
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime & Comics
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184 Chs

Chapter 47

[Harry's Pov]

The last thing I ever expected to find out was that my best friend was the new and upcoming superhero alongside his girlfriend…

Honestly I don't even know how to really feel about that, I mean for one I'm proud of him… Not that I'll ever tell him to his face, Hell would have to freeze over first before that happens.

It's been two days since I've found out, and at first I thought it would have been more crazy or they would have been more different then how they normally were but nope, they're still the same as always. Which is nice to know, though I've only known for two days so who knows what might happen.

Peter has healed up now and Gwen has allowed him to go do their duties luckily for me, Peter allowed me to be the guy in the chair. It's nice that they didn't immediately tell me to stay away to "Keep me safe".

As I made my way inside their secret lair, I said hello to Peter's A.I, which I can't believe how life like he made it. I better be friendly in case it revolts; it might spare me.

As I sat down i asked "Hey Arnny, What are they up to today"

"Currently they're chasing after a car chase" Arnny reported.

"Seriously? Again?"

Doesn't this get tedious or annoying constantly doing the same thing over and over again.

"Auto theft and chase are known to be the most common types of crime. So they are likely to occur more often." Arnny informed me.

Makes sense…

Seeing them in action just made me realize something which should have been quite obvious from the beginning, they don't find this tedious and I don't think they ever will… They don't see what they're doing, they see who they're helping.

To them they could repeat the action a million times and still find joy doing it since they helped someone… whether they appreciated it or not.

"They're so cool…" I couldn't help but mutter, I couldn't have been more glad to call them my friends.

I quickly shook my head to stop myself from thinking about such sappy thoughts, instead of just sitting around I decided to do something productive.

I started checking out the Video Peter uploaded. "Arnny, how's Peter video doing?"

"It currently has 1 millions views and still rising"

"Woah, already? Just how high is there popularity"

"Curr-" Arnny was about to say, but I quickly interrupted

"Sorry, you don't have to answer that, it was more of a rhetorical question"

'My pride couldn't have taken such answers.' I joked to myself, while shaking my head.

"But still 1 million views when he literally uploaded the video yesterday" I said in disbelief.

"Does Peter have the next video ready?"

"Rhetorical question?"

"No, Arnny, genuine question this time. Sorry for cutting you off earlier.

For some reason I just felt the need to apologize… Seriously Pete, what the hell did you create?

"... You are forgiving… since you are Father's best friend… Father's Next Video is ready for upload"

And if I wasn't? Is that a threat? Is Peter sure this thing is safe? What happened to the three laws all robots must follow?

"Why isn't it uploaded yet?"

"Father said he likes to be present when doing small things like this"

"I see…" No, I don't but sure.

"Can I watch it?"

Arnny then opened a tab on the side monitor and started playing a video of Peter and Gwen stopping an armored truck, which looked dope.

As Arnny was showing the video, I noticed a file to the side that said "Every Day File"

'Ah that must be Where the video goes after he made the masks. He did say that the mask has been recording everything ever since it was made.

I click on the folder and make my way to the videos until I reach the very last one which is most likely the first Video.

He's been doing this for 2 months now hasn't he. I click on the video and listen while watching Peter and Gwen live on the big screen.

"Hey Gwen, catch" Peter's voice was heard from my side causing me to turn and look at the video and saw Peter throw something at Gwen

Gwen looked at the thing in her hand in confusion, which Peter caught on and explained

"They're web shooters, I started working on yours since we got our powers 2 weeks ago"

Gwen continued look at it in confusion "Why would we need them we make our own webs"

They can??? That's news to me.

"It's in case we run out of our own webs, who knows what might happen. These are in case of emergencies, though I did add different kinds of webs, like taser webs, impact webs, web grenades, you know anything that could be useful"

"Woah, you thought of these all in 2 weeks while we were practicing how to use our powers"

"No, I just made yours in two weeks, the rest was a project I started when I was little"

"Right, your obsession with spiders, how could I ever forget. Isn't this all really a bit coincidence, you having an obsession with spiders and then we end up developing the powers of a spider"

"Ha!" Laughed, Peter did always have an obsession with spiders. I wonder why? But she's right, it's all really suspiciously coincidental.

"You know I previously mentioned that my parents died and were in a plane accident and that they were scientists."

This is one of the reasons Peter was a good friend, he understood my pain when mom died better than anyone. When he said "sorry about your mom's death", I knew it wasn't from pity like everyone else's but from experience.

"That wasn't everything, there's more to it that I haven't told you and the others" Peter in the video continued much to my shock, almost mimicking Gwen.

'Now that he mentioned it, the way they died wasn't explained much except that they died in a plane crash' I thought while paying close attention.

"You see, my parents used to work as scientists, something you already know. And while working they were experimenting and testing on the serum that turned Captain America into the super soldier that he is.

I guess they were trying to create their own or improve on it, they thought that for it to improve it would be better if it was mixed along with animals.

The latest animal they were working on were spiders, they got really far into the project. But here's the thing: the person who they were working for is sick, their boss thought that this would be his cure, so he wanted to move towards human experimentation. Which was something my parents were highly against.

They were going to be forced into accepting it, by involving their families, so they decided to run away before they discovered who the family was. By running away they would be able to hide for a while and protect their family"

Peter said much to my shock, this feels wrong. It feels like I'm listening to something I shouldn't.

Peter then sighed and continued "I remember the last time I saw my mom and dad, they were in a panic..."

Peter then started explaining what happened when he last saw them

"Their plane then "mysteriously" got into an accident. But it wasn't an accident, it was a hit. Basically a retrieval mission for their research and to silence them... and that's where my obsession with spiders comes from, it's something my parents last researched. It makes me feel closer to them, when I start studying them"

'It was a hit, an assassination but who was it' I thought with gritted teeth and clenched fist.

Gwen had her hands cover her mouth from the shock she was experiencing, when Peter finished she went up and wrapped Peter in a tight hug "Oh Peter"

When she broke the hug she asked "So do you know who this boss is, the one who murdered your parents"

I started to pay even more attention so as to not miss the name.

Peter just gave her a sad smile and asked "Gwen by what did we get bit by and where did it happened"

Didn't Peter say it happened in Os…

Gwen scrounged her face in confusion "We were bite by enhanced spider at osssss....No" Gwen said placing her hands near her mouth again

….. Oscorp, she was gonna say Oscorp. Exactly where Peter said they got bit… Dad, My Father, he killed his parents….

I can feel myself start to panic. My breathing is getting involuntarily heavy and faster.

Peter knew it was my dad. Of course he knew he was always smart… was he lying all this time. Was he really my friend… My best friend.

Was this a ploy to get close to me, to my dad, to kill him. Is he planning to kill me too once he's done…

Has our whole friendship been a lie?

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