
Spell Bound

Born with a frail body, but an exceptional talent for magic, Erina dreams of adventuring through the world. Collapsing due to exhaustion? Who cares? I'm still alive! Enemies? Didn't I tell you I have magic? Cake? Sweets? Ah, you know, good point that's a problem... they taste good okay?! What am I supposed to do to resist... ------- "Isn't that... your 5th slice of cake Erina..." "Yeah! The cake this place makes tastes so good!!" "Goddammit... You make every women jealous Erina with the amount of sugar you consume..." "I don't eat that much Yuiko..." "it's like a third of your diet stop trying to play innocent." "Fineeee...." ------- "Warning": I try to give you diabetes a lot... so be warned? This is a pretty fluffy book! It's a book that you can come back to and read to just destress and get some diabetes from, so don't expect too much... heart palpitations due to plot stress and stuff... Also I'm a still a not a super awesome amazing writer, so expect some parts that might be unrealistic/plot holes(there are a lot lemme tell you), but please bear with me! We can make it to diabetes land together! Also posted on ScribbleHub~ (under Esyix instead because i'm bad at spelling) Cover Made with Charat Choco~! This is a rewrite of my first book... uhh... hmm... Disclaimer: My release schedule is sh- I mean, it's not so great because of school and life... Join my discord!! https://discord.gg/aEzwY9dR5c

Esiyx · LGBT+
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67 Chs

Ranking Tournament Finals!

Walking over to the two girls, Yuiko introduced them one at a time, "So the one on the right, who looks normal, is Charlotte... She's nice... also safe! Don't be afraid of her!"

Pointing at Vanessa, Yuiko continued, "This one is Vanessa, as you can tell, she doesn't look too normal... has super bright pink hair and all... she's kinda crazy... and NOT safe! BE afraid of her, and NEVER be alone with her, okay?"

Frightened, Erina shifted, deciding to hide behind Yuiko and peek out while whispering, "Hello! Nice to meet you, Charlotte! And uhm, i-is Vanessa really that... scary?"

Laughing, Charlotte replied with a casual smile, "No! It's just that she has a habit... a bit of a strange one... so Krystie and Yuiko probably want to keep you away from Vanessa... to be honest, I probably would too..."

"You can't hide from me!" Vanessa teased, pulling Erina out from behind Yuiko, "I can smell cuties like you from a mile away!"

"Wait! Um..." Erina faltered, squirming while trying to get away from Vanessa's fiery gaze, "Why does everyone think you're so weird...?"

Relaxing her iron grip on Erina, Vanessa confessed with a sheepish grin, "Well... since I'm into girls and boys, I like to try and flirt with every single person I come across~!"

Giving Vanessa a bewildered look, Erina asked, "But... Why would you do that? Shouldn't you just spend time trying to find the person you really love? Like... your soulmate...?"

Hearing the giggling girls next to her, Vanessa growled, "Shut up!" before whispering, "But damn... aren't you an innocent one..."

Pulling Erina away from Vanessa, Yuiko asked, "So we're just gonna eat some food together... and then go fight each other right after?"

Listening to the replies of affirmation, Yuiko sighed before ordering, "I'll have the third entree please... also can we have a dessert menu for Erina?"

With Krystina and Yuiko eating their lunch while Charlotte, Vanessa, and Erina ate dessert, Erina was beaming with happiness as the meal passed by, making 2 more friends that she could talk with.

Before she knew it though, the meal was over, not before some crazy things happened though...

Vanessa spent the entire time making innuendos to Erina, only to have them ignored by accident as they all flew over Erina's head.

Erina then also shocked Vanessa and Charlotte by eating an obscene amount of cake, then made them jealous by telling them she does that... practically every day...

"See you later~!" Erina called out, waving to a disgruntled Vanessa and a happy Charlotte, "Our team is totally going to beat you though!"

Laughing at Erina's words, Yuiko turned to Krystina while whispering, "You know... I kinda feel bad for Vanessa... like I've never seen her fail to make someone embarrassed at least... but all of her attempts flew over Erina's head like seagulls..."

"True..." Krystina agreed while giggling, "Though she does also kinda deserve it after all the people she flirted with~"

"Yeah, true, true~" Yuiko replied, "Though let's just concentrate on winning for now~"

"Though," Krystina whispered with a grin, stroking her chin, "Did you notice, though? The slight bit of awkwardness between Vanessa and Charlotte?"

"Yeah! I saw Vanessa wasn't doing her best with her usual lines," Yuiko added, breaking into a smile, "You think something happened while they were waiting for us?"

Nodding as teasing thoughts began to surface, Krystina giggled, "I'm going to tease them so much later~"

"What are you two talking about?" Erina interjected, running over after Vanessa and Charlotte gifted her their leftover dessert.

"Nothing at all~" Krystina answered with a grin, "Come on, our fight starts in 10 minutes, so let's make our way towards the arena~"

Twirling round with her desserts in hand, Erina exclaimed, "Yeah~ let's gooo~!"


Standing in the arena facing each other, Vanessa began sending suggestive looks towards Erina, mouthing, "You are mine~!"

Oblivious to Vanessa's suggestive looks or comments, Erina sent an innocent beaming smile back towards Vanessa. Before turning away to get into position.

"The collateral damage~!" Charlotte muttered, turning away with a cough after getting hit by Erina's beaming smile, "Though I wonder how Vanessa fared..."

Looking over towards Vanessa, Charlotte suppressed a laugh as Vanessa was taking deep breaths while murmuring, "Calm down... holy sh*t that was bright... where did the flowers and beaming light even come from? What should I do... I feel like I have diabetes now..."

"Ah... another victim..." Yuiko sighed with a knowing look, watching Vanessa take a bullet to the heart from Erina's smile, "What a potent weapon Erina has..."

Steeling their expressions as the referee blew his whistle, everyone leaped into action as the match began.

Sending a few small lightning spells towards the enemy, Erina sighed, watching them get blocked with other spells without much effort, "I guess I'll have to use my higher-powered spells..."

Using her ice to accentuate her movement, Erina rushed backward, preparing to bombard the opponents from a distance. Looking back to check if Krystina was following her, Erina nodded before closing her eyes, concentrating on weaving her spells. Using both of her hands to stagger her spells, Erina's eyes snapped open when sensing the opposing captain rush over, intending to eliminate her.

Rushing over to meet the opposing captain, Krystina growled, "Jason, you aren't getting past me!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Jason replied with a slight smile, brushing his blond hair out of his face, "We both know I'm much better at close combat than you!"

Stalling for time, Krystina flashed a hand symbol behind her back for Erina, before casting several body-enhancement spells on herself.

Casting his own body enhancement spells, a feral smile breaking out on Jason's face as he rushed towards Krystina, wanting to take her out as fast as possible before moving on to Erina.

Meeting Jason in the middle, Krystina began defending herself, trying to buy time instead of trying to eliminate Jason.

"AHAHAHA! I have you now!" Jason cackled, landing the last blow on Krystina, eliminating her, "Silver-haired beauty! Get ready to be eliminat-"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that~" Erina murmured with a grin, sending 30 spells into the unsuspecting Jason, "Krystina wasn't trying to fight~ she was plotting~"

Running off to where the others were fighting, Erina began preparing a slew of spells while whispering, "Come on, faster Erina! Faster!"

Creating an ice pillar to launch herself over a metal wall, Erina saw Hiroshi, Vladimir, Charlotte, and Vanessa standing off to the side, having already been eliminated, leaving Yuiko to fight against a rampaging Haizaki and his remaining teammate.

Watching Yuiko struggle to hold the two boys off, Erina yelled, "Yuiko! LEFT!"

Dodging to the left, Yuiko watched as a flurry of spells roared past her, disrupting all the spells that the two boys had been casting, before remarking with a smile and a pose, "Always fun to see Erina blow other spell casters out of the water..."

Running up to join Yuiko, Erina asked, "You okay? Can you still fight?"

Catching her breath with a wide smile on her face, Yuiko chuckled, "No problem~ Let's destroy these boys~!"

"Alright!" Erina agreed, getting ready to fight the two opposing boys once again, "This'll be easy for us two!"

Nodding, Yuiko rushed ahead, shielding Erina from the approaching attackers.


Closing out the fight with ease, Yuiko wiped off some sweat as she turned to Erina, asking, "So we gotta go to Krystina's presentation now...?"

Sighing while walking back to the dorms, Erina answered, "Yup, I don't know what it's about... so I'm kinda scared..."

"It'll be fine!" Yuiko grinned, patting Erina on the back, "Krystina's nice~ She won't do anything too bad~!"

Flopping onto the bed, Erina replied with a muffled voice, "Well, I'm just gonna sleep for a while... wake me up for the presentation..."

"Sure~ I'll be sure to wake you up~" Yuiko reassured, taking a seat next to Erina, "Can I mess with your hair though, while you sleep?"

"Ok..." Erina murmured, beginning to doze off, "Just be quiet~"

Finally done with the tournament! Sorry that it was long... and then i took a detour... but! now to continue onwards!

hmm random side note though, i'm moving againn... so uhh fun fun

(i gotta be getting these AN's long again somehow)

Thanks for reading you alll

Take care take care!

Esiyxcreators' thoughts