
Spring. Part 1

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- Can you explain now?

- Sure, open the bag.

George listened to Spider and pulled out a pile of papers.

- What are these?

- Plans, blueprints, reports. I'd like to keep your attention on this one and this one," I showed the plans of Roxon's factories and the blueprints of the Vulture suit with the same logo.

- Project Wings? What does that mean?

- When I apprehended this guy. His name's Adrian Tooms, I'm sure if I ran his background, I'd find out he was a scientist or something. Anyway, he thought I was working for one of the big companies: Roxxon, Oscorp or Stark Industries. Of course that's bullshit. But what he said made me think. I think we need to keep a close eye on Oscorp and Roxon, and mostly their CEOs.

- And Stark?

- Consider my trust in the bloke. He may not be an angel. A scamp and a golden boy, yes, but a criminal, a murderer? No. I'm not so sure about Norman Osborne and Donald Roxon.

- You do realise I'm not in a position to check up on these big shots, especially their companies, don't you? Not the right calibre, son.

- I'm not suggesting an all-out crackdown on their businesses, just a close watch. If anything that doesn't fit the definition of civilian business happens and evidence is pointed at these two... well, pay attention.

- Okay, that sounds pretty logical. You okay?

- Sure, what kind of question is that?

- You look tense. Anything else going on?

- Just a weird feeling, that's all. Maybe it's the second flying villain in less than a fortnight, and tomorrow it's what, the Fly Man? - I'm trying to lighten the mood.

- Well, such miracles are unlikely. Don't worry, Spider, you're doing a good thing.

- Thank you. - The wall climber walks to the edge of the roof and, shooting out a web, flies away.

After standing on the roof some more, Captain George Stacey goes downstairs. He has a job to do.


I don't understand, at first I thought the migraine I was getting was from not being able to keep my mouth shut and revealing to Tooms the knowledge of his real name, but that's not the kind of thing that would bother me.

So why do I feel like Sense is trying hard to warn me about something?

Okay, that's enough patrolling for today. I need to take a break. The angry thoughts dissolved like smoke.

As I approach the borders of Queens, I look around more than once. For some reason, my gut was particularly irritated when I looked at the Manhattan Bridge. I sat on it for two hours, and eventually just got bored. Nothing at all.

I'm sure it's just exhaustion, time to go home.


An hour before the events described. Scorp. Norman Osborne.

Norman Osborne has had many unexpected events happen throughout his life that he had no control over: The squandering of the business his grandfather built from scratch by his tyrant father. An alkie parent's getting into an accident and the resulting liability to investors. Moral immaturity that had to be pulled out by the root to make his competitors afraid.

In all his youth, only his wife was a bright spot. But the birth of an heir was also something he wasn't prepared for. Because of Harry, he distanced himself from his wife, became cold. It was his responsibility to mould his son into a man. And don't let him complain, Norman is far more humane than his tyrant father.

- Mr Osborne? - mumbled the scientist as the door to the laboratory opened.

- Report, Doctor.

- Pp-deliveries, the schedule had to be changed due to the incident at the sand range, but your men will resume delivery of reagents today at an accelerated pace.

- Do we know what exactly happened at the landfill?

- Instruments detected an anomaly, an alien object, but the test continued without interruption.

- And yet several tonnes of irradiated sand went missing?

- It just disappeared, sir, the science team are looking into it. Perhaps we were able to discover teleportation technology? - The scientist tried to defuse the situation, but faced with the cold stare of his superior, his pale, parsimonious smile evaporated in an instant.

- I'm glad you're having fun, but there are a number of experiments that need to be done and if I don't do them, you'll pay with your head, is that clear?! - Norman Osborne said coldly but angrily.

- Of course, sir," the doctor confirmed quietly, "the lorries are on their way and everything will be delivered to the secret laboratory in Queens in less than two hours.

- Get to work.


Ben and May Parker.

- Hi, honey," May said, getting into the old but still sturdy Ford.

- Hello, darling. How's the shift going? - Ben Parker starts the conversation as he pulls out of the car park.

- The usual casualties of repairmen, builders and other labourers.

- Honest labour is hard," Ben said with a sigh, "tomorrow's Saturday, how about we stop by Vince's for a bottle of wine, pizza and dessert?

- Oh, Ben Parker, what's with the feast?

- I can just tell my princess is tired, and it's been a while since we've had one of these.

- What if Peter's home?

- He's a big boy. He'll understand. Besides, do you remember the last time he was home at a time like this?

- Also true, but that's what worries me, Ben. Peter comes home later and later, doesn't it bother you at all?

- Actually, it did, May, it really did. But then I saw how much Peter had changed in the last year. It's like he's got an inner strength and he's taken responsibility for it. Look at that, the champ's been studying even harder than usual, he's always experimenting in his lab, he's been invited to intern at NYU. And what's more, Petey's socialising with his peers, he's got company. And his work at Bogle and his relationship with Mary Jane? Aren't you proud of your nephew?

- I am, and I'm very proud. I'm just worried because he's like a son to us.

- Right. The Parkers were quiet, thinking about their own things.


Manhattan Bridge.

- Johnson, hurry up!

- Don't talk under my arm! We've got the quiet ones in front of us. We're going through.

- We're behind schedule!

- I know, Smith, don't yell!

- Give me the wheel.

- Get off!

During the driving altercation, a heavy lorry clipped an old Ford.

The driver couldn't cope with the inertia and had to steer his car into one of the girders to avoid driving off the bridge.

The sound of metal colliding with concrete and the subsequent scraping would have given even the devil himself goosebumps.

The truck stopped after a few metres and Oscorp's chops flew out of the cabin like crazy.

- What did you do, you idiot?! We were supposed to move quietly and discreetly, and you caused an accident!

- Shut up, Johnson, technically you were driving.

- Fuck you.

- Calm down, call an ambulance and let's go, we're behind schedule.

- Shit, shit, shit! Hello, ambulance, Manhattan Bridge, Column 20 from the Centre Drive, accident, send a crew right away.

- Did it ease your conscience?

- Shut up, Smith, the truck has resumed its journey.


Oh, I'm so tired, I've got a headache, I need some sleep. I hope Ben and May don't wake me up when they get back. Peter collapsed onto his pillow and promptly passed out.

2:00 a.m.

You've reached the Parker house, this is Ben, May and Peter, please leave a message after the tone.

- Hello, Mr Parker? We are compelled, to inform you that your uncle and aunt were involved in an accident a few hours ago, come to Central City Teaching Hospital as soon as you get this message.