
Math Talk

Fibonacci's Sequence was a set of numbers that appeared countless times in nature.

It started with the numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5. With each next number, the previous two are added together. 1+2=3, 2+3=5, and so on, continuing forever.

At first glance, it seems fairly pointless. Who cares about some random numbers?

After a bit of investigation into nature, though, the importance of the sequence reveals itself. 

From snails and sunflowers to galaxies, many things take on the shape of the sequence's graph. 

That wasn't where it stopped, though. Even the growth of tree branches, which look to be random at first glance, also follows Fibonacci's Sequence.

Seeing it here in the distribution of the symbols was shocking to Edol. The boy hurriedly read over the surrounding writing on the page, but there didn't seem to be anything else related to the spiral drawing.

"Elaine, right?"

The girl nodded her head, and Edol continued speaking.