
Spell Card Master

Reborn in a world where Card creation is prevalent, an artist from another world finds himself to have a great advantage in this field. Watch as the young adventurer, Carano, reaches the pinnacle of the magical world of Redredane.

That0neGirl · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Ch3 This has to be cheating!

Hearing the melodious singing of the birds, I yawn while opening my eyes. The light from the early morning sun shone through the tall windows of the orphanage.

It seems that I woke up a bit early as there were still quite a few boys sleeping. Though all of the older boys have already left, probably to do their jobs.

'The attribute test starts at noon, so I have some time to create more cards. But I wonder if they have a way to detect cards.' Thinking about it more, I don't know if having a lot of cards before I even got tested would have a negative or positive response.

That was an oversight on my part. I hope to not gain a lot of attention early on. Otherwise, people may come after me. Runes aren't something readily available in a small village like this. At least I don't think they are.

'Maybe I should find a library.' Feeling a new sense of urgency, I try to calm myself down before I make any rash decisions.

Suddenly, having an idea, I cover my head with my bed sheet to hide my actions and bring up a new canvas.

'Spell - Card hider' Drawing an image of 2 people with an arrow pointing from the one on the left to the one on the right, I draw a few cards inside the left one and leave the right one blank.

Completing my first spell card, I try to activate it.

Gradually, the cards inside my consciousness, including the newest one, turn transparent, indicating they were invisible. There was a slight blue outline on the spell card still, but it is probably to show that it was active.

'I wonder about the mana consumption. Last night, I felt very tired after creating enhancement cards continuously. It was probably caused by me using up most or all of my mana.'

Deactivating my card, the 2 cards in my consciousness go back to normal. I wouldn't want to exhaust my mana before I need to use the card.

Removing the sheet, I get up from my bed and clean it up before leaving. Reaching the main hall where the exit is, I look at the clock on the wall. The time is 6:37 a.m.

Breakfast is served to the younger kids at 7:30 so I have less than an hour to return. According to Dirk, we have a bit of freedom to wander around the village before mealtime and after classes.

Though classes should end a bit early since the aptitude test is today. That means that this is my last day at the orphanage. Since I already know I have some talent in the field of card weaving, I shouldn't have any trouble passing the test.

Walking past a few nuns, I exit the orphanage and look at my surroundings. Not knowing where to start, I sigh. Preparing to ask one of the villagers for directions, I head up to an elderly man walking down the street.

"Good day uncle, do you know where I can find the library?" Smiling, the old man points behind me.

"Just head straight until you see the blacksmith, then turn left, and you'll see the library. Here, I also have this." Seemingly happy from being called uncle, he also hands me a candy wrapped in paper.

"Thank you!" Grabbing the candy, I wave goodbye as I walk in the direction he pointed. Stuffing it in my pocket for later, I soon find the blacksmith.

Looking at the large stone building emitting copious amounts of smoke, I head to the left before finding the library. It was smaller than the blacksmith building but a lot larger than a regular house.

Entering, I am greeted by a middle-aged woman with a kind smile.

"Hello, little one, are you lost?" Staring at the woman, I smile at her.

"No, I came to read." Seeing the shocked expression of the woman, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

'Is it odd for a kid to go to the library?' Sighing, I look up at the signs that pointed to different sections. Finding the section on card weavers, I head toward it.

The woman looked at me, amazed. Ignoring her gaze, I walk into the small section of books and look for one about runes.

Not long after my search began, I found one named 'Novice Rune Guide'. This was the only book out of the 50 that wasn't about history.

Heading to one of the tables in the back that was just out of sight of the librarian, I open the book. Skipping all the introduction, I look at the first rune in the book. It is an enhancement rune called strength.

Looking at the symbol that is way different from any language that I've seen, I open a new canvas and try to engrave it.

After spending several minutes trying to write it as perfectly as I could, my efforts paid off as it was successfully engraved. Deciding not to draw an image, I finish the card.

Unlike the other enhancement cards, this one didn't successfully merge, instead creating a spot of its own.

Feeling a slight increase in strength, the effect wasn't great and there was no bonus even though it should be compatible with my Godly body enhancement.

Deciding to edit the card, I erase the symbol before writing strength in plain English and completing it once more.

This time the card merged with the others and gained a +20% bonus from Godly Body. The boost was substantial, I could feel a difference in my body even with all of the enhancements I already have. It seems that creating cards specifically tailored to one thing will bring greater benefits.

Smiling at this discovery, I finally realize the advantage I have. 'If my thoughts are true, then English is superior to any rune that has been created in this world.' It seems that getting to the pinnacle will only be a matter of time and my creativity is the limit.

With a determined look on my face, I look around to make sure the coast is still clear before creating a couple more cards. In the next twenty minutes, I would create 5 cards.

Enhancement Cards:

-Mana Regeneration

-Mana efficiency (Decreases the mana consumption of a card)

-Perfect Recall (Enables the user to recall any memory)

Spell Cards:


-Appraisal (States the name and species of the item or creature that is appraised)

Unexpectedly, most of my mana was used up when I created the first 2 cards. The others luckily didn't drain me dry but after testing the Appraisal and Map spells, I've found that they both use my memory.

Meaning I have to explore to make my Map larger and expand my knowledge to appraise things. So I can't just walk up to a stranger and learn every precious detail about them. The spells are still useful though.

Resting a bit to get rid of the sluggish feeling of depleting my mana, I eventually return the book before picking up a few more.

According to the library's clock, I still have 12 more minutes until I have to go.

Picking up 'Mana Beast Encyclopedia' I skim through every page before switching to the next book on the many races of Redredane, the name of this world.

It only took me 5 minutes to skim through both books. Looking up at the time I pick up the last book that is simply named 'Plants'.

'Nice and simple.' The book detailed a whole heap of plants. They ranged from poisonous to those helpful with boosting mana reserves.

It is quite a large book, that took me the rest of my time to flip through each page.

"Done." Closing the book, I put everything back before leaving the library and running toward the orphanage.

I made it just in time to meet Dirk and the others heading toward the dining hall.

"Morning Dirk." Dirk looks back at me curiously.

"Where have you been?" Noticing the slight relief on his face, I chuckle. He probably would have been sent to find me if I was late. Breakfast is a form of roll call so if I'm missing then the nuns would be concerned.

"I woke up a little early and wanted to walk off all my excitement for the aptitude test. Did you think I went missing?"

Shaking his head, Dirk scoffs.

"Of course not or I would have to hang you since Mother Ronja would have sent me after you again!" Clearly enraged at having to babysit me all the time, I pat his back and laugh at his expense.

Receiving the cold shoulder, I walk ahead of him and pick up my breakfast first. Looking at the plate of grits eggs and what looked like sausage on my plate, I grin.

'I'm gonna enjoy this!' Coincidentally sitting next to the same platinum-blonde hair girl again, I chow down on my meal like a hungry hyena.

"Slow down, the food's not going to run away!" Seeing the ferocity at which I'm eating, Dirk creates some space between us, while giving me a weird look.

Finishing the last bite of food, I rub my tummy and exhale happily. "Dang that was good!"

Feeling someone looking at me, I turn over to my right. A pair of grey eyes were staring at me as if I were an animal.

"Is there a problem?"

Scoffing at me, the girl gives me the stink eye. "You eat like a pig."

With a deadpan look on my face, I stare at her. "Okay and?" Annoyance creeps up on her face at my shameless response.

Dirk laughs before patting me on the back. "Don't mind my friend here. He may be a fairy but he acts like a starving dog."

"Says Ronja's pet."

Clearly offended, Dirk was about to retaliate but is interrupted by Mother Ronja who somehow sneaked up on us despite being quite heavy.

"What are you boys talking about?!"

Fear took over Dirk as he stutters a response. "N...Nothing M...Mother Ronja!"

"Hmph!" Leaving, Ronja stomps away.

'She heard what I said. I would be scared if not for the fact that I'm leaving soon.' Though what concerned me is that even with my enhanced senses, I didn't sense her until she was within 5 meters of us.

I can sense everyone else just fine in a radius of 100 meters but she was different. Seems like she is more than what meets the eye.

Waiting for Dirk to finish his meal, I talk with the girl a bit. Amelia is her name. She's an orphan of war just like Dirk and me.

Learning that I'm both a fairy and an orphan of war was a bit jarring, but I didn't let that show on my face.

It sucks that I don't have this body's memories but they don't matter as long as nobody tries to get information about my tragic past.

I could always make a few things up as it's not hard to say that I'm too sad to talk about the death of my parents.

Hearing a bell ring, everyone gets up to go to our first and only class of the day.