
Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

This is the story of Eren Parker, the boy who became Spider-Man and saved the world from mass destruction using his spider-like powers and his speedy ability known as Godspeed (Think similar to Killua or the Flash). He was a menace to some, but a hero to many. This story is only found on Webnovel and RoyalRoad (SurelyNotEli) This story, unlike many others, has a point to it. It's not a power fantasy, harem, reincarnation novel where the point is to do cool stuff. I’m trying to have an actual story with actual characters with actual development with an ending that wraps everything up. Please, just please don't be an a-hole if you don't like it. Just leave if you don't. Thanks.

SurelyNotEli · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Sinister Six vs the Seven Spiders

In a flash, the White Spider and Silk blasted off toward Venom while the others focused their attention on the Lizard as they had planned since he'd be the easiest to deal with. They all blasted off in an instant as well, aside from the Phantom Spider who was unable to enter the Ultimate Godspeed form yet. He instead charged his feet with Godspeed energy and blasted downward to follow them.

From inside Oscorp, Lily was still crying on the ground while Liz and Felicia comforted her. They didn't know what to say. They had faith in the fact that the six Spider-Men could save everyone along with Silk, but they knew that there was one person he may not be able to save.

He couldn't save Harry Osborn.

The rest of the people in Oscorp were cheering Spider-Man on from the inside, all six versions of him. They couldn't tell what was happening, but all they knew was that there was now a chance for him to save them just like he always did.

It was quick, but four of the five Spider-Men from other timelines surrounded the Lizard, developing a circle of energy around him with their speed. They then began shooting webs at him, tying him up to the point where he was immobile. Their synergy was incredible, acting with no words needed. Godspeed was in fact connected through time and space, so perhaps this connection allowed them to move as one.

The Fantastic Spider in his blue and black costume, holding the Neogenic Decombinator gun, fired a green beam at the Lizard before all four of the spiders zipped away in an instant to attack the next target. The Lizard's massive, hulking body began to shrink down and his tail started to disappear as all that was left beneath the symbiote was a weakened Dr. Connors. "We got him!" The Red Spider shouted before directing his attention toward Mysterio.

"Focus on the next target! Fishbowl!" the Black Spider yelled before zipping toward Mysterio while the others followed suit. Mysterio began throwing his sorcery at all of the spiders, though they were able to dodge these green, smokey blasts fairly easily. Electro and the Green Goblin were also firing electric blasts and fireballs respectively, but just like Mysterio, their ranged attacks were far too slow.


Mysterio didn't realize it because the spiders were all moving so fast, but there was one missing, the only one who couldn't use the Ultimate Godspeed state. The Phantom Spider, shrouding his fist in Godspeed energy, struck Mysterio with his fist right in the back of the fishbowl, cracking it and sending him spiraling down toward the Earth. "Pay attention, Glode Head!" the Phantom Spider shouted, as Mysterio flew directly toward the Red Spider. "Red!" he shouted, though the seasoned hero was already prepared.

The Red Spider shot two webs at Mysterio and yanked him forward before kneeing him in the chest. Mysterio let out a breathless gasp before the Black Spider charged his fist with Godspeed energy and delivered a full-powered punch to Dr. Beck's face.

A shockwave mixed with electricity surrounded the point of impact and knocked Mysterio's head clean off, causing his body to drop to the ground lifelessly. At this point, the Eren beneath the symbiote didn't care about the life of any of these villains. He'd do whatever it takes to protect his timeline and the countless others out there.

Everything happened so fast and the other Spider-Men didn't have time to form any thoughts about the brutality of their future self. The hero in black knew that no one else would have the guts to do it, so he took it upon himself to deliver the final blow.

Meanwhile, Silk and the White Spider, hand in hand, were delivering high-speed punches and kicks to Venom using Eren's Godspeed energy. This wasn't something they'd practiced, but they did however practice combo attacks with each other without Godspeed. The only difference at this point was how fast they were moving.

Almost as if he were using Silk as a weapon, Spider-Man swung her in a circle and launched her at Venom like a bullet. Due to Venom's speed and ability to use Godspeed, he was able to catch her foot in the air. However, Spider-Man was quick to duck inward and deliver a straight punch to Venom's face.

If Venom didn't move a few inches backward, this would have been a devastating blow; the punch did still send him backward until he smashed into an already broken car. Before Venom could recover, Silk grabbed Spider-Man by the shoulder, regaining his Godspeed aura before launching herself forward at Venom, delivering a full-powered electric punch to his face.

It seemed that she was able to control the aura she'd gain from coming into contact with Eren for just a second even if their contact was broken, allowing her to do attacks on her own. Neither of them knew how this was possible since his aura never transferred to her before, but they guessed it was due to the artificial symbiote having traces of a real symbiote within it, one that was the offspring of the Prime Symbiote, Venom, which was able to use Godspeed itself.

As the two fought Venom side by side, the rest of the spiders moved on to fight the rest of the Sinister Six. "Electro is next!" the Red Spider announced before zipping up a building with the rest of the spiders following behind him.

"Oh, no you don't!" Electro yelled before throwing electric bolts at the trails of electricity, however, his aim wasn't true enough to land a hit. Again, the Green Goblin attempted to support with ranged attacks of his own but to no avail. Simultaneously, two of the four spiders then lept from the building, pouncing at Electro. He tried dodging out of the way, only to be webbed down by two of the spiders who were still holding onto the building.

"Let go of me!" he shouted as his arms were being yanked in separate directions and he was rendered immobile, suspended high in the air.

The Phantom Spider, being dragged along by the Black Spider, was then launched toward Electro with one single order. "Overcharge is his vest!" he shouted, and the Phantom Spider did just that.

He latched onto Electro as the others held him suspended in the air and began pouring everything he had into the vest just as all the other Phantom Spiders of the past did. Electro screamed as his body began to fry from the inside out.

It wasn't long before Electro was completely fried as he was in every other timeline. Wanting to finish him off, the Black Spider yanked Electro toward him, overpowering the other two spiders that were holding him with their webs due to how strong the symbiote made him. He then gave Electro an exceptionally powerful punch to the chest that obliterated Electro's body, discharging him permanently.

"I'll focus on the Goblin, the rest of you, get Dr. Octopus!" Without missing a beat the Black Spider screamed to his other selves and zipped down toward the Green Goblin to buy enough time for the others to destroy Octavius.

Silk and the White Spider continued to fight Venom, double-teaming him and keeping him away from the rest of his offspring. As they fought, Venom began spewing words from his mouth to get under their skin, using Harry Osborn's voice. Even though it was Harry's voice speaking, it sounded almost artificial as if it were generated by an AI. "Don't you guys remember who's under here? It's me, Harry."

This taunting did nothing more than anger Spider-Man, compelling him to begin throwing even harder punches at Venom, each punch generating enough force to cut through the air and leave behind a trail of black electricity. "Shut up!" he shouted, furious that Venom would even have the nerve to taunt him in such a way.

"You guys aren't going to kill me, are you?" Venom asked in Harry's voice. The two spiders continued fighting, ignoring the voice that was speaking to them. At the moment, there was no way to get Venom off of Harry's body without killing him unless the symbiote willingly wanted to switch hosts.

Despite each of them having a power boost, Venom had grown so powerful that their attacks might as well have been tickling them. Venom was loving this, feeling as if he were invincible.

Meanwhile, the Black Spider was seen taking the Green Goblin on in a one-on-one, holding his own despite the Green Goblin having a symbiote of its own. It was a complete stalemate, however, Spider-Man only needed to continue to hold his own for a bit longer while the others fought Dr. Octopus.

"We have to remove the contraption from his spine! It's the only way to defeat him!" the Red Spider told the rest since he was the only one out of the four who had beaten him already. "Tie the arms!" the Wakandan Spider directed and the spiders did just that.

Each spider took it upon themself to grab one of Dr. Octavius's arms and began pulling hard enough to lock him in place, but not enough to yank the arms out. "Alright, Wakanda. You're up. Give me your web." the Red Spider told him. The hero in gold passed his web to his future self before shooting another web onto Dr. Octavius's spine.

Using all of his strength, he boosted forward and yanked the metal from Dr. Octavius's back, removing the arms from his body permanently. Seeing the tendrils from Dr. Octavius's body beginning to reach out for the metallic tentacles to reattach them, Spider-Man webbed them and flung them out of reach.

Having his spine ripped to shreds, Dr. Octavius fell to the ground and perished on the spot.

The four spiders turned their attention toward the Black Spider and the Green Goblin. The Spider-Man in black was still holding his own in a one-on-one, but it was time for the tide to turn in the spiders' favor.


The Wakandan Spider stuck the Green Goblin in the face with his fist, catching the Goblin off guard.


The Red Spider followed right behind him, kicking the Green Goblin's head while managing to actually do damage to him unlike in their last bout due to the Black Spider already having weakened him.


The Phantom Spider blindsided the Green Goblin, punching him in the jaw with a Godspeed-infused punch.


The Fantastic Spider dashed by and kneed the Green Goblin in the side of his mouth, nearly causing him to topple over.


"Die!" the Black Spider, still filled with rage as their last battle was rudely interrupted, shouted and delivered a powerful punch aimed at the Green Goblin's already weak spine. He punched him with so much strength, his back folded in on itself just as it did before the Green Goblin was taken from this timeline. "Remember what I told you? I'll show you what happens when the boy who plays the hero 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙨!"

With his arm halfway inside the Green Goblin's back, Spider-Man grabbed his spine and pulled it out with his bare hands. Instantly, the Green Goblin's body collapsed in on itself as he lay paralyzed on the ground while dying slowly.

"Jesus Christ..." the other Spider-Men all muttered in unison, shocked at what might become of them in the future.

"And I thought what you did was brutal..." the Phantom Spider whispered to the Wakandan Spider.

The Black Spider threw the spine to the ground and looked at them all before directing his gaze toward the other Spider-Man and Silk. "Let's go. Kill Venom and this is all over." he told them, zipping over to lend a hand.

Once the Black Spider punched Venom in the chest, his arm suddenly got stuck inside the monstrosity. Suddenly, the symbiote started removing itself from his body and began becoming one with the Venom of this timeline.

The symbiote on his body was one and the same, both being Venom, the Prime Symbiote, from different timelines. As for why Venom didn't just take over Spider-Man's body at that moment, it was because it was afraid that Spider-Man wouldn't relinquish any control of his body over to it. Venom figured that doubling down on Harry's body would be the key to victory.

The Black Spider, now appearing in his red and blue costume, pulled his arm back but the symbiote had already fully detached itself from his body.

Venom started to transform, growing in size and becoming far more sinister by the moment. Each spider was frozen in place, feeling just how powerful the two Prime Symbiotes combining into one was becoming.

All of the Seven Spiders were dumbfounded, watching Venom continue to grow in size. "Does this mean we're fucked?" the Phantom Spider asked, looking to his older selves for confirmation, though none of them said a word.

Venom then suddenly stopped growing in size and began wriggling as if he were fighting himself, which was precisely what was happening. Venom didn't think its actions through, therefore, it failed to realize that it and the Venom from a different timeline had conflicting interests.

Both wanted to be in control of the body. Both wanted to be the leader of their symbiote army. They were both alphas fighting to be the one in control of it all.

The Red Spider began to chuckle being the first to realize what was happening. "Co-infection." he said under his breath.

"That's when two parasites are inside the same host, right?" the Fantastic Spider added.

"They usually work together, causing double the amount of issues for the host." the Wakandan Spider added his piece as well.

"Or sometimes..." the Phantom Spider started saying his piece, but the rest of them all began speaking in unison.

"The parasites feed on each other."

Just as they all came to the same conclusion, so did Harry who was beneath the symbiote. Due to both Venoms fighting for control, Harry was able to momentarily allow himself to regain just a fraction of control of his own body due to his own incredible willpower, something he learned during his training with Kraven the Hunter.

He climbed mountains without gear while his body ached.

He ate raw plants for weeks when he wasn't skilled enough to hunt for his own meat.

He fought Kraven on an empty stomach many times over.

Taking control of his body for a few moments was something he could handle.

"Eren! D- do it now! Without the host, it can't break through the barrier or travel through time! Do it while they're distracted!" Harry yelled from beneath the symbiote, using everything he had in his mind and body to take control for enough time so that way Eren could deal the killing blow.

He didn't have time to think or mourn, all he could do was listen to Harry and do exactly as he said.

Pouring everything he had into his fist, the Eren Parker of that timeline shrouded his fist with a massive, crackling aura of black electricity. It was so enormous, the onlookers from within Oscorp could see nothing more than a ball of light resonating from where they were once able to see him standing.

"NO, EREN DON'T!" Lily screamed from the other side of the glass inside Oscorp, letting her selfishness get the best of her. She knew this was the only way, but she still couldn't stand to see it happen.

Dashing forward, Eren sent a full-powered punch aimed directly at Venom's chest, impaling it and striking Harry Osborn right through the heart. Due to its immense pressure, part of the symbiote was blown back, allowing Harry and Eren to look at each other face-to-face one final time and the world around them began to slow down.

Some might feel that the final fight for Venom may be anti-climatic, but having it just be a brawling fest was boring IMO. It defeating itself is more interesting and less predictable.

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