

He stares into her eyes like a mirror. He tears his shirt and she bites down on her lip as his body seduces her. He puts an arm around her and draws her close to his body. Rachael’s heart pounds in her chest like a drum. She can feel his hot breath against her neck. “Rachael,” she hears a familiar and alluring voice. Rachael can hear Samuel’s voice but she cannot see him. “I want to hold your small hands and kiss them,”. She feels little kisses on her fingers. “I want to touch you,” his voice says and she closes her eyes. Rachael feels a soft hand press hard against her nipple and she lets out a moan. She raises her head to see Gabriel still looking at her. He bends and kisses her neck, he nibbles her neck and traces his way to her collar bone. Gabriel smiles as Rachael’s body grows weak against his. He says something but Rachael cannot hear his words. His mouth moves but he has no voice. “Rachael,” Samuel’s voice calls out to her, a voice without a body. Rachael is a girl trying to come to terms with her father’s death. Things seem normal until she meets the twin supernatural. Things change when the twins develop feelings towards her. Bonds are tested between them as they long for her all the while running from Dracula. Rachael learns about her family secrets. She endures pain and finds courage in her journey. The twins face Dracula in a grand finale and their love for Rachael will be tested with a heavy sacrifice. Secrets will be discovered. Bonds will be tested. Will Rachael survive her new chaotic world?

KingPablo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
63 Chs


The birds and the clouds turn the sky into an art of celestial making.

The soft rays of the sun, lights up the bright colors of the green grass.

The running feet of the woman having a jog in the park and the laughter of young couples gives life to the day.

Kate sits on a bench and observes the parameter.

The Tremblays and their men are over the place dressed casually.

Kate and Lucas are in the field while Marcus and a few men stay in a bus.

They observe the parameter through mini drones and laptops.

Detective Warren Peace and the group arrive Central Park, Manhattan.

The sphinxes and Rachael separate themselves from the group.

It would be wise to divide the group.

They are still suspicious of the detective after all.

Warren checks his wrist watch as he leads this odd group to the grass.

Sun bathes their skin with it's burning embrace.

"I'm not risking my life to come burn under the bloody sun," Samuel complains.

"I am pretty sure we are not here to chill on the grass, Warren" Gabriel says.

The detective makes a brief phone call.

"We have to wait a bit, they are not here yet," the detective says as he paces.

"Okay, let's use that to our advantage and blend in," Rachael suggests.

Marcel wears shades to reduce the basking heat.

"It's hot today," he complains.

"Why do you always wear a jacket?

You look like a horse rider from Camelot.

Don't you have any other clothes?" the detective mocks the vampire.

"Human, you have balls now?.

I don't need to change.

All the gifts of a true vampire are upon me," he boasts.

"What does that mean?" Rachael tries to understand this strange character.

"He is always going to look good, smell nice and have amazing hair as long as he keeps feeding like a predator.

"See Miss McQueen, vampires are monsters no matter what.

They need to be to keep existing as they are," Warren says with a disgusted face.

"Great, another vampire hater" she rolls her eyes.

The twins share a glance as they approve Rachael's boldness.

"Don't worry, I will free you of their spell one day," Warren says to her.

She ignores his statement like a wisp of breeze.

Samuel and Gabriel try to hide their laughter as the detective preaches on.

The preaching stops when he receives a phone call.

And with the end of that call, they know that things are about to get serious.

Samuel puts a hand on Warren's shoulder.

He wears a frightening smile.

"Who is your partner, detective?" he asks.

"How do we know they are legit?" Gabriel presses forward.

"Can't you trust me?

Go ahead and hypnotize me if you like," Warren raises his voice.

The twins glance at each other and back at the detective.

"We should be keeping an eye out for them,".

"Hey, look there," Gabriel notice two men carrying a chest and two others to guard.

Samuel sniffs into the air.

"Werewolves. He must be close by," he says.

"The trackers are here.

Everyone, get ready to start moving," he says into his earpiece.

"What's the target?" Lucas ask over the earpiece.

"Four men and a chest, 9 o'clock from my location," Samuel says.

He turns away from the detective so he doesn't hear him talk.

"Let's go," the detective begins to lead the way.

They track the men and the chest as subtle as possible.

The men walk past a family gathering.

The group keep some distance between themselves as they follow behind the men.

The men wear casual clothes so they easily blend to the background of the park.

Easily passed as young men having a bit of mischievous fun.

The sphinxes can easily pick up on the scents of the werewolves.

Rachael's heart beats as she sneaks up behind them.

What will happen if they get caught?

Well, there is only one way to find out.

The men carry the chest a long distance and begin to go deeper into Central Park.

They disappear behind tall trees but not from the stalking group.

Detective Warren Peace leads the group on.

The atmosphere becomes cooler as the Sun's smile fade.

Refreshing breeze blows through Rachael's hair and she hears the last of the world behind.

Things become quiet and soon the men disappear completely.

She can no longer see them and she turns to look at Samuel and Gabriel.

"Hey, we can't see you guys" she hears Elena's voice in the earpiece.

"Keep coming," Samuel's voice follows.

Seems like the immortals can still see the werewolves.

Rachael keeps walking on the same horizontal line as the twins until they come to a stop.

"Where are they?

I can't see them," Samuel says.

Gabriel glares at the detective.

"Well, I can't see them either" Warren says.

"Something feels strange about this place," Marcel says.

Gabriel hears footsteps.

"Sammy," "I hear them too,".

Something drops from one of the trees.

A man stands up.

Strands of his black hair fall on his face.

His golden eyes shine like he has the Sun behind them.

He rubs his hands against his chin and strokes his goatee.

"Werewolf," Marcel says.

"Marcel I presume.

You look way younger than you should," the man says.

"And you must be one of our father's hooligans," Samuel says.

"I am Byron and you are surrounded.

Follow me.

Resistance is most welcomed," he says.

His tone sounds funny and yet, carries no emotion.

"You are joking," Gabriel says.

"Do I look like I am joking?" Byron says.

His glare is as dominating as any predator's.

"You should do as he says," a red haired beauty says from behind them.

Alex and some armed men appear behind the group.

"An ambush," Gabriel scoffs.

"You know we can take you," Samuel says.

"But you won't.

You wouldn't want anything to happen to the human now, would you?" Alex says.

Her words make the twins rethink their situation.

"The boss will be glad to see you, Marcel" she adds and the vampire swallows hard.

"Nice job, Warren" Alex praises the detective.

"You little…" Gabriel reaches for his neck but the detective dodges.

He separates himself from them.

"You had it coming," he says.

"Just shut up and follow me," Byron says as he leads the way.

The environment gets darker and the clouds get thicker.

Rachael looks backwards and sees nothing of the beautiful scene that was behind.

Just Alex and her goons.

"Rachael, Gabriel…Samuel," no one answers.

John becomes worried as he loses connection with them.

"I'm going after them,".

"I'm coming with you," Elma says.

"I will be with you guys shortly," Elena says over the earpiece.

She signals to Mary who is with her and they begin to move.

The vampires move fast so they won't miss Rachael and the twins before it's too late.

They enter the midst of the tall trees and they hide.

They see Rachael and the twins surrounded by armed men.

They are going forward and deeper into the park.

John and Elma sneak behind and follow.

Elma raises her head to look up when the weather begins to change and the clouds come together.

She looks forward and the twins disappear into thin air.

Rachael and Marcel follow suite.

"What the fuck is going on?" John mumbles to himself.

John turns and sees Elma running towards him.

What is wrong with her, he wonders.

Someone crashes into Elma and holds her against a tree.

John tries to move but a jolt of electricity brings him to his knees.

A masked man holds a gun above his head.

Adrian snaps Elma's neck and leaves her to fall.

He orders one of the armed men with him to carry her.

John raises his hands in surrender.

"Wise choice, now move"