
Spider-Man 0X

Alex Wilson was reborn in the Marvel world as a regular civilian, without any special power. He was living away from the bustling city where villains mostly lurked around. But his luck eventually ran out like all those humans who die all the time thanks to those supervillains and Heroes' fights. He got caught up in a fight between Hulk and Abomination, when he went to the city to buy some supplies and meet his father who was living in the city, resulting in a spinal cord injury. But thanks to the lunatic doctors who performed various tests on him, he found out he had a perfect immunity mutation. But excessive tests killed him in the end. Once again he woke up in a new body... Peter Parker's body. Now, he has a second chance and power to tilt the balance of power. Follow this journey as he goes on a revenge rampage and tries his best to make the most out of Peter's intellect and luck with girls. A selfish hero is what he plans to become who will put his own happiness before others and live his life his own way. But do things always go as planned? --- MC kills villains without any mercy. --- I don't own anything related to Marvel except for my OC --- Cover picture found on Pinterest --- Support Link:- https://www.patreon.com/XcaliburXc [Read over 20+ advance chapters] --- I am also posting this on Scribblehub, Royal Road and Fanfiction sites. Do not translate or post my work anywhere.

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs


Ironman hovered over the harbor, his eyes locked onto the monstrous figure of Misery. The symbiote's transformation had caught him off guard, but Tony Stark was never one to back down from a challenge. He tapped into his HUD, activating Jarvis.

"Jarvis, I need Model 50, now."

"Understood, sir. Model 50 inbound in 60 seconds."

Below, Misery growled, its newly transformed white bulk glistening under the harbor lights. Spiderman, trapped within the symbiote, struggled to regain control, his thoughts a chaotic mess as he fought the alien entity's grip.


Tony Stark had been working on the Iron Man Armor Model 50, also known as the Endo-Sym Armor, for several years. His inspiration came from his encounters with a Symbiote that no one knows about, not even Fury. It happened years before the All Life Foundation. Tony captured Eddie Brock who just happened to be bonded with a black symbiote called Venom. He then performed various experiments on Eddie and his symbiote to learn more about it and eventually found out how symbiotes work and their weaknesses.

He was fascinated to see the power Eddie displayed when bonded with Venom, especially when he noticed how symbiotes can heal wounds instantly. So, he started more experiments and tried to find its source, but the thing is he couldn't do it as Tony Stark since if things went bad, his reputation would be ruined. So, he created a secret group known as the All Life Foundation and had them carry out all operations while funding them from the shadows. Tony wanted to unlock the true potential of humanity. His goal was to remove the Symbiote's mind that way after bonding, humanity would be able to use their power without losing their sanity and mainly, there would be no rejection.

Unfortunately, his experiment failed miserably as Eddie Brock and his symbiote escaped from the space station where All Life Foundation conducted most of their tests. Tony lost contact with All Life Foundation and the Space Station after that incident. The Space station later crashed into the northern pole, but on its way, multiple variants escaped.

Eddie's location was unknown after that incident.

Right now, Tony wants to capture every symbiote and anyone related to that project and bury it for good for the time being.

During his research days, Tony recognized the potential of symbiote biology and sought to harness it in a way that would provide him with unparalleled power and versatility.

The Endo-Sym Armor was a marvel of engineering, a full liquid smart-metal that hardened instantly upon contact with the user's body. Unlike previous suits that relied on technological interfaces for bonding, the Model 50 was psionically controlled. This meant that Tony could summon and control the suit with his mind, creating a bond that was almost symbiotic in nature.

Stark's work on the Endo-Sym Armor included extensive testing and calibration. He designed the suit to be able to form fully into a humanoid shape even when not bonded to someone, allowing it to punch through barriers and respond to his psionic commands. Despite its advanced capabilities, the suit did not possess its own intelligence, making it an extension of Tony's will.


[Present time]

As Tony Stark battled Misery, he activated his suit's defensive systems, creating a barrier of energy to protect himself from the symbiote's endless attacks. Misery, its white form pulsating with power, charged forward, tendrils lashing out like whips. They smashed against the barrier and tore through it easily.

Tony was forced back by Misery's ferocity, but he refused to retreat.

Ironman's repulsor gauntlets glowed brightly as he unleashed blast after blast, striking Misery squarely in the chest and face. But the symbiote regenerated each wound instantly and kept charging. He then controlled the remaining armor around him and began to open fire at Misery from all directions.

Misery roared in anger, its body becoming translucent as it absorbed Ironman's assault. Tony watched helplessly as the symbiote consumed every bullet, missile, and repulsor beam fired by his armors. Then once again, countless tendrils erupted from Misery's body and attacked the surrounding armors.

"Damn it! Neither sonic waves nor fire works on this thing!" Tony cursed as he retreated further back.

Then, Jarvis's voice rang inside his helmet, "Model 50 is above you, sir."

Tony looked up to see a sleek white armor hovering above him. Its design resembled a unique design. There were weird glow lines covering the surface. Tony's HUD lit up as he telepathically connected with the Endo-Sym Armor. Instantly, the suit descended upon him, enveloping his entire body in liquid metal.

Misery used its tendrils to grab two shipping containers and slammed them together at Ironman, but Ironman blasted them off with ease using his repulsor beams. It roared angrily, charging forward once again, but this time Ironman met him head-on, his white suit glowing with power as it formed twin blades around each fist.

It threw punches after punches, but Ironman blocked every single one effortlessly before counterattacking. His blades cut through Misery's skin like butter, leaving deep gashes along the symbiote's body.

"Get out of the kid," Ironman ordered as he sliced off Misery's right arm clean off.

"Never!! He's a perfect host for me," Misery roared as it regrew its arm and punched Ironman hard in the chest. But Ironman remained unfazed and countered with a kick to Misery's midsection.

"You don't know what you're talking about. You symbiotes belong to me," Ironman declared coldly as he drove both blades deep into Misery's chest. "I created you!"

"Created us?!" Misery roared with rage as it grabbed Ironman's shoulders and slammed him down onto the ground.

Misery then raised its foot high overhead and stomped down hard. Ironman rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding impact, but Misery followed up with a vicious kick that sent him sprawling backward. Ironman threw multiple mini missiles at Misery who dodged them with ease. Then, Ironman created an energy field around himself, repelling Misery's punch, and followed it up with a cryo grenade which froze the symbiote completely.

Ironman rushed forward and was about to shatter Misery's body, but it grabbed his fist, shaking off the ice, "You have no idea, human. You think you created us? Our creator is far greater than you can imagine!" Misery punched Ironman hard across the face, but the armor absorbed the damage and sent it back to Misery doubling it.

Misery staggered backward, dazed by Ironman's counterattack. "Who created you?" Ironman questioned as he blasted Misery with multiple repulsor beams as he flew around it.

"A being of darkness whom even the Gods feared. But don't you worry, soon, that being will awaken once again, and your world will burn alongside others."

"Why does it sound like you're bragging? I mean, seriously? Why not say something original?" Ironman joked as he continued firing repulsor beams at Misery who regenerated its wounds instantly.

"You want to hear original, fine," Misery stopped attacking as its form became more slender, matching Spiderman's armor as the organic matter from his face moved, revealing Peter's face, "You fucker are behind all this, huh?! The famous Tony Stark. Iron Man, the hero who saved New York from an invasion. Why?"

"Wha-?! But how?" Tony was surprised to see Peter fully conscious and controlling the symbiote with ease.

"How? Why? Well... The thing is I did blacked out for a moment there, but then it showed me what you did. I thought Norman was a scum, but you... You killed ten times more than Norman did just to do a symbiote bonding experiment. Your greed killed thousands of people," Peter glared at Tony who stood there, speechless.

"And? What about it? Take a good look around you. I've isolated this place. No signals, no technology, no nothing could enter the radius of this harbor. So, tell me, boy, what exactly are you planning to do? Fight me?" Ironman laughed mockingly as his eyes glowed with a blue hue for a moment. "Or, given your intellect and willpower to bend that parasite to your will, join me. Help humanity evolve and take a step forward to a brighter future where we will rule everything. Imagine, Peter. You and I, walking among the Gods, unstoppable, undefeatable."

Ironman offered, extending his hand towards Spiderman.

"With your DNA and my new Extremis, we'll evolve beyond the limits of mankind," Ironman stated, smiling confidently. "We'll become Superior."

'Fuck! This is Superior Ironman...'


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⭐Read 16 advance Chapters⭐

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Next, Ch: 141: Tony's visions

Ch: 142: Tony's regrets

Ch: 143: Choices 

Ch: 144: Sue- A little fun & goodbye

Ch: 145: Home- Friends & Family