
Spider Gamer(MCU)

I have always like playing video games especially rpgs and I never in my wildest dreams thought that I will be living my life as a gamer in a whole other universe (marvel) and that too as my favorite marvel character Peter Parker aka Spider-Man Nothing too excessive in terms of romance.

CreativeBoye · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Leveled Up

I woke up to the familiar ding sound ringing in my ears.



HP restored after a good night's sleep.


I decided to check up the notification I heard last night after coming back from my patrol



New quest completed.

Stop 20 criminal activities.

Progress: 20/20


1 Completion of training quest.

2. 500 experience points.


1. No progress.

2. Death.

Click [Y] or [N] for rewards.


I click on [Y] and it was immediately followed by another ding sound.



quest completed.

Max out the following abilities:

Progress: 100%

1. Meditation

2. Skilled Scientist

3. Engineer

4. Martial Artist

5. Heightened Athletic Abilities

6. Wall-Crawling

7. Precognitive Spider-Sense


1. 1000 Experience Points

2. Professor Charles Xavier and Emma Frost's knowledge and experience on Telepathy.

3. Dungeon creation.

4. Dungeon escape.

5. New feature unlock.


1. Remaining weak.

2. Death.

Duration: 2 months.

Click [Y] or [N] for rewards


I clicked [Y] again to receive my rewards and felt a tingling sensation over my body as Professor Charles Xavier and Emma Frost's knowledge and experience on Telepathy seamlessly merged with my memories. It was as if I had always known how to use telepathy. After the tingling sensation subsided, I felt a sense of power and comfort. The sound of multiple "ding" notifications filled the air



New skill unlocked.

Dungeon creation:

Level: Maxed

Gamer can now open two dungeons.

1. Empty dungeon

2. Zombie dungeon:

Level: 20 to 30(Recommended to gamer)




New skill unlocked.

Dungeon escape:

Level: Maxed

Gamer can escape from any dungeon at all times.




Skills ranking unlocked.

Novice: A novice is a person who is new or inexperienced in a particular skill, activity, or field. It refers to someone who is just starting out and has limited knowledge or proficiency.

Apprentice: An apprentice is a person who is learning a trade or skill from a more experienced practitioner. They work under the guidance and supervision of a master to gain practical experience and knowledge in a specific craft or profession.

Master: A master is someone who has attained a high level of skill, expertise, or mastery in a particular field. They have extensive knowledge and experience, often acquired through years of practice and dedication. Masters are recognized as authorities and are often sought after for their expertise.

Grandmaster: A grandmaster is an elevated rank or title given to individuals who have reached the pinnacle of skill and mastery in their respective fields. Grandmasters are considered to be among the best in the universe.

Universal God: A universal god refers to person who have mastered a skill to the point they gain a domain on the skill and the skill evolves to a divine skill exclusively owned by the practitioner.

Multiversal God: Similar to the concept of a universal god, a multiversal god is a divine entity that is believed to transcend and have dominion over multiple universes. It implies a deity or higher being that exists and holds skills across different parallel dimensions or realities.


Having look through the new feature, I decided to look at new my stats and skills:



Name: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

Age: 15

Race: Mutated Human

Potential: Infinite

Level: 2

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Exp: (510/1000)

Strength: Middle Superhuman Level.

Intelligence: Peak Universal Genius-Level

Occupation: Vigilante, Highschooler




Gamer's Mind:

Level: Maxed

Allows the gamer to remain calm in all situations and provides immunity to mental attacks.

Gamer's Body:

Level: Maxed

Restores all physical and mental damage done to the gamer after a period of rest.


Level: 60/100

Enables the gamer to view additional information about targets, including stats, feelings, and the target's opinion towards the gamer.

(Cannot observe someone 25 levels higher than the gamer).

Skilled Scientist (Evolved from novice to apprentice)

Level: 00/100

You are an apprentice scientist, young man.

Engineer (Evolved from novice to apprentice)

Level: 00/100

Congratulations! You can create better gadgets than most people.

Martial Artist ((Evolved from novice to apprentice)

Level: 00/100

A vigilante needs some combat skills.

Heightened Athletic Abilities (Evolved from novice to apprentice)

Level: 00/100

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.

Wall-Crawling (Evolved from novice to apprentice):

Level: 00/100

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.

Webbing Ability:

Level: Maxed

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.

Precognitive Spider-Sense (Evolved from novice to apprentice):

Level: 00/100

Well, you were bitten by a radioactive spider.

Deadpool's Healing Ability:

Level: Maxed

No matter how severe your injury is, you heal within a matter of seconds or minutes.

Meditation (Evolved from novice to apprentice):

Level: 0/100

Well, you're a true Buddha, my friend.

Telepathy (Evolved from novice to apprentice):

Level: 0/100

You're a good peeper, young lad. Train more.

Dungeon create (I.D create}:

Level: Maxed.

You can create dungeons to grind your skills.

Dungeon escape (I.D escape):

Level: Maxed.

You escape from any dungeon.


Having gone through my stats and skills, I decided it was time to upgrade my hero work, so I wrote down the following tasks in my notebook:

1. Upgrade my suit.

2. Create my own phone for efficiency and security.

3. Familiarize myself with my telepathic abilities.

4. Meet with the X-Men.

5. Test out the dungeons.

6. Learn hacking and programming.

After making the list, I followed my morning ritual and headed to the portal door to begin my morning training. Upon reaching the gym, I approached John and asked him for a sparring session to test my newfound strength. To my surprise, I was easily defeated, although I lasted longer than usual, which was only two minutes.

Curious about John's abilities, I decided to use my "observe" skill on him. To my frustration, all I could see were question marks for his name, age, race, potential, and level. However, I received a notification that my "observe" skill had leveled up significantly.

With my curiosity piqued, I asked John about his identity. He sternly replied that I wasn't eligible to know at my current level and suggested I ask again once I reach level 75 or above. Realizing his unwillingness to reveal more, I dropped the questioning.

I then asked John for help in practicing my telepathy, and he agreed to be my practice dummy. Sitting in a lotus position, I meditated to clear my mind and focus on my telepathic abilities. Drawing upon the knowledge and experience of Professor Xavier and Emma Frost, I unleashed my telepathic powers.

As I delved into my newfound ability, a surge of power pulsed through my consciousness. It was as if a door had opened, revealing a vast network of interconnected thoughts and emotions. With each passing moment, I felt the telepathic realm embracing me—a plane where minds converged.

With heightened clarity, I extended my psychic senses to touch John's thoughts, and to my surprise, I heard his voice in my head congratulating me on my first successful attempt at telepathy. We engaged in a mental conversation, and he guided me to imagine myself within his mind.

In his mental landscape, I initially found myself in a vast empty white space. However, with a wave of his hand, John transformed the mindscape into one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. The scenery was breathtaking—a sky painted with golden sunsets, a lush meadow with blooming flowers, cascading waterfalls, and majestic trees.

John instructed me to explore his memories by imagining myself within floating flower petals. As I did, I experienced fragments of his life, such as his first word, his parents, and his first kiss. After exploring all the petals, I exited his mind and returned to my body, feeling a bit dizzy.

Upon sharing my experience with John, I expressed my eagerness to master telepathy. I requested him to continue my normal training routine but with increased intensity. Afterward, I took a bath at the gym and planned to have breakfast with Aunt May.

As I headed downstairs, I heard a notification sound from the game. However, Aunt May called my name, indicating it was time for breakfast. I decided to wait until after breakfast to check the message.