
Turning Point

- Ready, champ?

- Never better, Uncle Ben.

Walking down the stairs with my rucksack behind me and a focused expression on my face.

- Peter, good luck with the project.

- Thanks, Auntie. Trust me, I can beat anyone.

- All right, fighter, let's get in the car.

We got in my uncle's old Ford and drove to the Forest Hill area.

- Are you sure you're gonna make it home on your own? - Ben asks again hesitantly.

- I'm sure, Uncle. I'll just finish my business and get home no problem, I promise.

- All right then.

We get to the centre and stop in front of the library.

- Peter, one more thing.

Seriously, I appreciate my uncle, but he's a big talker.

- Yeah? I'm doing my best to keep a friendly smile on my face.

- I just wanted to say I'm proud of you. And whatever happens in your life, know that you can always trust me and your aunt," Ben Parker said heartfelt.

- I know, Uncle. - and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. What's he on about?

I've got a bad feeling....

- All right, run.

Okay, let's not get distracted right now. I wave at Uncle Ben, wait for the car to go round the corner and then I run to the next block. It's an hour before fight night.

Got to the building without incident. Eh, and still there is a magic in evening New York. A huge metropolis, hundreds of thousands of people going about their business, and you moving in this sea of chaos, beauty.

I see a huge crowd at the main entrance to the building wanting to see the show. And, in the nook leading to the back door, a small queue of those who intend to participate. That's interesting. Is this guy wearing a tutu?

- Excuse me, where's the locker room? - we ask the security guard.

- Hey, kid, you want to participate?

- No, my friend decided to try his hand, and I brought him a costume, - we pretend to be a hose.

- All right then, the changing room is on the right, third door, - the big guy pointed his finger behind his back.

- Thank you.

We go in. No-one's in, lucky us. Checking for cameras. Also clear. Yeah, why would a second-rate sports centre need a surveillance system in the locker room? You can't be too vigilant.

I quickly put on my "suit" and put my civilian clothes in my rucksack. Just in case I put on my throwers and hid them in my sleeves. I feel they'll come in handy. Mask on, ready to go.

What about the backpack... I'll leave it in my locker.

I came out of the changing room and started looking for any of the organisers. Whether it's luck or canon, I got the main showman-commentator of the evening.

- Excuse me, where's the exit for the challengers against Hogan the Destroyer?

- Hogan the Destroyer?! Boy, are you sure you're up to this? We don't offer health insurance here," said the shiny suit, looking at me questioningly.

- Oh, believe me, the Masked Miracle has some tricks up his sleeve! - I commented, striking a silly pose.

- "The Masked Miracle?" Ridiculous. But the audience will enjoy it. Did you sign up for the commission?

- Actually, I was planning on flying into the ring as soon as the Destroyer was done with the next challenger," I rubbed the back of my head.

- Oh, the show! Not bad kid, you sure know how to play to an audience.

- You have no idea.

- Then that's what we'll do. This door leads to the Ring. Wait on the right side.

- Got it.

The hall was buzzing as Destroyer Hogan smashed another opponent.

- What a powerhouse, don't you agree, mates?! - the commentator began his trade, warming up the crowd. - Our undefeated champion has defeated his seventh challenger. Do you think there's even one brave man here who can defeat him!

All right, then. This is my exit.

- I'm sure I've got a good chance! - I shout, leaping spectacularly into the ring with a somersault.

- Really, you little punk? I'll finish you faster than anyone else! - boasts the Destroyer.

- Try it, donut. Maybe it'll work!

At the same time as the gong struck and the report of those same three minutes, Hogan lunged at me. Bouncing over him and landing on the rope pole at the other end of the ring.

- Nice outfit, by the way. Did your hubby give it to you? - and yet the jokes piss off my opponents.

- Come over here and let me finish you off!

- No, I'm sorry, I have another plan," I close in sharply on the Destroyer and punch him in the torso, disorienting him. Then I lift him up by his torso with one hand and slam him into the ring.

The referee runs up and starts the count. One. Two. Three. Knockout. The crowd goes wild.

- Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new champion, the Masked Miracle! - as the commentator announces and the crowd erupts in cheers.


- Good show, kid. How would you like to join us for a regular prime?

- Sadly, no. This was a one-time thing. Can I have my winnings?

- Sure," the bookie pulls out a wad of notes and counts out four hundred quid for me. - Your reward," he chuckles.

- Is this a joke? The ad clearly says five hundred for three minutes in the ring and TWO thousand for winning.

- In case you didn't notice, kid, you took out the Destroyer in TWO minutes. The terms have not been met. So say thank you and get out of here before you get in trouble," the obnoxious man says cheekily.

What a bitch! That's right, I did knock Hogan out and I deserve my money, but legally I didn't last three minutes in the ring... What am I supposed to do now?

While I was thinking, the door to the office swung open.

The very same burglar had burst into the room. The reason for Spider-Man's eternal responsibility. To be honest, he doesn't look very impressive. Hands shaking, eyes running. He's not even wearing a mask. Is he on drugs or something?

- Hands up, this is a robbery! - he was pointing his gun from the calm me to the terrified bookie. - You, all the cash in the bag, now!

- How do you think he's gonna hand over the cash if you said hands up?

- Are you fucking kidding me?! - The robber came right up to me and put a gun to my head. - Now what's funny, wit, funny! Come on, fucking laugh!

Abruptly I turn my head away, shoot a web at the gun, snatching it out of the hand, grief of the criminal, and hit the thief in the jaw, knocking him out instantly.

-Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

I wasn't really taking any chances. My gut was silent and didn't react to my choice of action. Which means that either the robber had the testicles to blow a man's brains out in close proximity, or I very boldly tickled my luck by the heels.

- Perhaps I deserved my prize after all, saving your score and your arse? - adrenaline's pumping, so why not take a chance?

- Sure, here. B-run and get out," the man mumbled, fearfully tossing some of the money to the four hundred quid.

- Thank you. By the way, I'd call the cops, in case this guy comes to his senses," I saluted, taking the money and moving towards the exit, throwing the gun I'd taken away in the trash at the door. I hope it wasn't the gun that made him so agreeable.

Anyway, I'd better not stay here too long.

I run to the locker room, pass the fighters who want to congratulate me, grab my things and rush out of here, at full speed, without changing. I don't know if that scumbag will want to pin something on me.

Leaping out of the building, I run to the nearest nook, trying to hide from prying eyes, finding myself in an alley and not feeling the danger, I run to the nearest wall. Climbing onto the roof, I finally take off my mask. I breathe the night air and after a few minutes I start laughing uncontrollably.

It worked, no way. It went as well as it could have. First time in public, knocked out Hogan. Made... 1,500 quid! And, most importantly, stopped Uncle Ben's would-be assassin. That's great.

And best of all, it's still half an hour from the promised time!

Is fate trying to give me a hint? I walk to the edge of the roof and look down. Then I look at the web shooters. Then down again. This is crazy. A really, really bad idea.

I haven't tested the technology. I can tie up a bad guy, bar none. But for the famous web flying?

Ah, screw it, it was, it wasn't. Breathe in, breathe out. I go to the other side of the roof, I sprint and jump!


Right, aim and fire!

Physics worked perfectly and by the law of the pendulum, I started to swing.


I'm flying, I'm really flying! Suck gravity! When I watched films, cartoons, read comics and books I always wondered what it would be like to swing on a spider web and fly over a metropolis. Well, the sensation is awesome! The wind blows through my clothes, but I'm not cold. It's the thrill of the ride that gets my blood pumping.

Queens is about seven kilometres away. Great, the cobwebs don't seem to be running out, plus I've got my supplies with me.

- WHOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never get bored.


Half an hour later Queens.

It's a shame that in quiet bedroom neighbourhoods, buildings only go up to a maximum of three stories. So when I left the more "presentable" areas of New York's stone jungle, I went straight down and, away from prying eyes, returned the civilian attire.

The first flight was a success. However, I expected to do everything smartly, to go to my "training ground" to practice, but sometimes you need to act on the basis of emotion rather than a scholarly approach.

- I'm home!

- Peter! You were almost late and you didn't pick up your phone. We couldn't get in touch with you - Aunt May started shouting at me, though more out of worry than anger.

- I'm sorry, Aunty. The project was very... exciting, so I lost track of time. Where's Uncle Ben?

- At first I asked him to come and get you, but then he calmed me down and told me to trust him. So he's in his room.

Whew, I was getting worried. I wondered if the canon was gonna get its own way. But it's all right.

- You hungry?

- I could eat an elephant," I said, satisfied.

After waiting for Uncle Ben, the whole family had a late supper. Turns out the family was so worried they didn't even eat. I love those old people, I'll tell you that.

After finishing my meal, I went to bed. Tomorrow would be an interesting day.


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