
Spero's Dairy

Spero, which translate into, 'I hope,' is a short story about a man named 13203, born into a god forsaken world. This story is how to main character describes his life through a dairy which is recovered a few years later. [The picture in the cover is not owned by me. No copyright infringement intended!]

Frostysyrup · War
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Eighth to Fifteenth Entry

• Eighth entry;

A week has passed since my last entry and I apologize. Getting adjusted to my new workplace took a toll both physically and mentally. I'm stationed in a shed within the vicinity of Garnet's mansion. The house itself is very well guarded, security is tight. Even I, the supposed bodyguard, can't enter the premises. They've left me out, I'm being treated like a dog. . . My assignment as a bodyguard is made very easy. The only point of access is the road in front. Beyond which lays the beach, even more beautiful as described in books and pictures. The salty aroma basked in the hot sun always tickles my nose. Behind the mansion, a natural hill – not easily climbable from either side, overlooks everything. So really, I just sit around all day monitoring people bathing, swimming, and having a good time. It's not a surprise that all of them are women.

• Ninth entry;

A month has since passed; there hasn't been much for me to tell. Life here is very mundane – if you take away the regular abuse from her parents. How foolish of me, I've forgotten the most important part – Miss Garnet and I have grown close. At heart, she's a very caring person, almost like a mother figure. On dinnerless nights, she would often sneak away some of her food to me. In return, I'd tell her countless stories I've read over my time at the academy. Her favorite one was The Wandering Bard by an unnamed author.

• Tenth entry;

Another three months have passed, I've said this before but the entries are becoming less frequent. Over that period, I've carved out a little hole in the hill. It's large enough for me to lay down and overlook the whole vicinity–especially the bedrooms veiled by an impregnable dark grey curtain. I've also noticed something rather weird; people wearing black suits with a gun strapped on their back scout the house at night. How do I know this? Well, the gun's outline through that suit is too obvious. I've already reported this to the mother but she has ordered me to remain silent and not shoot.

• Eleventh entry;

INSANITY, I've been ordered to leave the house under the premise of cleaning. Do they take me for a fool? I know full well something shady is happening behind those curtains. When I confronted Garnet about this, she went quiet. Unconsciously she crossed her legs tighter than before; she strained them for some reason. Her fingers trembled, thinking I'd notice, they were hidden behind her back. Unversed as I am in the matters concerning the human heart – I pressed on the issue till she ran out of the cabin. Tears flowed, but I was clueless as to why. Did I upset her? I knew something was wrong. Instead of leaving the house, I'm now laying in a sniper's nest. I must be honest; I might have shot a bullet with a microphone embedded on the tip, inside. I can hear whatever is going on. Things don't look that good. A few cars and people dressed in black and are making some sort of barricade. This transmission...

• Twelfth entry;

… T..is c..n't be real, th.. world is tr..ly a wor..tless pl..ace.

• Thirteenth entry;

It grieves me to write this entry for it has been five months. I couldn't bring myself to look at that rose, my previous entry was ruined by my tears, the ink has stained the page beyond recognition. It was a set up from the start, Garnet's parents weren't her real parents but spies from another state. I dare not say how they managed to brainwash her. That day, almost a platoon of well-trained soldiers barged into the mansion. There was so much I could do at range. Through the earpiece, she screamed… my anger overflowed, next I knew, everyone present was shot.

Despite that, I was too late. Even now, the tears won't stop, seeing her body in such a pitiful state. It is now that I realize why she tightened her legs that night. Her virtue was stolen; even a girl was bound to ruin in this godforsaken world. Her dying words have given me a new purpose, I remember her last moments so vividly.

"Miss Valentine,��� I cried with bloodstained clothes. "I'm so sorry for not being able to save you."

"No need to cry, come to t-think o-of it, you n-never t-told me your n-name."

"Save your strength, I'll call an ambulance," I reached for the phone.

"D-don't," she grabbed my arms and insisted; her eyes compelled me to give in.

"I d-don't have a name," I cried. Her eyes' glorious glimmer faded, "-I name y-you, Spero. Spero, it means, I hope," her body gave, she felt heavy. I could not believe it, the one who had been the light to my abyss died without me doing anything. Before her strength vanished– I was handed a ring.

Since that day, I changed. I carry her ring around my neck, a testament to my resolve. The name she gave, Spero; which means, I hope, will live deep in my soul. It marked the day I began my revenge.

• Fourteenth entry;

I'm currently residing in a small city governed by Aalis Till. She's one of three members considered the most important in the country. My aim, primitive as it may be, kill every single one of them. Enough is enough, Spero for a better future. Without a spark, a fire can't burn. My goal, in the long run, is to be that spark, a spark of change. I'm ready to lose my humanity, enough being weak, time to fight back.

• Fifteenth entry;

I've lost track of time; I've been here waiting in this inadequate apartment for maybe three months? It's just a guess since executives are hard to track. They move like shadows. My talent for gathering intel and paired with a reliable source spoke volumes, she'll be here soon. My karma band still says zero, let's hope it doesn't hit the limit before I've killed them all.