
The Semi-Finals

I left the hall that day with a bitter taste in my mouth.

Of course, I had achieved victory, same as my allies, but the sickening feeling of the current state of Ainzlark didn't let me rejoice wholeheartedly.

Anabelle and Edward were a bit surprised by the way I was acting, I could tell by the numerous glances they stole at me and the signals they gave each other, but I chose to ignore them.

'Something needs to be done…'

While the segregation of the talented from the mediocre seemed efficient at first glance, in the long run, the Academy would produce poor students and release them into the society.

In the first place, talented and skilled individuals would always be fewer than the other set of people in any society—Ainzlark was no exception.

By separating them from the others and determining the roles of everyone, the Academy was sure to exponentially increase the power and status of the Elite, while also significantly reducing the potential of those who aren't as skilled.