
Spider-Man: Duty and Loss

Peter Parker, Spider-Man has lost it all. All he has left is his Duty. He will protect the city, till his dying breath. Copyright disclaimer: I do not own Spider-man nor any character or works featured in this fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful owners, Marvel Comics, and Studios. No copyright infringement intended. ******************************************* (Longer Synopsis) Peter Parker has lost it all, his home, his aunt, and his friends. All he has left is his duty to the city, his presence keeping crime at bay. A few months after the battle of New York, Peter gets by living on the streets. His only friend a red haired woman named Natasha. With people from his past turning up, new Super Heroes appearing everywhere and mutants on the rise, will his life continue to spiral out of control? Or will something turn him around and make him the man he always was? ******************************************* I’m writing this novel for fun so there is no release schedule. All chapters will fluctuate in length depending on many factors. I am writing an original for my main story and this is just a side project so there is no overarching plot going forwards just an imagination of the marvel landscape with different changes. This novel will follow the MCU timeline with changes such as the introduction of greater marvel characters and groups, fluctuation in ages, and comic alterations. I hope you enjoy this re-imagining. The idea for this novel is directly inspired from me reading ‘When The Spider Falls’ over on fanfiction.net. Please go over and give that novel some love if you like where my novel is heading. I don’t read comics too much so any ideas or extra information would be nice. (Because people keep asking. Yes this is a Harem)

Zevren · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs

Doom Squad Part 2

It wasn't know to the commander of the squad, but if he could have looked inside his own armour systems and networks right then and there, he would have been able to see the smirking face of Crystal as she looked at the man's shocked expression.

She had been able to carry over from Doom's main network into the doom squad's suits, if she wasn't so busy fighting Doom's internal security she might have been able to completely lock up their suits. But she was still working on cracking everything open, the system was good, but she was better. All she needed was time, then not even Doom could stop her, probably.

For now she settled with an inside view of the suits system, including the visual display helping them assess the situation. Seeing that he wasn't going to get his signal out, the man's eyes hardened as he gave his commands.

"Deal with the invisible woman, Mr. Fantastic is low priority. One you deal with her, go after the Thing." A new protrusion extended from the man's arms, a long blade made of metal sprouted from both his forearms as he started at Peter. "I will deal with the Insect."

Peter stepped back for a second in shock. "I thought you guys were professionals. How in the hell don't you know the difference between an arachnid and an Insect? I mean common. You were competent up until this point." The leader said nothing else as he advanced upon his prey. As he walked closer the blades lit up a small tinge of blue as electricity coursed through the metal.

Peter raised an eye brow that somehow showed through his mask as he tilted his head. "Electrified blades? Really?" Seeing his opponent say nothing Peter just shrugged his shoulders. The fight had been taking too long, if they didn't get out soon they would be surrounded and outnumbered again.

Peter's eyes narrowed at the incoming foe. 'It's time I got serious.' 'Hahaha.' Venom let out a small chuckle in his mind at the thought, it couldn't wait for what was about to happen. Dropping his shoulders and entering a loose stance Peter spoke up as the commander entered range. "They won't help you in the end and you know why…"

Peter sprung forwards too fast to follow as his body moved like water; he had shifted behind the man and gripped his shoulder before the commander knew what was happening. Peter leaned in for a whisper. "….Because I know kung fue!" If he had been able to say anything before he was flipped the commander might have got out the one word that summed up what was about to happen, the same thing he was thinking as his body was effortlessly picked up. 'Fuck me.'

As Sue dealt with the other doom guard who couldn't get within 5 meters of her without being flung backwards, Peter had already flipped the commander to the ground, face up. The ground cracked from the blow as the armour also showed signs of how strong that throw was.

Peter didn't give him a chance to do anything as his hand struck out at the key joints in the armour. *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* One by one the key points of the armour were destroyed in such fashion that it sent a chill down the commanders spine. He had been in the latverian army for a long time. He had trained in a few martial arts, and had been a commando of their special forces before he was picked to be a doom guard. But he couldn't do anything before this hero! If he didn't have the armour he would be a cripple for life!

And it was this fear and almost respect at what was happening that kept him from moving as his armour was destroyed. After Peter was done, the armour couldn't move anymore, the joints connected each part were destroyed beyond repair.

One last quick blow to the head was all it took for the command to enter the land of unconsciousness. Just as Peter finished that he looked over at Sue and Johnny, who was knocked out cold. The net had turned itself off, but the damage had been done, if it wasn't for the suit he wore that protected against his high heat factor, it would have left quite a few burns on his skin.

Luckily his face had been missed by the huge net and it had been mainly his body that had been caught. Sue was still sitting in front of her brother and had his head in her lap. She held him tightly a bit afraid to let go. He was her only relative left alive, should didn't want to see anything bad happen to him, even if they did put their lives on the line all the time as heroes.

Ben was engaging the last Doom guard that was standing while Reed moved over to Peter. Whatever happened to the other guard that had been speared through the wall, only Ben knew. Using a few grappling moves Ben finished the fight quickly and the fantastic five grouped up once again.

Sue carried Johnny who was out cold on one of her barriers as Reed could walk by himself now. Sue, Reed and Ben looked like they wanted to talk about what they just encountered but Peter jumped in before they got side tracked.

"I'm sure all of you are wondering what the hell they were, and what they meant by 'killing the fantastic four', but we need to get out of here pronto. Crystal says the vibranium is close by, we need to get out of here as fast as possible."

Stopping to look around at the destruction they had just caused Peter urged them towards a certain passage way. "After that ruckus, they'll know we've escaped pretty soon. My tech genius can only do so much." Reed looked like he wanted to do some research on the Doom guard armour but moved off with everyone as Sue hugged Johnny closer to her.

Peter noticed the anger and desperation that dwelled in her eyes as he took a look at her. He felt a pang of sympathy as he thought over all that had happened to himself over the years as they moved on. As Ben and Reed walked a bit ahead, Peter hung back and slowly placed a hand on Sues shoulder as they walked.

Sue looked surprised for a second at the contact and snapped her head in his direction. She had been so concentrated on Johnny that she didn't notice those around her for a few seconds. Seeing that it was Spider-Man that was holding her shoulder she calmed down.

She might not be able to see his face, but she could tell what he was doing. She gave a small nod as she let the repressed air out of her lungs; she didn't realize how tense her body had been. "It'll be ok." Peter's soft voice came through his mask producing even more calm as they walked steadily towards their destination.

Finally after a few minutes and not running into anyone else, thankfully, they finally arrived at their destination. The vibranium was on the other side of the door. Ben and Reed stopped waiting for Sue and Spider-Man to catch up. Just as Peter moved ahead Sue whispered to his back. "Thank you."

"No prob." Peter let out a small smile that no one could see as he reached the door. He gave Reed and Ben a look as they prepared themselves for anything behind the door.

# Mass Release 2

Just going to put it here so there is no confusion, NO SUE IS NOT GOING TO BE PART OF HAREM, unless i got past ultron. Which if I do, will be a long way off. So don't ask.

Zevrencreators' thoughts