
SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

The greatest Magic Scholar to ever live, Lewis Griffith, died without ever being able to use Magic thanks to being Inept. Strangely, he reincarnates centuries into the future, given a second chance at life. Now thrust into the world of Magic, will his new life as Jared Leonard be the same as it was in the past? Or… will he finally be able to use Magic and change the world? * * * CONSIDER JOINING OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/5HRA6ZUa7y Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter Enjoy the read!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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1394 Chs

Interrogation [Pt 2]

"You and I… we're going to have a discussion now."

Was my tone sounding scary? Perhaps. I couldn't care less at this point.

It didn't really matter how it was achieved… as long as I could get what was required, and that was victory.

'And what I require is every single person I care about being intact.'

"But you compromised that, Vaizer." My smile broadened.

Now right in front of the paralyzed Beast folk, I prepared myself for what I was going to put my interlocutor through.

"I really hope you cooperate… though I'll get what I want either way."

I drew closer to the Beast folk, whispering as clearly as I could into its scaly ears.

"So… as soon as I undo this paralysis… you'd better start talking."




Vaizer felt an emotion squirm within him when the human in front of him spoke.


'How dare you?!' His thoughts pounded.

Had it not been for his clearly miserable state, he would have crushed the boy's jaws and proceeded to draw out his intestines.