
The Cult's Loss [Pt 1]

'W-what?!' Reed's eyes immediately bulged, as he couldn't understand or believe the sight that was occurring in front of him.

He had to quickly—"


The crimson lady was already right above him, and was now bringing her fist close to his face.

'My barrier!'


Nothing served as resistance to the blow—neither the barrier, nor the man.

Everything Instantly got destroyed.

Before he could even consider anything or make another move, Reed Sterling was destroyed along with his barrier.

"GUAAAARRRHHHHHH!!!" His cracked body completely turned crimson as it was engulfed in the unstoppable energy that shouldn't have been possible.

An eruption unlike any other dyed the sky in crimson yellow—like the sun—and shockwaves spread across a distance, far beyond anything Reed could have ever thought of reaching.