down and grabbed it from her hands with a large metal beak before flying away.

"What!" Gwen couldn't help but shout in surprise, looking up to see a man dressed in a green bird costume with a large beak over his mouth.

"Aria, who is that?" Gwen asked, chasing after the figure.

"Based on the data I have collected, he is known in this world as the Vulture, one of this world's Spider-Man main villains," Aria explained, showing his file to Gwen.

Gwen shot one of her fastest webs from her webshooter towards him, holding him as the Vulture flapped his wings to escape. Almost successful, if not for Gwen's strength. She took hold of her web with both hands and pulled the Vulture towards her.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" The Vulture screamed as he was pulled. He used the pulling momentum to his advantage and dove towards Gwen with a glare.

Gwen, anticipating his move, sprouted spider legs from her back as the Vulture approached. She caught his beak with both hands, using the legs to stop herself from being pushed back and preventing him from flying away.

As he thrashed around, she webbed his legs together before prying open his metal beak.

"STOP, LET GO OF ME, YOU CRAZY BITCH. I WILL BE PAY GOOD MONEY IF I JUST KILLED YOU!" He shouted while still thrashing around.

Ignoring his threats, Gwen casually opened his beak, normally too difficult for regular humans, taking out the goober. She shot a web inside, shutting up his mouth.

"Normally, good birdies sing beautiful songs. Your voice is simply annoying," she teased, pretending to clean her ear, leaving him muffled and yelling in frustration.

Her spidey-sense suddenly tingled, prompting Gwen to execute a beautiful backflip, evading a large vibration sent her way, which destroyed the ground in its path.

Before the attacker could continue, multiple webs shot towards his gauntlets, the source of the vibrations, stopping it from working.

"What!" He shouted in anger, looking up to see Gwen2 flying overhead, aiming her web shooters at his gauntlets and continuing to fire.

"What are you doing over here!?" Gwen asked Gwen2 with a smile and a wave.

Gwen2 continued webbing up the attacker before answering, "I saw you running after someone and then being secretly chased. I followed behind him in case you need support."

"Thanks!" Gwen replied, this time not needing to ask Aria anything as she immediately knew what Gwen was going to inquire.

"Another Spider-Man villain going by the alias of Shocker," Aria said, displaying Shocker's file, similar to what she did with the Vulture.

"Thanks, Aria."

"Happy to help, Mother."

Gwen smiled before turning to Gwen2, "What about the others, are they okay?"

"I'm not sure, but they should be fine. It's mostly a free-for-all out there!" Gwen2 shouted back.

"You Spiders are so annoying!" Doc Ock growled with anger.

Meanwhile, Scorpion was just surprised someone understood Spanish. Before he could say anything about it, Peter B rushed towards him, while Noir headed for Tombstone.

Doc Ock's tentacles swirled all over the place, attempting to catch Peter, but he effortlessly dodged them. She grabbed a parked car and threw it at Peter.

"Just stand still and let me hit you!" She shouted as Peter sprouted legs from his back, catching the car and carefully placing it down without further damage.

She stopped, staring at Peter with widened eyes. Veins started protruding from her forehead as she pointed at him in anger.


Peter looked at his mechanical spider legs and put on a mocking pondering pose, "Did I? Huh, well, would you look at that, I guess I did."

Overwhelmed with anger, she propelled herself towards Peter using two of her tentacles while stretching the other two to grab onto him.

Peter's spider legs compacted behind him, making him leaner. He easily avoided her by ducking under and weaving between her tentacles, running forward.

"Sorry, my eight-legged sister," Peter said, re-extending his spider legs, cutting off her two extended tentacles. "It looks like mine are better than yours," he added as two spider legs lodged into the ground, giving him support to kick her in the unguarded stomach with both his legs.

Her stomach caved in slightly, causing spit and a bit of vomit to escape Doc Ock's mouth as she was sent flying back, crashing onto the house in front of them and destroying the walls.

Peter heard Peter B shout to Miles, "Kid, what are you still doing here! Get away from here quick!"

Miles, panicking, tried to turn invisible and run away. As he ran, his spidey-sense tingled, and he jumped to the side, avoiding the Prowler's invisible attack.

As Miles dodged, the Prowler charged his advance boots, which glowed purple with power, and shot himself towards Miles at a fast speed, tackling him through one of the houses.

They flipped around one another as the Prowler tried to catch him, and Miles tried to escape. Luckily, due to Miles' strength, he managed to push the Prowler away before running to the only available place – up the stairs from the house he got tackled in.

As he ran up the stairs, the Prowler's boots glowed purple with power again, tackling Miles upwards right through the ceiling, landing perfectly on the edge of the rooftop with his hands on Miles's throat.

"Sorry, kid, you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time," he said as he extended his other hand, causing claws to extend from his metal gloves.

Miles quickly took off his mask, seeing no other way to escape, "Uncle Aaron, it's me, it's me."

The Prowler's eyes widened in disbelief, "Miles?" He questioned before frantically shaking his head, "No, No, No, No, No," he muttered while taking off his own mask.

He then heard Kingpin's voice through his earpiece, "What are you waiting for! Kill him already!"

Seeing the Prowler not responding, Kingpin got out of his car, aimed his handgun at him, and fired a shot. Just as he was pulling the trigger, Peter shouted from across the street, "HEY FATASS, EVER HAD THE TASTE OF OCTOPUS BEFORE."

As Kingpin fired the shot, Doc Ock's unconscious body slammed into him, causing the trajectory of the bullet to change its course. Instead of directly hitting the Prowler, it scraped along his arm, changing his fate from being killed.

Off in the distance, the sound of sirens was heard as they made their way toward their direction…