
Spider's Justice

Peter Parker gets bitten by a radioactive spider in Oscorp in Gotham City and as he gets his powers, he learns of responsibility. With Batman off-world with the Justice League this is Peter's test to see if he's a hero.

masterchief2285 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Season 0; Ep 3

Peter was taking pictures with his chess club for the last day of school. After that Peter and Aunt May hugged each other.

"You've survived your first year of High School," Aunt May said, "congratulations!"

Peter and Aunt May hugged each other as Harry approached Peter, "Good news, Pete," Harry said, "My dad actually got us an apartment in Gotham Heights so we are set for this summer and maybe this fall."

"That's great," Peter said.

"You made it," a voice said. Peter looked ahead of Harry and saw Norman approaching the two.

Harry looked back towards Norman, "It's not the first time I've been proven wrong. Good job, son."

"Thanks, Dad," Harry said.

Norman looked and saw Peter's science award, immensely impressed with the boy's intelligence.

"Peter, the science award," Norman said while approaching him, "it's terrific."

Peter nodded as Norman put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "I know this has been a difficult time for you and your Aunt, but I want you to try to enjoy this day. Commencement, the end of one thing, the start of something new. You've been nice to Harry and more so like a brother to him, that makes you family. And if you ever need anything, just give me a call."

The two shook hands while Harry gave Peter a bro-hug, leaving Peter alone to find Aunt May and get home.


When Peter and Aunt May returned home, he didn't hesitate to go into his room.

"Would you like me to fix you something?" May asked. Peter looked back to give her a reassuring smile as he shook his head.

"No thanks," Peter said as he went upstairs.

It was now night as Peter started to tear up in guilt. Aunt May slowly came in, giving Peter some comfort as she saw her nephew in mourning for Uncle Ben. She sat by his side as he started to talk.

"I missed him a lot, Aunt May," Peter said with his voice shaking.

Aunt May nodded as she said, "I know. I miss him, too."

She took a deep breath as she started to talk again, "But, he was there."

Peter nodded as he said, "I can't help thinking about that last thing I said to him. He tried to tell me something important… and I threw it in his face."

"You loved him," Aunt May said while kissing him on the temple, "and he loved you. He never doubted the man you will grow into later. How you are meant for great things, you won't disappoint him."

Peter gave his Aunt a grateful nod as she left.

As he was thinking about what Aunt May had said he decided to go into his suitcase to take out his black long sleeve shirt that contained the spider. As he was staring at it, he replayed Uncle Ben's words, 'With great power, comes great responsibility. Remember that, Pete remember that.'

Aunt May was in the dining room, eating some roasted chicken she made. She soon saw Peter going downstairs.

"Where are you going sweetie?" Aunt May asked.

"To the new place Harry's Dad got us," Peter said, "I'll be back soon, if not in the morning."

"Okay," May said, "be careful."



Peter went into the apartment complex where Harry and him are going to be staying in the foreseeable future. Peter got into the elevator and went into the apartment room, 616. He didn't hesitate to knock on the door as Harry opened the door.

"Hey man," Harry said, "glad you made it. Come in."

"Thanks," Peter said as he entered the apartment. It was a nice, open floor with an upstairs that had three bedrooms; one for Peter, one for Harry, and one as their office for school work.

As Harry closed the door, he looked at Peter, "So what is this thing you wanted to show me?"

Peter dug into his backpack to show Harry his sketchbook. Peter opened the book and showed Harry a few pages. Harry was looking into them and started to like what he was seeing.

"Do you think we have the supplies needed?" Peter asked.

After Harry looked at the sketchbook, he gave Peter the book back and smirked.

"We do indeed," Harry said, "we should start to work."

And with that, Peter and Harry started to work on their project. Not before playing some music. Harry had some speakers and decided to play some Bang Bang by K'naan which had a featuring of Adam Levine.

Peter and Harry took out a box that contained some chemicals as they were trying to first knock down the most hardest part of the project: The web-shooters. They had to first make the web fluid which took them a long time. Throughout their trials, it led to some explosions, fires, and mixing utensils being disintegrated, but when they were able to knock down the fluid compound, they moved onto the devices.

Peter and Harry were engineering the devices and on one trial, it led to the actual device exploding, another causing the device to overheat. But they didn't give up as they were able to get a webline shot. Peter plucked it and saw it was still stable and the two gave each other a high five.

The next morning, Peter was on top of a rooftop as he had a camera on his chest so Harry could watch from his computer.

Peter looked down and started to get anxious, but he knew he had to conquer it so he took a few steps back as he put on a balaclava mask and started to run and jump off the building. Peter did a bullet dive as he was taking deep breaths and then started to shoot a line which led to him web-swinging. And man it was the most fun he had. The experience was exhilarating as he let go of the line and let momentum fly him in the air before shooting another line and swinging.

Harry, who was in the office, was ecstatic that the web-shooters that he and Peter were working on we're working, so much so that he jumped out of his chair and started pumping his fist in happiness.

When Peter came back, Harry ran to Peter.

"That was awesome!" Harry said, "They work!"

"They do," Peter said, "but we're not done yet."

After that they started to work on the easy part, the suit. Harry managed to get an Oscorp fabricator which would be able to help construct Peter's suit. Peter started to work on the suit.

Peter came out of his bedroom to try on the suit and it looks amazing. It was red and blue and on the front it had a white spider-insignia and on the back it was red. Along the arms it contained mostly blue with some red accents, but on each forearm there were a few black accents. Waist down, it was mostly blue, but there were some red accents along the waist, legs, and foot (the front cover is his suit).

"How does it fit?" Harry asked.

"Great, it's comfortable," Peter said, looking at his mask and putting it on. He pressed one side of his temple and his HUD was online. Harry looked at his monitor and saw Peter's vitals as well as his point of view.

Peter's mask had lenses that squinted. He soon jumped out of the window as he started to swing in the broad daylight of Gotham.

"Woo hoo!" Peter bellowed as he web-slinged across Gotham. As he did, he heard Harry in the comms, "Can you read me?"

"Loud and clear," Peter said, "what's up?"

"There's a petty theft happening in an alleyway that is 756 meters and to the right," Harry said.

"Got it," Peter said as he swung over to the alleyway and saw a kid getting mugged by some teenagers. Peter jumped in front of them and the teens started to laugh.

'Petty theft, huh Harry,' Peter thought as he decided to just go with it.

"What the fuck are you wearing," one asked, "freak?"

Peter, who had his mask on, saw a filled dumpster and picked it up as if he was going to throw it at them which led to them gulping and running away. When they ran away Peter shifted his attention to the kid who got jumped, Peter saw there were a few scratches and bruises on his body, but other than that he was okay.

"You okay, bud," Peter asked.

The kid nodded as Peter saw the broken project. When he further inspected it, he saw it was a wind turbine.

"You made this?" Peter asked.

"Yeah," the kid said.

"This is a wind turbine," Peter said, "you made this?"

The kid nodded as Peter was impressed at the kid's engineering skills. Peter shot a few web pelts to repair it and spun it to make sure it worked.

"Good as new," Peter said, "c'mon I'll walk you home."

As the two started walking, Peter asked, "What's your name bud?"

"Jorge," the kid said.

"Jorge," Peter said, "nice to meet you. I'm Spider-Man."

As Peter started walking Jorge home, the two passed by Gotham University. Most of the people there were judgemental of Peter as he was wearing red and blue tights. As he was walking down the college campus with Jorge he could've sworn he saw Barbara, but he paid no mind to it as he continued to walk the kid back home.


Days had passed and there was more media coverage on Spider-Man, the Gotham Gazette caught a glimpse of it and started to see who Spider-Man was. The police have been very supportive of Spider-Man as they have had good experiences with Batman before so their perception of vigilantism was somewhat biased.

"Who is Spider-Man?" a cranky voice asked. He was reading the headline of the newspaper from the Gotham Gazette. As he brought down the newspaper, J. Jonah Jameson was shown displaying his displeasure for Spider-Man.

"He's a criminal, that's what he is," Jameson said, "a vigilante! A public menace, much like Batman and his so-called Justice League. What's he doing on my front page?"

Robbie Robertson answered Jameson's question, "This guy's news. He pulled six people off that subway car."

"Sure, from a wreck he probably caused," Jameson said, "There's always something wrong in Gotham and here's this wall-crawler there. Look at it."

Jonah pointed to a photo of Spider-Man swinging away, "He's fleeing the scene. What does that tell ya?"

"He's not fleeing," Robbie said, "he's probably there to save someone else. Batman is a night guy while this Spider-Man helps people during the day. But, with Batman off-world with the League, Spider-Man has been working around the clock. He's a hero."

"Then why does he wear a mask?" Jameson asked, "What's he got to hide?"

Robbie shook his head as he sighed, "And another problem is that there aren't good pictures of this guy. People have been trying, but barely able to get him."

"Aww," Jameson said, "what is he shy? We can get a picture of Julia Roberts wearing a thong, we can certainly get a photo of this weirdo. Put on the front page, 'Cash Money For a Picture of Spider-Man.' If he doesn't want to be famous, then I'll make him infamous!"


Peter passed by a newspaper dispenser and got a stack out to read later. Peter was in a diner, getting some food for himself. He was sitting in the booth and was waiting for a waiter to get some food.

"Welcome to the Gotham Diner, I'll be your waiter." a voice said.

Peter lowered the menu he was reading and saw Barbara who was taking Peter's order.

"Hey Peter," Barbara said, "what would you like to order?"

"Oh uh," Peter didn't want to make this awkward as he started to order, "I saw that your chicken and waffle is the most ordered item here, I would like one."

"Of course," Barbara said as she wrote down the order, "anything else, Pete?"

"A cup of coffee as well please?" Peter asked.

She smiled as she said, "Coming right up."

When Barbara left to order, Peter sat down and was on his phone. Today was a quiet day as no crime was happening. Which led to him wanting to get a bite to eat before doing a night watch. After a few minutes Barbara came up giving Peter his chicken and waffles and coffee.

"Thanks," Peter said.

"Of course," Barbara said, "also don't worry about the check. This is on me."

"Are you sure," Peter asked, "I'll pay for it."

"No worries," Barbara said, she started to leave after saying, "We should catch up sometime."

Peter smiled and gave her a nod as he ate his food and left the diner.


When Peter finished eating he went back to the apartment to check in on Harry. When Peter entered the room, he saw Norman on the phone and the two waved at each other.

"Dad is making his weekly inspection," Harry said as he was doing some advanced arithmetics, "I'm glad you're here I'm kind of lost…"

Harry looked towards his friend and saw the long face.

"Why the long face?" Harry asked.

"I was late for work and Dr. Connors fired me," Peter said.

"You were late again?" Harry asked in shock, "Dude, we need to work on your work-balance schedule. You have a lot going on, not to mention your 'gig.'"

"Peter!" Norman called for Peter and approached the teenagers, "Harry won't tell me who she is."

"Who's that?" Peter asked.

"This mystery girl Harry's been dating."


"When do I get to meet her?" Norman asked.

"I was not aware of this until now," Peter said.

Harry, now put on the spot, decided to change the subject, "Hey Pete, you're looking for a job right? Dad, you can help him out."

"No, I appreciate it, but I'll take care of it," Peter said while getting some juice.

"Are you sure?" Norman asked, "It's no problem, I can make a few calls."

"No I couldn't accept it sir," Peter said, "I like to earn what I get."

Norman and Harry were amazed at Peter's humility, "I respect that. You want to make your own esteem, that's great Peter. What other skills do you have, Peter?"

Peter was reading the newspapers and answered Norman's question, "I was thinking about something in photography as it was my hobby other than making computers."


It was night and an armored truck driver was about to unload, but heard a gun click. He looked to see a robber who backhanded the driver. A bunch of other robbers started to gather and held up their rifles to make sure no one was around.


The gunners turned to the source of the flash and saw someone swinging towards them. As it started flashing the figure it was Spider-Man who came down on the ground. He fought every robber while the flash was blinking on occasion and after he ended the fight, he turned to the source of the flashing.

"Cheese," Spider-Man said as he had webbed up a camera against a light pole.

In the upcoming morning, Peter went to the Gotham Gazette to show some pictures and met a few people. One person he met that he liked was Eddie Brock who was their investigative reporter for them.

Peter soon entered the Chief-In-Editor's office and gave Jameson the photos.

"They're crap," Jameson said, while looking through all of them, "crap, crap, mega-crap."

"$300, kid," Jameson said while giving one to Robbie, "Put this on page one."

"Headline?" Robbie asked.

"Spider-Man: Hero or Menace?" Jameson said, "exclusive Gotham Gazette Photos."

"Menace," Peter asked, "he was protecting that armored truck—"

"Hey kid," Jameson said, "you make the pictures, I make the headlines. Is that okay with you?"

Peter sighed, "Yes sir."

"Good," Jameson said, while writing Peter a check and giving it to him, "give this to the girl up front so you can get paid."

"I would like a job sir," Peter said, getting straight to the point.

"There are no jobs," Jameson said, "freelance. Best thing in the world for a kid your age, you bring me some more shots of that Spider-Guy then I'll take him off your hands. But I never said you have a job, now get out of here."

Peter left Jameson's office to cash in his check to the girl upfront.

"Hello Miss…"

"Brant, Betty Brant," the girl Jameson mentioned said, "welcome to the Gotham Gazette Mister…"

"Parker, Peter Parker," Peter said.


In a boardroom meeting in Oscorp, Norman was talking about the recent increase in revenue for the company.

"As of today," Norman said, "Oscorp Industries has surpassed S.T.A.R. Labs as the one of the top suppliers to the United States Military. In short ladies and gentlemen of the board, costs are down, revenues are up and our stock has never been higher."

"Wonderful news Norman," a board member across from him said, "wonderful. As a matter of fact, it's a reason for selling the company."

Norman's face changed to shock, "What?"

"Yes, S.T.A.R. Labs has recapitalizing since the wake of the bombing," the board member said, "expanding. They made a tender offer that we couldn't ignore."

"Why wasn't I notified of this?" Norman asked.

"The last thing they want is a power struggle," the board said, "with entrenched management."

"The deal is off if you come with it," a wheelchaired board member said, "the board expects your resignation in 30 days."

Norman stood up as he was in anguish, "You can do this to me. I started this company."

His face soon turned to rage as he started to scream, "Do you know much I sacrificed?!"

As he started to calm down, he looked towards the wheelchaired board member, "Oh Max, please."

"Norman," Max said, "the board is unanimous. We're announcing the sale after the World Unity Festival. I'm sorry."

"You're out Norman."

Norman asked, "Am I?" as he soon had a sinister smirk.


Peter and Harry were at the street level as the two were enjoying the festival. Peter was taking photos while Harry wanted to introduce him to the Board of Directors as an opportunity to get Peter a job at Oscorp.

"Welcome to Oscorp's Unity Day Festival!" An announcer said, "Let's hear it for Nancy Grace."

As the music was playing, Peter and Harry were amazed at how alive the festival was. Soon Harry smiled and Peter turned to where Harry was looking at. He saw a redhead that looked alike to Barbara, but had green eyes.

"Peter," Harry said, "this is Mary Jane Watson. MJ, this is Peter Parker, my best friend."

The two shook hands as MJ smiled at Peter, "Call me MJ. Barbara told me about you."

"Are you two…"

"Cousins," MJ said, "the red hair."

Peter nodded as the three started to socialize with each other. Peter couldn't see where Barbara was as he inferred that she didn't come to the festival. Soon after, Peter was being tugged by Harry to meet a board member.

Harry shook Max Fargas's hand, "Mr. Fargas."

"Hello, Harry," Max said, he soon looked at Peter, "is he your friend?"

"Yes," Harry said, "Peter Parker, may I introduce you to one of Oscorp's Board of Director Members, Maxwell Fargas.

Peter smiled as he shook Max's hand, "It's an honor to meet you Mr. Fargas."

"The pleasure is all mine, Peter," Max said, "Norman has told us a lot of good things about you, he has encouraged us to get you a job at Oscorp."

"I appreciate it sir," Peter said, "thank you."

Harry looked around as he couldn't find his father, "I thought my Father would be here. Have you seen him?"

"Oh I'm not sure if he's coming today."

Soon Peter's Spider-Sense tingled as he looked to see someone flying over to the festival.

"Peter what's wrong?" Harry said, noticing Peter's uneasiness. As this was happening the said villain threw a bomb as it started to wreck havoc and cause some destrution.

Peter soon looked at Harry with panic.

"You need to get these people out of here now," Peter said as he started to run off.

"Peter!" Harry called out.

Peter stopped to listen to Harry as he said, "Be careful."

Peter nodded and after he left, Harry started to help people including MJ get out of the crossfire. Harry was about to help out the Board of Directors, but soon saw what seemed to be a pumpkin bomb as it exploded, disintegrating the Board of Directors.

Harry grunted as he decided to help others escape the crossfire.

But was stopped as he soon saw the man who attacked the board of directors. He wore the flight suit from Oscorp, but it had some purple armor and the man wore a purple hood which hid a mask that had yellow eyes (he wears the outfit from no way home with the mask).

"Hello! Young man!" the man said.

Harry started to stumble back in fear, but heard someone called out for Spider-Man. He looked to the right and saw Spider-Man kick the villain off the glider and into an inflatable balloon. Spider-Man landed on a wall after doing a swing-kick and saw the glider fly through a balloon which led to falling down. Spider-Man looked to see a boy which led to him squinting his lenses to zoom in.

"Jorge!" Peter screamed as he got up and did a horizontal wall run and jumped off to do a swing to grab Jorge.

"Spider-Man," Jorge said.

"It's good to see you kid," Spider-Man said as he gave Jorge back to his Mom.

"Thank you, Spider-Man," the mother said.

"Go!" Spider-Man said.

Spider-Man looked ahead and saw the villain whom he's gonna call the Green Goblin, getting up. Some GCPD officers were trying to freeze him.

Spider-Man's lenses widened as the cops were trying to shoot him, but the bullets simply didn't penetrate as the Goblin attacked the officers. Spider-Man lunged to attack the Goblin and was about to punch him, but it was caught.


The Goblin kicked Spider-Man several meters back and fell on his back.

"Oh, my ribs, my back," Spider-Man said as he got up.

"Spider-Man!" a voice called.

Spider-Man looked back to see Commissioner James Gordon was running towards him.

"I need your help," Jim said.

"What is it, Commissioner," Spider-Man asked.

"It's my daughter, she's trapped on the balcony!" Jim said.

Peter's lenses widened as he was shocked that Barbara was trapped. He soon had a look of determination as he nodded to Gordon.

Spider-Man looked behind to see the Goblin who was on his glider. He shoved Gordon out of the way as he started to sprint as he heard a series of bullets being fired, but soon his Spider-Sense kicked in as a missile was fired and it led to Spider-Man shooting a web and swinging up onto an inflatable balloon. When he landed on the balloon, he soon saw Barbara who was still on the balcony.

"Hold on!" Spider-Man screamed.

Spider-Man jumped on another balloon while doing a front flip and did another jump towards the balcony. He was about to land on the balcony, but the Goblin caught him and slammed him into the window. Spider-Man soon shifted his position to be behind the Goblin, but he was elbowed in the face a few times as he soon fell on the ground and was about to rescue Barbara.

"Hang in there!" Peter said.

Spider-Man stopped to hear crackling and looked back to see the Goblin was about to attack so he shot a web bullet that was stuck on the Goblin's face, stunning him.

Spider-Man took this as an opportunity to damage the glider as it started to smoke and Goblin flew away.

"We'll meet again, Spider-Man!"

Spider-Man soon heard screaming and saw Barabara falling down.

"No!" Peter screamed. Peter did a bullet dive while facing down and stepping against the edge of the balcony to dive down faster towards Barbara. When he caught Barbara, he shot a web-line and swung away. Harry looked to the sideline, happy to see his friend get the recognition he deserves.

Spider-Man and Barbara landed on a rooftop.

"Here's your stop," Peter said, "beats taking the subway."

Peter was about to run off, but Barbara cut him off.


Peter stopped to listen to Barbara.

"Who are you?" Barbara asked. She wanted to know who the person under the mask was.

"You know who I am," Peter said while standing on the edge of the roof.

"I do?"

"I'm Spider-Man," Peter said as he did a backwards swan dive off.

Barbara ran to the edge and saw Spider-Man swinging off while he was 'woo hooing' throughout the city. She was thinking that this guy was amazing and based on his voice, he didn't sound that much older than him.

"Wow," Barbara said.


A/N: Chapter 3 is finished. And yes I have decided to make MJ and Barbara cousins, deal with it.