
Spellbound Lovers

The highest-paid, most sought-after, and popular actress and singer Irene Wu encounters a perilous situation when she was abducted right after the press conference for her newly released album. Escaping with all her might from the hands of the perpetrators, she ends up finding refuge and entering an enchanted realm, an entirely different world that she never knew existed.

Jehyeok_Kim · Fantasy
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160 Chs

Irene’s New Bodyguard

Irene motioned her arms in the air in surrender, "Fine! We'll talk about this first thing tomorrow morning. I have a lot of questions running around my mind!" She stomped her feet and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Absolutely no problem." Amiel said in his chilling voice. He was about to leave Irene's room when she asked, "Have you eaten already?"

Even though she is entirely upset and in a daze with what is happening, the least thing she can do to repay Amiel for saving him is by at least showing hospitality.

He shook his head, "No but I can manage," and then turned his back to twist the door knob.

"Stop!" Irene stood up and walked to his direction, grabbing his wrist as they exit her room together.

When Irene opened the door, Valerie almost fell on the floor from the outside because she glued her head on the door, ecstatic that her workaholic cousin actually has a drop dead gorgeous boyfriend!

Narrowing her eyes while still holding on to Amiel's wrist, Irene asked. "Were you eavesdropping on us?"

Valerie waved her hands in protest, "No! I-… I was just uhm-… taking away some cobwebs here, yes.", Scratching her head and stormed into her room.

"Silly," Irene chuckled while Amiel stood still behind her, strategically scanning his eyes around Irene's luxurious condo unit as if he was looking for someone.

Amiel sat down on one of the chairs in Irene's marble counter top table as she busied herself taking food out of the fridge and serving it on the table for her unexpected guest.

Irene sighed, "I should have ordered more delicious foods but its late in the night, no restaurant is open at this hour." She explained and sat beside him.

Noticing that Amiel seems to not have an idea on what to do with the foods in front of him, Irene asks, "Aren't you hungry?"

Contemplating how to find the words to explain it, Amiel spoke, "I don't get full from eating food or anything."

Irene's mouth formed into an 'O' as she nodded her head trying to understand what he meant because for her, it does not make sense. Humans need to eat food in order to survive.

"Is it because you are a powerful spirit or some magical creature of some sort?" Irene asks, utterly curious and quite amazed that Amiel could say this much words because he used to be so cold and untouchable back in Rosemoor.

Amiel hesitantly nodded his head to agree if that's what it means to help Irene understand the concept.

Irene moved the plates full of side dishes away and turned her chair towards Amiel.

"You are not sleepy, aren't you?" She asks him.

Amiel swallowed hard making his Adam's apple bob, "I'm not."

Irene shifted in her seat, "Then let me ask you the questions running around my mind or else I can't sleep tonight,", looking entirely determined to get answers.

"Sure," Amiel answered. 'She has not changed that much.' He thought while staring right directly into Irene's hopeful set of eyes, the very ones that captivated him the night he saved her.

Irene waved her hands in front of Amiel's face, "Hey!" He then snapped out from zoning out. "Okay, there you go. You're alert now," Irene chuckled and continued, "I can't seem to decide which question to ask first but, why are you here?"

For a moment, Amiel became more silent. Irene can't read the expression on his face.

"To protect you," He sincerely looked directly into Irene's surprised eyes that are fixed on him.


Irene lay on her bed, her sight fixed on her ceiling.

She turned on the other side, "To protect me?", resonating Amiel's response earlier.

It has been more than an hour since she went inside her room to call it a day after she opted to continue asking Amiel tomorrow.

He insisted not to sleep in one of the vacant rooms in Irene's condo but settled to sleep in the living room instead.

Amiel stood erect and gazed to the tall buildings in front of him. Back then, he used to go out of Rosemoor and explore the mortal world but he never really went far from the countryside.

Having found Irene in this modern and concrete jungle, he can't help but feel relieved that he could protect her from Void himself.

Prior to arriving at Irene's, Amiel did his best to blend in with how he mortals are dressed. His black attire back in Rosemoor would be totally out of the place but he somehow managed to get new clothes.

In the workplace along with Irene, Amiel is getting all the attention from all the people they meet. Irene convinced Valerie to hide that he is her 'lover'.

As much as she hates keeping something a secret from Valerie, this whole thing about Amiel is just so hard to believe which is why they decided to opt him as her new bodyguard.

Wearing a black suit, pants, and necktie with a white button shirt inside, Amiel is deemed as the hottest celebrity bodyguard as of the moment.

Irene's female fans are gushing over him.

In a span of just a few seconds after his official appearance with Irene while they are on their way to attend an awards show, a picture of Amiel looking dapper in his suit and black sunglasses while making sure no one gets too close to Irene gets viral.

"Oh my gosh! Irene, can I have your bodyguard?" One fan commented on social media while others are enthusing over how handsome he is and how ethereal his face is, he could pass as a male idol.

That night, Valerie, Irene and Amiel are celebrating in her condo after winning the grand award as an outstanding singer.

Valerie raised her glass full of wine for a toast, "For Irene's continued success, cheers!" The three of them happily clinked their glasses and took a sip.

Already blushing and drunk, Valerie asks Amiel. "Amiel, do you have a brother? Maybe you can set us two together for a date," She chuckled and obviously tipsy.

Hello, everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Happy reading!

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” - George R.R. Martin

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