
Naked Encounters

Despite the most important thing in the current situation being the intercourse the previous night, both Edol and Seph unanimously decided to focus on their lack of clothing. 

"I guess the best we can hope for is that one of the nearby farmers is just cleaning our clothes for us… that seems a bit too hopeful, though."

Seph nodded her head, "Hopefully."

In order to find out, though, they had to face a problem. There was one blanket, but two naked people.

"Seph, you take the blanket. Whichever perv stole our clothes can't really complain about me strolling in naked, right?"

He made the same decision anyone would make. He did have a worry, though. 

'What if the first people I meet are kids? Publicly exposing myself to children… I'll probably rot in jail for the rest of my days.'

Edol looked back over at Seph, not wanting to experience prison life.