

One of the most loveable, funny and always optimist hero Spider-Man is always there to help out. To deliver true justice to anyone in need of it. It doesn't matter to him whether they are good or evil he equaly serves justice as in to quote his uncle "With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility." This is a story of a Person who reincarnated into the Body of Peter Parker. He doesn't have any clue what kind of universe he was born into. He has watched a lot of anime, read a lot of manga and Light Novels and Even Fanfiction. He has some expectations that this might turn out to be a not so normal world. But due to some mishap during his transfer to a new body something unexpected happens that changes our Protagonist's thought process. So we get to watch a new Peter Parker that has experienced a life before, which might just change his whole prospective on his uncle's saying " With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. " [ First Volume Is Strictly MCU with slight changes. Like some of the Marvel comics characters that have a role to play in Peter Parker's or in Spider-Man's lives. ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Many people will be put out by the mc being able to turn from guy to a girl. I think people just don't specifically go looking for guy on guy or Guy turned girl with a guy action. But i just did this cause look how many lesbians or bisexual girls there are in Marvel. Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy and i think i read one where even Mary Jane was so hot and bothered for gwen but had to hold herself back cause she was with Harry at that time. Even when he turns into a girl , its just so the girls who just don't like guys will be comfortable with him around. So i'm saying right now No gay stuff with our mc guys.] [ People will be mad i added an A.I. system that doesn't get along with the MC, I wanted to say this now i hate those tropes that have a system making MC's life miserable so don't worry . I just want a lot of character development in this fic thats why i added that. I don't want a M.C that just goes " I wish i could be a superhero too, and because the system is his bi*ch it goes "Oh sure here you go be the hero" and I find monotone systems a lot more boring than one with personality. Like the one of solo leveling. Think of it like his inner voice, he is the good angel and system is his bad angel.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note. This is my first time writing anything for the public so please bare with me on the grammatical errors or the loop holes in the story. I wanted to read a good spiderman fanfic but the one's i really enjoyed reading well let's just say those stories author's went out to get milk. I have a lot of ideas for this story enough to like write 100 chapters easy but i don't have enough time in my day to do so , But i will try my best. I'm going to use a lot of different plots from a lot of different fics and original stories so please don't get offended . This Peter Parker's powers are going to be OP but he would never be able to wield his powers to his full potential because of different limitations. And there's gonna be a lot of time and space travel in the story. (I'mma use it to cover plot hole's , like when a smart person does'nt use a weapon or some op abilities that can insta k.o. pete so yeah.) _________________________________________________ Neither the cover pic nor are any of the characters are mine they belong to there original CREATORS.

Reality_warper004 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

New York huh.

(M.C. P.O.V.)

' Hum what the? ' As i look around to find myself standing in what looks like a sea of sewage, instead of the hospital bed.

"Agh, Disgusting! Atleast their's no smell." as i looked around to find it an endless see of black. Just black, even the sky was Black.

" Where am i? System ?" Getting no response i start to panic a little. And suddenly i realised.

' This, it looks like the place i met the Devil in. What did he call it? That's right! The "Empty". '

Looking around i started to realise that he might have called me back for something. I couldn't think of any other thing in my panicked state.

"Mr. Um . . Mr. Morningstar. . I'm. .I am here. Can you tell me . .did i do something wrong.? .Wh. .why am i here.?"

As i try to gather courage to speak out, i realised that my will power was a lot more pathetic now.

Even if i knew nothing would attack me probably, I still couldn't. It just the moment an adult like thought came to my mind to curse or even demand anything, a part of my subconscious just thinks that this is wrong i shouldn't do that and shuts the thought down and become subsurvient and docile and quiver.

'Like why the fuck is this darkness so scary??

I wanna go home. Even that hospital was a lot better than this.'

Just then a thought comes to my mind.

"I'm a fucking kid ofcourse i am scared of the dark and the unknown. God this kid mentality is going to to be the death of me."

As i come to terms with my childishness i realised that the black sludge in front of me was bubbling.

"Oh. . no.no.no.no. I have seen enough horror movies to know it's a jump scare. No no i'm good just stay down there whatever you are. Just stay please.!" Trying to back away from the bubbling, All the while withholding the tears in my eyes. I see the bubbling dies down a bit so i stay a distance from the place.

'Sigh good thing its gone.' But just as i sigh in relief rubbing my watery eyes a bit, I failed to notice someone emerging silently from behind me.

I feel someone put a hand on my shoulder.


And if anyone ever asked me what did i do next i turned around and kicked whatever it was in the crotch and definitely did not scream like a little bitch and pass out. Definitely the kick, yeah definitely!!

But turns out i was just having a dream. As soon as i passed out . . ahem. . i mean woke up , i found myself on my bed sweating as if i just ran a marathon.

*DING. . Host's heart rate is elevated and his pupils are dialted. Host is dehydrated. He needs some milk.*

" Hu.hu I. I'm fine just a nightmare, needs some water. How long was i out? " as i pick up a bottle of water from the bedside table. As i gulp it down a message rings in my head.

*DING . . . Host was passed out for two days.*

"Phfff. Cough. cough two days!! What? why? I thought the merging was done?" I ask the system thinking about my parents. They were probably worried.

*DING. . .Host is a completely new soul. The body directly accept your soul because you had a similar wavelength to the previous soul. But the universal laws being imprinted on your soul needed time.*

Just as i was about to respond to the system the door opens and my parents walked in.

' I still kinda feels weird but this feeling of safety and affection i have for them, I guess it overpowers the guilt. I guess its ok, these people are my parents and I guess i. .i love them. Being a kid is not all that bad huh. ' As i unconsciously let out a smile towards them.

" Well looks like the sleeping beauty is awake, huh .How was the nap kiddo? " Say Richard as they both approached my bed.

"Oh shush you. Peter, honey are you ok now? Does your head still hurt? Here, hold this Richard."

Asks Mary as she hands a brown paper bag to her husband and comes and hugs me.

"I'm ok now mom. In fact i'm perfect now. Can we go home now and i'm hungry." As i say that to my mom, feeling nice in her hug.

' So this is what its like huh? Having parents. Its not bad at all. But what's with this no filter mouth.

The first thought that comes to my mind flows out the mouth. Where is the stop button to this?'

"Hum.Yes let's get you out of here but first here." As Richard hands the paper bag to me, as i get out of my mother's hug. " Have some sandwiches first. We bought them from a new store that opened near here. Its name is Delmars ."

I take the bag from him to see some sandwiches in the bag in wrapped in transperent plastic.

" Thanks Dad, I'm starving."

As i take a sandwich out and start to eat it.

'Oh, this is good. I was starving. I may have to pay more visits to this Delmar's this is heavenly.'

As i inhale both the sandwiches under my parents amusement filled gaze. I realised they have been staring at me the whole time.

"Whats wrong?" I ask slightly tilting my head. And they started chuckling. ' I don't get it. '

"Nothing honey." Mom cleans my face a bit with her sleeve. "Lets get you changed and go home ."

"Hum, Lets." As i look at my hospital gown after getting out of bed.

' Why was i admited in a super secret hospital anyway? I thought , i just had a super high fever.

Well i don't remember, I'll ask them later. For now i just need to strech my body. God i feel so sore.'

I think as my mom helps me wear some blue shorts and a black T-shirt.

After i am done changeing, We get out of the room. For the first time after being here for almost a week, i finally get to see the inside of this secret facility.

' Looks like a medical ward. That looks like a Laboratory , too many labcoat wearing people.

Oh is that a cafeteria, Man that sandwich was good. I wish there were more. ' As i pass by the rooms towards the elevator while holding onto my mom's hand.

As we take the elevator up, I see we have been underground this whole time as the elevator go down till -6 and we were on -3. Dad click's the 0 button, as the elevator starts to go up mom suddenly says to me. " Peter, you can't tell anyone about this place ok. This place is going to be a secret between us ok?" as she smiles looking at me.

"Ok, I won't tell anyone about it. Pinky promise."

I say showing her my pinky of my free hand.

' Why did i do that??! '

Mom kneels down to my eye level and holding out her pinky to interlock with mine.

She chuckled as she says " Pinky promise." with a bright smile on her face.

Mom stands up and the elevator comes to a halt.

She holds onto my hand again and all three of us made our way out.

When we came out of the elevator. We were what looked to be in an abandoned warehouse. When we came out of what was a square opening in the wall. As we crossed it, dad used a iron sheet to cover up the hole in the wall.

Walking outside the warehouse , it was early morning. Maybe 9 to 9:30. All i saw around was some taxies a bit walking distance away and a lot of warehouses with numbers, from which some workers were coming out of.

"Mom where are we?" I couldn't resist asking.

Mom showed a little pensive face but finally sighed and said. " We are in the industrial area of Queens honey. Quiet, close to the docks actually."

'Oh, well i'll be I am in New York huh. I don't know whether thats good or bad. I don't think i ever traveled overseas in my previous life. ' I just nod to my mother's answer. As she helps me into the taxi that dad called over.

As i sit in the middle of my parents on the backseat , The driver asks " Where to? "

My dad replies "15th Street"

"Are we not going home dad?" i ask as taxi driver starts driving.

"No, pete we are going to your Uncle Ben and Aunt May's house." he says to me while pats me on my head.



"I'm Mary Poppins y'all!"

-Yondu, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

