
Spider-Man: A Spider's Way of Life

[Fanfiction, Romance, Action, Adventure, Slice of Life] On Earth 1172, Midtown High School sophomore Peter Parker attends a science exhibit at Oscorp Industries, and along the way, a radioactive spider crawled its way through and bit him, thus turning him into a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. However, despite gaining superpowers, Peter will have a hard time juggling both the lives of Peter Parker and Spider-Man, like all webslingers. How will he do it, and what adventures await him in the future? Read to find out! ------------------------------- This is a slice-of-life story of Peter Parker that involves his love life a lot in the story. Of course, there will be a lot of action, adventure, crime-fighting, and joke-telling about Spidey, but I'd like to warn those of you. There are three love interests in the story, and that is it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This story is completely fanfiction inspired by the Spider-Man movies (Primarily MCU Spider-Man). I haven't read any of the Spider-Man comic books, but I plan to in the future, so bear with me and suggest some things to inspire my work in the comments! I'll answer any question as long as it doesn't spoil the story too much. I'm a new writer, so please go easy on me! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story, I have many things planned for it!

Vexis · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


[Manhattan, New York City, Earth-1172]

In the concrete jungle of New York City, a tall building stood with bright green letters that read "Oscorp Industries" near the top. While it certainly wasn't the tallest building, it was nothing to scoff at either.

On a sunny Thursday afternoon with a slight cold breeze, a science tour was taking place here. Inside the building, various pieces of advanced technology were being shown to visitors or worked on by the employees.

The building was littered with bright and surely expensive holograms that displayed different inventions Oscorp has been and is still working on to benefit the world and society.

In a certain tour group belonging to Midtown High, there was a young, 15-year-old boy with short brown hair who was listening in on the tour guide as he scanned with his blue eyes, which were hidden behind a pair of glasses, around with curiosity and excitement.

This boy had pale skin and wore a white and black flannel shirt with a white t-shirt underneath, blue jeans, and black and white shoes on his feet. A visitor badge was clipped to his flannel shirt, with the name "Peter Parker" written on it.

Unlike the boy, Peter Parker, several of his classmates were paying their full attention to the tourist guide, who was an attractive woman with long, curly black hair and brown eyes as she wore a scientist lab coat.

At the moment, the tour guide was showing Peter's class some rather powerful solar panel technology that Oscorp Industries managed to create.

"As you can see, this is our latest development in high-efficiency solar panels. These panels are not just any ordinary solar collectors; they are embedded with nanostructured layers that significantly boost their energy absorption capabilities." The tour guide said as she gestured her hand to the hologram showing the solar panels along with relevant written information.

Peter, himself, was only paying half of his attention since everything at Oscorp Industries was just so awe-inspiring to him. He thought to himself, 'Woah~! Over there are the Oscorp Environmental Drones, which are capable of capturing data across multiple wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum!'

One by one, Peter saw something even more incredible than the last, and it was starting to make his brain hurt. Taking a deep sigh to calm himself down, he then noticed that he had wandered off from the group unintentionally.

Looking around, there weren't any of his classmates or the numerous scientists that worked on their projects. It was him all alone in an empty laboratory. Unsure of which was the way out since he didn't even know how he got in here, Peter decided to venture through until he ran into someone.

'They won't arrest me for trespass or turn me into a test subject, will they?' Peter couldn't help but think as he continued to search his way through until he found a long hallway.

Along the walls of the hallway, Peter saw countless doors that were closed and locked behind a finger-print scanner. Although this was very cool, it wasn't going to help him find his way back quicker. Plus, he didn't want to cause a disturbance for his recklessness, so he kept quiet as he searched.

And yet, as Peter was making his way through the hallway with this plan in mind, there was a door that was slightly cracked open enough for him to peek through and see what was on the other side. 'One little peek won't hurt anybody, right?' he asked himself in his thoughts.

Looking through, Peter managed to see a large expanse of blinding blue lights, though he did manage to spot three men near a digital touchpad settled on a standing metal podium. Of the three men, one was a young scientist with pale skin, short black hair, and a rather unique uniform consisting of various colors of blue, white, and black.

The man standing next to him was a tall man with slightly pale skin with subtle rosiness, red hair, green eyes, wearing a black suit, and looking to be in his mid-forties. Peter was thankfully able to recognize this man: 'Norman Osborn, Harry's father... Well, it's understandable why he's here. After all, he's Oscorp's CEO.'

'As for that guy, he's probably his bodyguard.' Peter then looked at the third man, who stood well over Norman and the scientist. He was tanned, with short black hair, wearing black sunglasses, an earpiece in his left ear, and an all-black suit.

Checking to see if anyone was nearby, Peter put his ear up to the door since he couldn't help but satiate his curiosity about what they were doing. Although he wasn't able to understand all of what they were saying, he got the gist of it.

Norman looked down at the scientist with a firm but questioning expression on his face. "Whatever was important enough to interrupt a very important meeting so that I could come all the way down here better be worth it."

Giving an audible gulp, the scientist nervously nodded. "Yes, sir. The mutation in the spider project suddenly had an extreme breakthrough. Here, give me a moment so that I can show you."

The scientist then started to input digital keys into the touchpad, something Peter wasn't able to make out. However, unknown to him and everyone else, a certain insect was crawling its way to Peter from inside the room.

The spider appeared to be a blue and red spider with glowing red tips at each spider appendage. Since Peter was paying his attention to Norman and the other two men, he was unable to spot the approaching spider.

Using this to its advantage, the spider crawled its way over to Peter's right shoe before crawling up on his jeans and up into his sleeve. Normally, Peter would swat an insect if he felt one crawling on him, but that was impossible since he wore clothing that covered most of his skin, leaving only his head and hands exposed.

Since the spider was so careful not to alert its presence to Peter by avoiding his flesh, it remained undetected in its unknown mission. Well, that was until its personal mission was close to finishing, as it soon crawled its way onto Peter's neck before sticking its fangs deep into his skin and injecting its venom into his bloodstream.

Now that it had done this, Peter was aware that a spider had crawled on him, but he thought nothing of it and decided to slap it off his neck after a quiet yelp, causing it to fall and escape from Peter.

'What the... why is there a spider—?!' Peter was about to question something before noticing that Norman was currently making his way to the door after yelling, "You're Fired!" to the scientist, who is now being dragged by Norman's bodyguard.

The scientist screamed to Norman, "N-No, this is a mistake! I swear it was here just a few moments ago! Please, you have to believe me—!" After trying to plead with Norman, all he got was the silent treatment.

Norman walked up to the door, and after opening it, all he found was an empty hallway after looking both ways. "Hah, why does my staff hire idiots..." he sighed in complaint, now turning left along with the scientist and the bodyguard.

Meanwhile, down the hallway on the right and around the corner was Peter, who was trying to catch his breath after sneaking swiftly but quietly away from the door out of fear of being spotted by his best friend's dad. Peter knew that Norman had approved of him, but he didn't want to cause strife in that relationship by being seen 'snooping' around at his place of work.

Shaking these thoughts away, Peter turned to the left, and immediately he saw a scientist looking at him with a suspicious gaze. "Who are you? Don't you know this is a restricted area? Do I have to call security?"

Peter panicked and ran up to him and explained, "I'm very, truly sorry, sir. I'm a visitor here on a tour," he pointed to his visitor badge before continuing, "but I became so fascinated with everything that I somehow wasn't paying attention, and I found myself lost here. I didn't mean... to..."

While Peter wanted to explain further, he saw that the scientist was, for some reason, lost in thought. He mumbled something along the lines of, "Sir... hmhmhm, Sir, yeah, hmhmhm..."

Finally noticing his embarrassing display, the scientist apologized and reasoned with Peter before showing him the way back to his class without questioning anything further. Whether Peter meant to flatter him or not, it clearly worked for his own benefit.

Finally catching up with the class back to where he originally was, Peter felt a bump on his shoulder from a young boy of similar age to him, who wore some pretty expensive clothing, mainly a white buttoned shirt and black khakis with black penny loafers. He had short, curly red hair, green eyes, and freckles across cheek-to-cheek. On his clothing was a visitor badge as well, with the name "Harry Osborn" written on it.

"There you are, Pete. I was looking everywhere for you." Harry smiled innocently, as he always does, and Peter tried to explain to him everything that happened, aside from the scene with Norman and the scientist and being bit by a spider.

"Oh, I just got super excited by everything, and somehow I got lost." Peter chuckled as he scratched the back of his head with his right hand.

Seeing as Peter had no reason to lie, Harry believed him and started reviewing everything he missed. It wasn't much, but it was still fascinating for Peter to hear, despite his attention being drawn to a beautiful young girl who is also of similar age as him.

The young girl had long red hair and blue eyes, and she wore a white blouse with blue jeans and white sneakers on her feet. Wrapped around her neck was an arm belonging to a taller young boy who had natural brown hair with blonde-dyed hair slicked to the back of his head and brown eyes. He wore a red varsity jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers.

"MJ... and Flash..." Peter sighed disappointedly toward the end. He had a crush on MJ for over a year now, when Peter first entered Midtown High as a freshman. Even though he's a sophomore now and had plenty of chances to talk with her, his nerves got the best of him.

It also didn't help that she was dating his high school bully, who relentlessly bullied him behind her back. In front of her, he had nice, polite, golden retriever energy, but behind her back... well... not so much.

Clearly noticing this and feeling pity for Peter, Harry slapped Peter's back gently and tried to console him, "Don't worry, Peter. If it makes you feel any better, some of the girls only talk to me because my family's rich."

Peter looked at him with a deadpan expression that read, "No, it's not helping."

In the midst of the tour and their conversation, a scream sounded, and it belonged to one of Peter's classmates. However, Peter didn't know who she was and couldn't see her name badge either. The girl had most of her long black hair blocking her face, and she appeared to be very timid. She wore a gray sweater, a black skirt, black leggings, and ankle-high black boots.

The girl could be seen rubbing the side of her neck, but as for the cause of her pain, no one knew, not even the sometimes forgetful Peter Parker. Seeing as though she didn't make any effort to explain what the problem was after being asked by a teacher, everything went back to normal, and eventually the class trip ended, with them being brought back to their school before they left to go back to their homes.

Peter had gone back to Forest Hills, where he had lived with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. For some reason, he was feeling extremely tired and exhausted...