

He stares into her eyes like a mirror. He tears his shirt and she bites down on her lip as his body seduces her. He puts an arm around her and draws her close to his body. Rachael’s heart pounds in her chest like a drum. She can feel his hot breath against her neck. “Rachael,” she hears a familiar and alluring voice. Rachael can hear Samuel’s voice but she cannot see him. “I want to hold your small hands and kiss them,”. She feels little kisses on her fingers. “I want to touch you,” his voice says and she closes her eyes. Rachael feels a soft hand press hard against her nipple and she lets out a moan. She raises her head to see Gabriel still looking at her. He bends and kisses her neck, he nibbles her neck and traces his way to her collar bone. Gabriel smiles as Rachael’s body grows weak against his. He says something but Rachael cannot hear his words. His mouth moves but he has no voice. “Rachael,” Samuel’s voice calls out to her, a voice without a body. Rachael is a girl trying to come to terms with her father’s death. Things seem normal until she meets the twin supernatural. Things change when the twins develop feelings towards her. Bonds are tested between them as they long for her all the while running from Dracula. Rachael learns about her family secrets. She endures pain and finds courage in her journey. The twins face Dracula in a grand finale and their love for Rachael will be tested with a heavy sacrifice. Secrets will be discovered. Bonds will be tested. Will Rachael survive her new chaotic world?

KingPablo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
63 Chs


"Kill them all," Emily orders, and the wolves attack.

Elma swings the sword left and right slashing the werewolves that come close, she displays excellent fighting prowess making their assailants look like amateurs.

Emily grabs Samuel's leg and slams him against a coffer.

She pulls out a gun and begins to shoot at the sphinx, "Die, die…die" she says as she empties the cartridge on Samuel.

Emily's eyes turn black with rage and she turns her attention to Elma who is handling herself well.

Rachael hides behind the counter, her heart races with fear as Elma tries her best to fight off the werewolves but she knows the vampire will not be able to hold out for long.

She doesn't know what to do.

I can't remain here.

She opens a drawer and sees it; the dagger that started it, its name fresh in her memory like the fear that courses through her body like a stream of blood.


There is a gun beside the dagger.

She picks up both and the timing cannot be any better.

A werewolf drops on the other side of the counter and eyes the human. It shoots out its sharp claws and slowly makes its way to the frail human.

But it doesn't know that this human is tired of being weak, she is tired of being scared and this may be her first step on a different path.

Bang, bang!

Rachael shoots twice in its chest and it wimps like a hurt dog as it falls to the ground but this also exposes her.

Emily lands on the counter and she hisses at Rachael.

Rachael points the gun at Emily but she swiftly slaps it away.

Samuel grabs Emily by the leg and throws her off the counter and onto a couple of werewolves that surround Elma and he roars.

The werewolves pause as they recognize the presence of a superior predator.

Samuel's ears have become pointy like a "Lord of the Rings" elf.

Two little horns protrude from the top of his head, his teeth turn all canine and claws come out from his fingers.

Elma is battered and injured as she has been under heavy attack from the wolves, "You are so dead," she struggles to say.

Samuel charge towards them.

His steps are faster and his blows are more powerful than the werewolves.

He loses himself in his rage as his horns slowly increase in size while he charges like a mindless monster.

He tears away at their bodies, pulling out intestines, liver and hearts.

He gauges out their eyes and bathes the floor with their blood as he turns them to a masterpiece of death.

Rachael is shocked a she sees him turn into a raging monster, she leans backwards against the wall as he slowly turns into a demon of death and raging madness.

The werewolf Rachael shot stands up and growls at her.

Rachael holds Nightmare firmly and face this werewolf.

Fear and terror sit on her shoulders but courage stands behind her.

And just as the werewolf makes a move towards her, a dumbbell comes crashing into its head from Samuel's direction.

The beast drops dead and she turns her sights to Samuel who has killed almost all of them.

Emily moves past the sphinx and the werewolves like a ghost and charges towards Rachael, Elma tries to get in between but Emily snaps her neck and she drops to the ground.

Emily jerks Rachael and slams her against the wall, "I am going to kill you," she says, "Stop!" Samuel roars out.

"If you hurt her I will kill everyone and everything you love," he threatens, rage written on his face like a mad buffalo.

A werewolf bites Samuel's shoulder and he jerks it by the throat and head-butts the werewolf.

He bites out its throat and leaves the werewolf's jerking body on the floor, adding another body to the pool of blood in the room.

"You've killed all my men, let me return the favor" Emily says, "Fuck you," Rachael curses and stabs Emily in the neck.

She lets go of Rachael and screams as the pain is unbearable, her pale skin lighting up as she begins to burn.

The pain is agonizing and her flesh smells like burnt wood as she burns.

Nightmare's flames consume her until all that is left are ashes and a dagger.

My first kill.

Rachael is in awe, she never thought she would ever kill anybody in her life and here she is, a killer, no.

Not a killer; that was a monster that wanted to take her life.

Rachael can't put a word to what she feels but she knows that this doesn't make her a killer.

Maybe a hero?

Or a hunter of monsters?

Samuel is astonished and stands speechless.

She saw him show more of his other side but right now it doesn't matter, all that matters to the sphinx is that she is alive.

His horns retract into his head and he holds tears behind his eyes as he realizes that she would have died if she hadn't found the dagger.

His heart beats as his walls crumble further.

Rachael's mind is drowning in complicated thoughts as she plays different scenarios in her head of how things could have gone wrong, but they didn't.

Like destiny was with her.

And the spirit of her family was protecting and guiding her like guardian angels.

"Are you alright?" Samuel manages to say and with a weak smile, she answers, "Yes".

John jerks to life as electricity flow through his cold body.

He screams in pain and his eyes open widely.

"You must be John, the vampire who led my sister to her death".

John hears a familiar voice, the voice of a man who he watched as a boy from the shadows.

John coughs, "Lucas Tremblay,".

John's hands are tied with chains that hang him from the top of the room.

The room is dark and there are several armed men around the room.

John eyes the 6-foot hunter who has a silver dagger in his hand, "You know who I am," "Yes, I do."

"That is surprising, I don't know who the fuck you are.

How long have you had your hooks in my sister?", "I don't think you knew your sister,".

Lucas cuts John on his chest and the vampire groans, "Answer my question, vampire" "Mary McQueen was a friend close to my heart," John says.

This vexes Lucas and he slashes John's chest with the dagger.

The vampire groans in pain, "Don't insult my sister or I will kill you," "You don't know what you are fucking saying".

Lucas gives the dagger to one of the men and puts on a pair of silver brass knuckles, "Before the real conversation starts, I want to enjoy this".

He begins to attack John with a series of punches, treating the vampire's body like a punching bag.

John fills the room with painful groans as Lucas batters his body with his fists.

John spits out blood from his mouth, "Who the fuck told you I was the one that led her to her death?".

The door opens and Steven Gerard and Marcus Tremblay appear.

"Of course, the piece of shit arms dealer" John spits again, "Everyone leave us," Marcus orders, his voice as cold as ice.

The men exit the room leaving Marcus and Lucas with the vampire.

"Long time no see, John Williams".