
Spell Ranger

Otherworld, a world full of mystery and unknown, is not as beautiful as imagined. There is no novel written in the kind of easy to obtain the fate of the golden finger, there is no overnight hero journey, only we are forced to constantly fight helpless. Every struggle and fight was for survival. It was a real and cruel world, full of countless challenges and dangers. There was no way back, only to go forward, constantly challenging oneself and surpassing the limits. There, learned resilience and bravery, learned to cherish and give. Understood that only through their own efforts and struggles can they gain a foothold in this world. The other world is not scary, what is scary is your fear of the unknown. As long as you are brave enough to take that step and rise to the challenge, you will realize that the world is actually not as scary as you think.

DaoistrQafj4 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Starting Over in the Other World

 Sometimes a do-over may not be a good start, history always likes to repeat itself, you want to reject it but you are forced to accept it. --16th day of the Magic Bull in the 145th year of the 4th Age of Light]

 Again, I woke up in a daze.

 I found myself tied up again.

 Same start, same fiasco, the difference is that this time it's still caged.

 Before I could look around me, a deafening sound fell from the sky.

 "Wow cool-"

 With a loud roar, a huge fireball with a powerful shockwave blew away the cage holding me along with the car.

 The cage was blown up and tumbling through the air, by now it was starting to disintegrate from the fireball and shockwave.

 Although I was in a cage in the air, my survival instincts galvanized my potential, and I quickly adjusted my body's posture, and the moment the cage was about to hit the ground, I saw the right moment to jump out of the cage, which was already nothing more than planks of wood and a few twisted iron rods, ahead of schedule, and then quickly fled from the scene of the disaster.

 The rope I was tied to had been weakened by the flames, and while the flames had burned the rope to a fragile state, they had only given me minor burns on my arms.

 I don't know for what reason, all of my previous abilities were generally zeroed out while dropping into this other world, and I feel like I've become a bit vulnerable now.

 Recognizing the facts in front of me, I was forced to run away while struggling to free myself from the ropes, and then to hide behind a boulder.

 Faced with this moment of crisis, I looked around more cautiously.

 The thing that had made the deafening noise seemed to be far away, there was a body lying on the ground, many things were on fire, some bodies were burning, and the living that were still burning were running and yelling as they ran, and there was chaos all around them anyway.

 I don't have the heart to admire here, I know this is the best time to escape, otherwise if I am discovered, these people will surely arrest themselves again, as for whether they can fight or not is no longer a current consideration.

 Escape - that's the way to go.

 Moving in a little further behind the boulder, he ducked into the dead center position of those people's line of sight, and then spread his legs and ran wildly.

 The mountains here are cascading and densely wooded.

 I easily escaped the sight of those men and disappeared into the woods of the mountains.

 As the sky darkened, a huge moon rose in the sky, spilling its light onto the earth, bringing a glimmer of light, but soon the earth grew brighter and brighter.

 I was thinking: it's light again?

 As a result, when I looked up, there was another round of silver and blue moon rising by the side of the moon, and in a while there was another pink moon rising, and at this time there were actually three moons hanging in the air, and the huge star ring surrounding this planet was also illuminated clearly.

 "Just kidding! What is this world coming to when three moons appear at once?" I mumbled.

 But it was just a whine.

 This is not a concern at the moment; my current main concern is how to get through the night, I don't want to just drop into this other world on the first day of war, then I guess it would really be the shortest-lived traveler.

 The gloomy wind and all the silence in this mountain forest was definitely not a good sign.

 I moved forward cautiously and low, and kept a wary eye on my surroundings.

 Heaven forbid, I finally found a rock crevice where I could hide safely.

 I catapulted my entire body into the rock crevice and blocked the entrance tightly with gravel again, which was a relief.

 It's so dangerous here that I was on edge and basically didn't sleep much all night.

 The crack in the rock was narrow enoughto accommodate my curled up body, and with the sounds of beasts fighting several times during the night, and the plummeting temperatures in the middle of the night, I was freezing and shivering.

 It was hard to make it to the early morning, and just as he was trying to push away the debris blocking the entrance, there was another high-pitched, loud and clear roar of the beast.

 Then I once again heard that awful roar from yesterday's sky, followed by the same blast from yesterday.

 I will not forget what creature's voice this is, a voice I am very familiar with.

 It's the voice of a giant dragon.

 Because the dragons I killed in "Pandora's Box" were much more powerful than this one, I can tell from the sound that the roar of the dragons I encountered in the box was even more mind-blowing.

 It's a mess out there right now, and extremely dangerous; so I can only endure it now, even if hiding in this narrow stone crevice makes my whole body start to paralyze, it's still better than going out to my death right away.

 I kept thinking in my mind: I must endure, endure, endure and endure again, it is better to die than to live, my simple life in the other world has not yet begun, I don't want to play it out like this.

 The battle outside seemed to be nearing its end, and the movement I could hear within the stone crevice became smaller and smaller, to the point that all I could hear behind me were the occasional moans coming from outside.

 Still, I didn't dare to go out, not that I was timid, but my body was too stiff to move.

 Curled up for almost a day and a night, and not a drop of water, at this point I have long been exhausted, if I rush out and then a wild animal or something, then I can only watch being divided into corpses.

 Shrinking in the stone cracks, he still didn't dare to make any noise and waited silently.

 Through the gap of the rubble, looking at the sunshine outside the crevice is getting more and more harsh, the temperature inside the crevice is also gradually rising, I presumed that at this time it should be at noon; so I made an effort to move my hands and feet, and the movement is extraordinarily careful, I am very worried about making too much noise will make the rubble blocking the entrance pushed down, so that too much noise don't know what will happen to the horrible things.

 After my arms and legs were not so paralyzed, I tried to roll my body again and changed to a curled-up position; after a little more time to get used to it, I felt better before reaching out and gently removing a piece of debris to widen the view beyond the crevice of the rock; after I felt that there shouldn't be much danger, I removed another piece.

 Still no situation.

 But still not daring to push all the way through, but more carefully removing the rubble piece by piece - the view widening the more it opened up.

 This basically removed half of the gravel.

 Once again, I cautiously poked my head out a little, took a quick look around, not forgetting to glance at the sky before quickly retracting.

 The moment it retracted, my heart was beating rapidly.

 The heart shook wildly: heck, what was that thing so big?

 This time I was really scared, cowering in the rock crevice not daring to move a muscle or touch the rubble again.

 Unfortunately, while I don't move, something out there does.

 "Knock, knock, knock ..."

 Shrinking into a crevice in the stone, I felt the ground shaking violently, and the shaking became more and more violent as it got closer and closer to me.


 The horrible roar was followed by fierce flames that burned on the rock where I was hiding.

 Hiding inside, I felt like a roast duck in a kiln, with no part of my body not being roasted.

 It's a good thing the flames come and go so quickly.

 Before I could finish being happy, the stone above my head was bitten open by the owner of that horrible roar as if it were an open pot.

 Now I had absolutely nowhere to hide, and a complete view of what a monster it was.

 A dragon, a huge golden dragon that was dripping with blood.

 Drops of dragon's blood also spilled onto my face, one drop the size of a fist, smashing my skull.


 I cried out in my heart and ran on my hands and knees, not daring to stop for a moment.

 The gargoyle looked at me as if I were an ant scurrying wildly in front of his eyes, and swept his claws across the room, grabbing me with the dirt and rocks in one hand and lifting me up in front of himself to look at me.

 I was held in a death grip, unable to move at all, my muscles and blood felt like they were going to be squeezed out, and all 204 bones in my body felt like they were going to explode.

 My mind powerlessly cried out, "It's over, I'm completely accounted for this time!

 I don't know where I got the strength and courage, but I don't want to resign myself to my fate: I can't die like this, I can't, I can't. I've been through so many battles in the Pandora's Box universe! Experienced the "Pandora's Box" universe so many life and death battles, also seen hundreds of times more powerful than this living creature, did not let me die, how can I be buried in the mouth of this lizard, I am not willing to really too unwilling.

 So I started to fight to try to struggle, but I couldn't move at all, I was just too weak and feeble now.

 Compared to when I was in the "Pandora's Box" universe, I am as weak as a newborn baby, and my current body is really just like a kid's, completely different from the one I had when I was in the "Pandora's Box" universe with Otan.

 Not only was I indignant in my heart, I cursed with difficulty in my mouth, "Weird-thing! You - fucking - for, why - do you have to eat me? You're so - big, Lao Zi - and there's no value - worth eating - don't let --Don't let me get through this. - Or else. - Or else-- -is your - your death."

 It was as if the dragon hadn't heard my words.

 And, of course, an elephant can't hear the ants at all.

 It put more force on its claws again, then threw me into its mouth in one gulp.

 "Click, click, click," chewing.

 I don't know if I should be thankful or silent.

 Instead of covering me with its claws and throwing me into its mouth, this lofty dragon threw me into its mouth.

 I seized the opportunity to jump hard into the gargoyle's nostrils the moment I was thrown.

 I dared not stay or jump to the ground; for it was too high, and if I was not careful I would all be in vain.

 So, as soon as it landed on the edge of the gargoyle's nostrils, it was dead set on crawling up the gargoyle's nostrils.

 And that's when the accident happened.

 Just now also fell to the ground motionless another beast, this time suddenly got up, pounced on the dragon, and will be sharp claws into the dragon's jaws, and a bite of the dragon's neck; dragon also quickly make counterattacks, it a sharp claw into the other side of the chest, the other sharp claw into the other side of the neck, the two sides are already at the end of the line, who refused to let go of the other side, so so has been a stalemate, until both fell to the ground.

 I held on for dear life to keep from falling out of the gargoyle's nostrils, and I didn't climb out of them until the blood from both sides had completely drowned me.

 Immediately afterward, I climbed up on the heads of these two monsters, one by one, to make sure the other wasn't all dead.

 In the end it was disappointing that neither beast was dead yet, but it was pretty much the same, both were just holding on to their last breath in.

 So a bold decision ghosted in my mind: kill them and eat them all!

 But these two monsters were clearly unusual, and both seemed to sense that I was about to do something to myself.

 So both tried to start struggling, but unfortunately neither of them would let go of the other; and since neither would let go of the other, that made it cheaper for me.

 Standing in the middle of the two behemoths, I also felt that both sides seemed to be starting to make a final struggle.

 In order to ensure my safety, I decided to first drill into the veins of the giant dragon's throat area and swim along with the dragon's blood all the way to the dragon's heart, and along the way, I also swallowed the dragon's blood frantically with no intention of killing myself.

 To the blood-red color in front of me, I finally drilled my way to its heart area after a lot of hard work, and holding the contracting and opening heart in front of me, I nonchalantly bit down on it, and then began to suck the giant dragon's heart's blood frantically without wanting to do anything about it.

 I didn't do this just to mess around, I still have a nagging feeling about my vampire body, even though I'm not afraid of the sun's burn now, but it's still a vampire body after all, and that makes me feel bad inside.

 I've always just wanted to be plain normal and live a simple life, so vampires and whatnot are my pet peeve.

 However, according to Otan: if you can drain the heart blood of a living ancient dragon, whatever vampire or deadbeat you are, you can be made whole for you.

 My heart roared wildly: this is a living dragon, and the dragon in front of me is not exactly an ancient dragon!

 Moreover, this giant dragon is still automatically sent to the door obediently waiting to be sucked appearance, this let me how can withstand the temptation.

 It's like a starving, hungry man seeing a naked, beautiful woman greet him with, "Come on, come on!"

 With my reckless sucking frenzy.

 The dragon was becoming more and more powerless, its life draining away faster and faster, even the other beast that bit the dragon felt its blood start to flow backwards and keep flowing towards the dragon's heart.

 The other beast realized that something was wrong and tried to release its claws and mouth, but the dragon would not let it succeed so easily, and besides, the other beast was already unable to move the slightest bit.

 I could feel the movements of the other beast struggling outside, and it also seemed that I was sharing senses with the dragon at the moment, being able to easily feel its every move.

 In addition to the dragon refusing to let go of the other beast easily, the unique vampire sucking skill in my skill space also sucked up a lot of its blood; coupled with the fact that the beast itself was not as strong as the dragon, now it was already only out of breath and no air left, so how would it be able to get rid of the fate of being sucked up by me.

 The two beasts were getting more and more dying, but I was getting more and more energized; with this difference, I bit off a piece of the dragon's heart and swallowed it raw.

 The gap in the heart of the dragon that I bit down quickly grew back out, and I couldn't help but jump in my heart when I saw it: living hell, it can still be like this! A bite can not then all the way to wildly gnawing, I will eat you today.

 As soon as I thought of it, I didn't stop to let go of my fangs to gnaw and devour raw food along the way, fearing that I would be caught up by the dragon's regeneration speed.

 The pain of this lingering, wound-on-wound direct effect on the heart, even as strong as the dragon was, hurt so much that it let out a breathless dragon roar and almost let go of the other beast.

 Feeling that my vampire body is undergoing a radical change, no longer feel the vampire characteristics, slowly I found that my body should be restored to a normal human state; think of the price it scared myself feel almost enough, so also intend to mercy let go of this giant dragon.

 Just as I was about to leave the dragon alone, I realized that I didn't know how to get out; and it was at this point that the dragon got another death rip from the big monster outside and - just burp.

 This struck me, being in the heart of a giant dragon, as being out of place.

 The gargoyle's heart stopped stretching, and the entire atrium quickly turned gray and devoid of any life.

 Realizing that the matter was serious, I hissed in my mind that the dragon couldn't die now, or else once the dragon's blood solidified, I might be trapped inside its heart as well.