
Spell Bound

Born with a frail body, but an exceptional talent for magic, Erina dreams of adventuring through the world. Collapsing due to exhaustion? Who cares? I'm still alive! Enemies? Didn't I tell you I have magic? Cake? Sweets? Ah, you know, good point that's a problem... they taste good okay?! What am I supposed to do to resist... ------- "Isn't that... your 5th slice of cake Erina..." "Yeah! The cake this place makes tastes so good!!" "Goddammit... You make every women jealous Erina with the amount of sugar you consume..." "I don't eat that much Yuiko..." "it's like a third of your diet stop trying to play innocent." "Fineeee...." ------- "Warning": I try to give you diabetes a lot... so be warned? This is a pretty fluffy book! It's a book that you can come back to and read to just destress and get some diabetes from, so don't expect too much... heart palpitations due to plot stress and stuff... Also I'm a still a not a super awesome amazing writer, so expect some parts that might be unrealistic/plot holes(there are a lot lemme tell you), but please bear with me! We can make it to diabetes land together! Also posted on ScribbleHub~ (under Esyix instead because i'm bad at spelling) Cover Made with Charat Choco~! This is a rewrite of my first book... uhh... hmm... Disclaimer: My release schedule is sh- I mean, it's not so great because of school and life... Join my discord!! https://discord.gg/aEzwY9dR5c

Esiyx · LGBT+
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67 Chs

17 Commandments (1)

[AN: These chapters are going to be kinda slow... I just had fun making these characters. So I wanna introduce them all... it'll slowly get faster though]

Walking up to the podium, the tall man cleared his throat a few times before speaking, "Welcome, students! My name is Jabari Solarin, the head of security at this academy..."

Changing the slide, Jabari cracked a smile, narrating, "The United Nations has taken extensive steps to ensure the safety of every single student on campus, investing heavily in various different security systems."

Pausing for a little, Jabari switched the slide before explaining, "This academy has a few major security systems. The first one I would like to mention is cameras. Throughout the campus, there is meticulous coverage in all but the most private and restricted areas. This security camera web is monitored by a team of hired professionals. Rest assured, each person has been screened intensively before being brought onto the team."

Snapping his fingers, the slide changed as Jabari emphasized, "The second security system I would like to mention is our team of guards. Throughout the entire campus, we have a large network of guards patrolling 24/7. This network of guards can be alerted from a special distress button on the wearable terminal that each student will find in their dorm room."

Fixing his posture, Jabari continued. "I won't take up to much of your time by explaining the other less important security systems, so I'll let the President take over once again."

Striding up to the podium once again, Edgar began, struggling to suppress an obvious smile, "I would like to thank Jabari for his speech. However, I see that worry is still apparent on several of your faces. Thus, I would like to introduce you to a special group of people that will hopefully quell the last of your fears. So... introducing THE 17 COMMANDMENTS!!"

After Edgar's shouting, another area of the stage was lit up, revealing 17 seats, with a microphone sitting on each one. Murmuring voices could be heard throughout the hall, forgetting that everyone was supposed to be silent.

Turning to Yuiko, Erina whispered, "It's them, right? The famous organization created by the United Nations consisting of the strongest magicians from various different categories!"

Leaning closer to Erina, Yuiko replied, "I think so! I wonder if they'll be wearing their trademark masks here! Because of their masks, no one actually knows their identities!"

Clearing his throat, the president continued, "Every year, the 17 commandments come to participate in the orientation for new students. Throughout the year, several commandments will be on campus doing their own thing, whether it's training or researching. Additionally, throughout the year, some of the commandments may hold a small training camp over the weekend, so I encourage each student to join if they want!"

Waiting for the excited whispers to die down, the president announced, "So... Welcoming the first of the commandments! The commandment of lightning... The Thunderstorm!"

Following the president's yelling, a stream of sparks exploded on stage, revealing a tall figure after a few seconds. Adjusting his lightning themed mask, the man walked over to a seat and plopped down onto it before introducing himself.

"Hello, students! Welcome!" The man exclaimed before pausing and scratching his head, "I don't know what else I'm supposed to say... hm... Oh, might as well mention, but don't worry about the numbers in the commandments... it's just the order that each position was originally created in..."

Seeing that Thunderstorm was done introducing himself, Edgar continued, "For the next commandment... the commandment of ice... The Blizzard!"

Before the president even finished his introduction, snowflakes could be seen floating towards the stage from several directions. Forming into a person, the remaining snowflakes exploded to form a pair of wings behind the posing woman, forming a majestic image.

Looking at the elaborate entrance, Thunderstorm complained, "Now I feel that my entrance was poorly done! Did you need to go that far Bliz?"

Walking over to her seat, Blizzard replied, speaking into her microphone, "Yeah, I wanted to show you up after all..."

Adjusting her chair a bit, Blizzard faced the students before beginning, "Hello students! I'm Blizzard, the commandment that represents expertise in ice-related magic and ice bending. Thun forgot to mention, but he is as well, but for lightning. I'll be on campus for the entire school year so I look forward to seeing you around campus."

"Harrumph! It was merely a tactical mistake," Thunder chimed in, annoyed that Blizzard was poking fun at him, "Don't act all high and mighty! I know you make mistakes too!"

Chuckling Blizzard replied, "But I practiced enough to not make mistakes here~"

Seeing that the two commandments were about to start arguing, Edgar announced the next commandment, "The third commandment, the commandment of lava... The Volcano!"

Following Edgar's announcement, several illusionary lava serpents flew to the center of the stage, coiling around each other, only to explode to reveal a bowing figure. After exploding, the illusionary serpents dispersed into a cloud of butterflies, flying away in all directions.

Leaning over to Erina, Yuiko whispered, "Amazing... I didn't even know that these introductions were possible with magic!"

Nodding, Erina replied, "I know! It's unbelievable! They are doing amazing magic just for an introduction!"

Sitting down in his seat, Volcano was bombarded by the other two commandments already present.

"Wow... of course, you got to show us up! Try-hard!" Thunder complained, a smile lingering on his face, "Always uptight, but also a try-hard!"

Snickering at Thunder's teasing, Blizzard chimed in, "You're so rude~ I tried so hard on my introduction too!"

Sighing, Volcano picked up his microphone and began his introduction, "Hello students, as you can see, I am Volcano, the commandment of lava! It's nice to see the faces of the future generation! Don't be afraid of me, I'd love to talk to each and everyone one of you. It's a great change of pace from these two buffoons."

Looking over at the other two commandments, Volcano continued, "Though I'm sure it's easy to see that the 17 commandments aren't as mystical as they are made out to be... we are all human after all."

Poking Yuiko in the side, Erina whispered, "I think I'm going to try and train with Blizzard throughout the year! Who are you going to try and train with?"

Thinking it over for a second, Yuiko replied, "I dunno yet... I'll wait and see the others before making a choice I think..."

Ah sorry... just... uh... been in the dumps mentally... so... yea...

I'm tryingos... uhms... yea... uh...

idk anymore T~T

Esiyxcreators' thoughts