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14 June, 2013, 2:00 AM.


Stark Industries.

The genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist known in the world as Tony Stark had just punched a concrete wall with his body. Not the best night he's had.

- You think you're the only one who can make armour like that, Tony? - said the man in the large metal suit haughtily. - You're a genius, my boy, no exaggeration, but not a visionary. Your father built his company on arms sales and contracts with the armed forces, you've been selling weapons your whole life, but once you were captured by terrorists armed with guns with your name on them, and the boy remembered about the civilian defence sector? Weak," the suit concealed the man in the armour. - How's that for a future, futurist?

- Do me a favour, Stein," the face plate of Iron Man's helmet closed, "and shut your mouth!


At this time.


Bruce Banner.

A scientist was running from a gang at the factory where he worked.

Shouldn't have gone after that girl.

He's breaking free. Bruce could feel it.

And there's military around. Americans. Probably Ross.

As he turned into the alley, Banner hit a dead end.

- You, on the ground now! - ordered the soldier, pointing his automatic rifle at the scientist.

But the private couldn't see that Banner's eyes had already turned green.


Shield aircraft carrier.


Gustav Firs.

The man was asleep.

- Dr Firs?

Gustav opened his eyes and looked towards his cell leading to the outside world.

- To whom do I have the honour? - The scientist couldn't see his interlocutor, but the voice was clearly female.

- It's not important, Doctor, we just want to inform you that everything will change very soon and you don't have long to wait.

- Would you care to enlighten us, young lady?

- The ones you haven't given up on. Loyalty will be rewarded, Dr Fierce, Heil Hydra.

- Heil Hydra," Gustav replied automatically.

His companion walked away.



The golden city was buzzing. The feasts had not stopped for days. The last few months had been very successful for feats.

The Prince of Lies sat at the table and sipped mead, watching his brother as he finished the third keg and cheered. Loki's mind formed a plan to eliminate Thor.


14 June 2013. 4:00 a.m.

New York City. Tinkerer's electronics shop.

Alistair Smythe.

- Thanks again for having us here, Phineas," Alistair's father implored. - The last few months have been very difficult.

- What questions, Spencer," Mason waved his hand, "what else are friends for.

Alistair helped his father lay out the equipment and neither of the Smythes noticed the old man call someone.


At the same time.

Charles Xavier's estate.

James "Logan" Howlett.

Wolverine was landing the Blackbird. Syke, due to his injury, was unable to fly the plane, or he wouldn't have let anyone else at the controls.

At this point, the X-Men were returning to base after their first major skirmish with the Brotherhood of Mutants, created by Charles Xavier's old friend and now enemy, Erik Lehnsherr, or as he himself prefers, Magneto.

Of the good, the X-Men emerged victorious from that fight, hurt only by Skinny. On the bad side? Their battle was picked up by several TV stations. It's hard not to see a serious mutant fight practically in the middle of San Francisco. It's likely to be on the morning news, as almost all of the X's are wearing masks.


Deep space

The borders of the Kree Empire.

Miss Marvel.

Carol Danvers, long ago abducted by aliens couldn't sleep. Or rather she couldn't get the words of her lover, Mar-Vell, captain of the Kree Guard, out of her head.

Lately, things had heated up to the breaking point. The war with the Skrulls had entered a phase of total slaughter. Kria's Higher Intelligence has ordered her and Captain Mar-Vell to eliminate the enemy front on the borders.

But Mar-Vell had long intended to escape with Carol to Earth, primarily because he had given her his word, and secondarily because he sought to stop the Kree military expansion, with Earth as their next target.

The doors to Carol's quarters opened.

The blonde lifted her head.

Standing at the entrance, fully equipped in his Captain Marvel gear, was Mar-Vell.

- Is it time?

- It's time," the man offered his lover a hand.


14 June, 2013. 8:00 a.m.

New York City, flat of Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson and Felicia Hardy.


I open my sleepy eyes and stretch sleepily.

I place my hand on a nearby pillow, but find I'm alone in bed.

Judging by the smell of frying bacon and eggs, Mary is making breakfast. I pick up my homemade clothes from the floor and, pulling them on, leave the room.

MJ is found at the cooker, cooking in her pink apron. The sight of it makes me inordinately excited, however, since Mary is only wearing an apron.

- Wasn't last night enough for you, Mrs Parker? - I hug the girl from behind and squeeze her luscious arse.

- Maybe I want to feel the flow that you released into me last night, Mr Parker? - replies the redhead with a smile and kisses me. - Good morning, Tiger.

- Morning," I smile and open the embrace, not forgetting to slap the beautiful buttock one last time. - But to repeat yesterday's feat I need to be properly nourished. You know, genetic material recovers well if you give it fuel, - I wink.

- By the way," MJ said thoughtfully, leaning on the countertop and opening a view of her beautiful peaches, "you have an alien in your body, and the question is simple, will it happen that during the process I accidentally lay eggs or," the girl waved her kitchen spatula thoughtfully, "what do aliens have?

- Don't worry, Carrot-top, all sperm that turns out to be in you or on you is entirely mine, - I bite a piece of toast, - I had a conversation about it with Raj a long time ago.

- I see," Mary Jane went back to cooking. - And to answer your question, I just like to turn you on," MJ twirled her ass.

- And you're very good at it," I frantically grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to regain some control over my emotions.

- For your attention, dear viewers, we present the footage of the battle between two groups of mutants, which took place tonight in San Francisco.

On the screen began to flicker small skirmishes between two or two against one fighters, the camera frantically jumped from participant to participant. In one of the mutants I recognised Logan. The battle lasted a short time and was interrupted by the appearance of a levitating man in a red and purple suit and the famous helmet. Magneto moved his hand and the footage was distorted.

- This is the first time we've been able to capture representatives of the mutants in confrontation with each other, our sources tell us that Dr Bolivar Trask will be making a special appearance in Washington today.

Looks like the mutants are about to have a lot of trouble.

- Enjoy your meal," MJ set a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and a cup of coffee in front of me.

- Thank you, fox," I kissed her on the lips.

- And your flatmate is not hungry? - Mary Jane asks.

Before I can answer, Raj does it for me, stretching out from my shoulder.

- No, thank you very much, Miss Watson, when the Bearer feeds, I also get the energy I need.

- You don't like to show your face like that, you say you look like a worm," I teased my partner with a touch of irony.

- I can also make sacrifices, since you have given birth and told about me to your females, or one of them, - the Clintaretz responds with a snicker.

- I think you're cute," Mary strokes Raj.

- Thank you very much, Miss Watson. Maybe I should change Carriers.

I just snort in response.

- And at this time, we'd like to turn on a live broadcast from a conference called by Stark Industries at the urgent request of the company's CEO, Tony Stark," the television continued.

I turn my head interestedly.

The picture changed to a horde of journalists and Stark entering the pulpit.

- Thank you all for coming," Tony said, smiling charmingly, "perhaps you may have heard about yesterday's battle between two metal men on the roof of my company and my possible involvement in it.

- Mr Stark, how would you comment on the information that you yourself were one of the direct participants in the battle? - A member of the press asked a question.

- Yes, thank you for asking," Stark's smile didn't fade a bit, "that's why I've gathered everyone together. The fact is that none other than Deputy Director Obadiah Steyn was behind the attack on my company's office. As it turned out, my father's old business partner was selling Stark Industries products to terrorists and was planning to use the new technology I had created to sow more evil in our already imperfect world.

The man was silent for a moment.

- Mr Stark? - Another reporter, in whom Peter recognised Ben Urich to his own amazement, rushed to bring the billionaire out of his trance.

- Yes, I'm sorry," Tony smiled again. - Luckily my bodyguard was nearby. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Iron Man!

After the billionaire's words, the red-and-gold armour swooped down through a hatch in the roof and waved his hand, amidst the noise of chattering reporters and camera flashes.

Interesting. Tony decided to keep his identity secret? Doesn't sound much like the egomaniac I know. Then who's in the suit? Or a remote-controlled AI?

- Wow, billionaires are starting to hire bodyguards in iron armour.

- That's the world we live in, Carrot-top," I replied, not listening to the news anchor's further mutterings. - Thanks for breakfast," I kissed my girlfriend on the cheek.

- Are you going to work?

- Remember I told you about the clones?

- Got it. Have you decided what you're gonna do?

- There's only three of them. I trust Delia, she's very reasonable, but I don't know about the guys," I go to the computer, "I've prepared drafts of their fake documents, I just need to get them into the system.

I've got Shield's hacked servers to help me.

Mary steps closer and peers into the monitor.

- Ben Reilly, Cain and Delia Parker?

- A cousin on Aunt May's side and distant second cousins on my father's side.

- Okay, but seriously, Cain? - M.J. arched an eyebrow.

Well, yeah, I wanted to be canonically consistent.

- I shrugged lightly, "Besides, the Parkers were never very religious.

- If you say so, Tiger, I'll go get dressed," the redhead kissed my cheek.

- I like you better in your Eve costume, by the way," I said.

- Sorry, love, no leaves.

I chuckle at Carrot-top's reply.

As soon as the bedroom door closes, nothing else distracts me and I start hacking into the databases of several maternity hospitals, putting in data on some fictitious relatives and creating drafts of fake IDs. It's not a quick process and hopefully it will be enough to fool the trackers.

"Are you sure it will be enough, Bearer?"

"You always need to sow seeds of doubt in already not fertile ground, don't you Raj?"

"I just don't like structures that can come loose with a slight breeze, Pete."

"I understand, mate, but there's no other option."

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

"Just don't quote any of the Star Trek films, okay?"

"I love those films."

"That is until Disney bought the franchise."

I'm distracted from the conversation by a beeping sound. The spiderbots have finished examining the data on the Oscorp test subjects.

I leaf through the list.


Particle generator experiment, sand was used as the absorbing material.

"Here's our client, Raj."

"The sandstone from the vision?"


"Shall we go after him?"

"We need to back up first," I pull up in my computer chair to my secluded lab nook in the room. - "The freezing compound won't be ready until a couple of days from now. Plus we don't know if Marco may have left that place a long time ago. I also need to check on Delia."

- Peter, what is it?

I turn at MJ's voice and see Red holding the katanas. Thank goodness I convinced Raj to clean the handles.

- A small trophy from last night's battle," I walk over to the girl and take the swords, "thank you, sunshine," I kiss the redhead before she starts asking the right questions.

We'll have to make a scabbard.

- I'll run down to the Baxter Building and check on my sister. By the way, do you mind if Delia stays in our guest room? It's just that Auntie's house is a bit tight, and I'm planning to put Ben and Cain in with her, for extra positive influence, so to speak.

- Um...sure," Carrot-top replies confused.

- Thanks, vixen, you're adorable," I kiss the girl, "I'll go change.

I close the bedroom door and take out my technological suit, which wasn't damaged in yesterday's fight.

I get dressed and consider whether or not I should bring my katanas. I should definitely get one, I'll check the material composition in the lab, or what if Wilson slipped me a fake?

I nod to myself.

I open a hidden space in the wardrobe and leave one of the katanas next to the spare suits.

I disguise the suit I'm wearing with the symbiote, say goodbye to MJ, and leave the house.


Half an hour later.

Baxter's building.

I land on the roof of the Fantastic Four building. I approach the entrance and enter the password.

- "Access denied," says the computer voice of Reed Richards' AI.

- Come on, HERBY, I know you can hear me and see me," I point unequivocally at the camera, "let me in.

- Access denied.

Fucking iron.

I'm dialling Johnny's number.

- Yeah," I answer sleepily.

- Head, the birds are singing, good morning," I comment snidely.

- Spider!

- That's the one. Listen, I'm on the roof now, and your robot won't let me in, can you help my brother out?

- Stay there and don't go anywhere! - Johnny shouted with exaggerated cheerfulness.

I wonder what he's up to?

Just five minutes later, the door opened and Fakel Man came running at me.

- Dude! - Shouted Storm with burning (literally) eyes.

- What?

- Dude!!! - yelled Johnny even louder than last time.

- What!!!?

What does that light fixture want from me?

- Why didn't you tell me you had a sister?!

Yeah. I see. Fucking hell.

- How do you know? - I'm trying to remain as nonchalant as possible.

- I was on my way back from my date with Mandy yesterday, I passed your lab, thought I'd pop in and say hello if you were here. And imagine my surprise when instead of boring Beetle, I saw a sexy brown girl wearing a replica of your costume.

- Um, yeah," we go inside, "my family's full of surprises.

- By the way," the blond continues the conversation, "does your sister have anyone?

The sudden question almost makes me stumble.

- You want to hit on my clo..., I mean, ahem, ahem, my sister!? - I'm shocked at the question.

- Um, do you mind?

I can't help myself and start laughing wildly. Just flying away from the possible prospects, this joke is worth it.

- You know, yes, - I wipe my tears, - flag in your hands, go ahead cowboy, - I continue laughing all the way to the laboratory.

Storm, who's left behind me, just squints at me in bewilderment.

I go down a few levels and enter my lab.

- Knock, knock, knock, knock," I announce my presence.

Delia comes down from the ceiling.

- I screwed up," the clone says.

- Let me guess, you were sitting there tonight, not touching anyone, watching the tank readings, and suddenly a hyperactive blond guy came into the lab, right?

- How mad are you? - The brown-haired girl took off her mask and looked at me with her big brown eyes.

- Don't look like that.

In counterpoint, Del only moved closer and connected her quivering lips.

All out. If I have a daughter and she looks like that, I'll never be able to be mad at her.

- No," Delia exhaled in relief, "but you'll get your punishment anyway," I grinned gloatingly.

- And what's that?

- Get ready for Mr Burning Casanova to start driving wedges into you.

- What?!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're busted, take the consequences.

I step closer and remove the symbiote-disguised katana from my back, attaching it to the spectrum analyser.

- You became a ninja overnight? - Parker's sarcastic sarcasm is returned by the brown-haired girl.

- Deadpool trophy.

- What dead pool?

- Never mind. How are the boys?

- In stable stasis, watching cartoons.

- Good. I plan on releasing them today.

- Oh, that's great. So our fake lives are ready?

- You'll have real lives, Del, just fake IDs.

- No shit, Pete. You and Aunt May are very kind, of course, but that doesn't change the fact that we're just copies of you," Delia said sadly.

- Listen, sister, - I take the brown-eyed girl by the shoulders, - yes, the input data you took from my DNA, but you can be the creators of your own destiny. Being attached to me doesn't mean you're nothing without me.

"Actually it does mean that, Bearer."

"Let me cheer up my sister, Raj."

- Thank you, Pete," the shawky girl hugs me tightly.

- Judging by your missing boner, you're learning to control your pheromones, huh?

- Peter! - Del pushes me away. - You had to ruin a moment like this, didn't you?

- Why? Even though you're my genetic copy, only an idiot wouldn't recognise your female sexuality," I smirk.

- Naughty.

- That's just the way he is," I walk over to the flasks and look at my complete twin, aka Ben Reilly. I'll have to buy him some hair dye. - Too bad I forgot to bring my spare suits.

- I'm one step ahead of you, original," Delia said cheekily, running to the edge of the lab, "it's been a long night and I hope you don't mind me borrowing some of your supplies.

The girl came back and handed me two bundles.

- Tadam!

I unwrap it and look at the Spider Suits.

- I've also attached your old sweatshirt to this one, I hope you don't mind.

That's it, I have in my hands exact replicas of the two Scarlet Spider costumes that, at different points in time, were, who would have thought, Ben and Cain.

- Where do you get your design ideas from, Del?

- I don't know," she shrugged her shoulders, "I just have a sudden urge to sew. Is that a legacy from Spider, too?

- That's right," I looked at the costumes my sister had designed. - I was even thinking about a career as a fashion designer, in case I got tired of being a hero or didn't succeed in science.

- So you'll have competition now?

- I guess so," I reply to the barb. - By the way, since the boys are going to Aunt May's, you'll have to stay with me," I turned to Delia, "I hope you don't mind.

- With-you," she stammered, "I mean with you, MJ and Felicia?

- Yeah, is there something wrong?

- Just, and this won't," the shawl rubbed the back of her head, "make it too awkward?

It's a familiar gesture. I'm turning round.

- Should it?

My sister's reply is interrupted by the beeping of the communicator. Fury.

- I'm sorry, I have to take this," Del nods.

- At the machine," I activate the line.

- Look who decided to take the call," came the mocking voice of the Director of Defence. - It hasn't even been a year, Mr Parker.

- Don't get too excited, Nikki, it's just that a good man gave some sound advice. Don't waste your nerves on commanders who don't trust you.

- So I owe Cap a bottle of good bourbon.

- Steve prefers whiskey. Why'd you call?

- Our good doctor finally expressed a desire to see Peter Parker again.

- Oh, boy. What's got into him?

- That's a good question, and on top of that, Firs has requested that all surveillance systems be disabled while you talk to him.

- That's funny. What makes him think you'd go along with that?

- We will," the spy replied confidently.

- Wait, Nick, there seems to be some problem with the connection, I thought you said that you would go for a complete shutdown of the surveillance systems and leave me to talk to Firs without having any idea what we would discuss.

- Like I said before, I trust you, Peter, so yes, I'll let Firs think he can demand whatever he wants.

- I appreciate that, Nick.

- I know you do. I'll have a taxi waiting for you in Time Square.

- Okay, I'll see you later," I end the call.

Turning to Delia.

- Fury. I've got a case to run.

- All right, I'll keep an eye on the boys. See you tonight?

- Yeah. Thanks.

Leaving the lab.


Half an hour later.

Shield aircraft carrier.

Liftoff was routine, even Raj complained about the rocking a lot less.

A familiar escort convoy, a walk-through and here I am on the bridge.

- Mr Parker.

- Director Fury.

We're starting to make our way to the prison bays.

- By the way, have you started Luke and Danny's training?

- How do you know?

- They haven't been responding to calls.

- Oh, right, your Defencemen. And you said you weren't a team player," Fury said ironically.

- I said I don't want to be a leader. I don't have anything against teams, especially when they don't ask anything of you.

In response, Fury chuckled.

We reached the right level and opened the door.

Gustav Fierce was comfortably seated in his own private cell. He was still standing with his back to the outside of the cell, looking at the wall.

- Hello, Gustav," I greeted the man. We left the formalities behind a long time ago.

- Peter, - you can't see the man's face, but judging by his voice, he's smiling, - it's good to see you, my boy, - the scientist turned round.

- Well, I'll leave you two alone," Nick said, getting ready to leave.

- Not so fast, Nicholas. Remember our agreement.

Fury tsked.

- It was worth a try," the one-eyed eagle slipped his hand into his cloak pocket and pulled out a device I recognised as Amy's jammer. - Activate it.

I accept the device from the spy's hands.

The Director exits and I activate the jammer.

A wave passes around the perimeter, knocking out all the electronics.

- Now we can talk," the brown-eyed scientist said relaxedly.