
Speed Is King

WPC 242 Gold Winner. SSS Beast Apostle System and Survival Racing in Apocalypse. When the aliens invaded earth, they didn’t come for its resources as many doomsayers had proclaimed throughout the years. Instead, they came for fun. They came, flattened earth’s biggest cities and turned the world into a planet-sized stadium for their civilization. The sport? Survival Racing. Ferocious alien beasts were unleashed upon the ruins of the world along with thousands of alien death-row fugitives who were only told one thing: Kill the humans, survive the year and regain your freedom. Elliot was a survivor. He died right before he entered the final 15 days of the Games. But as his consciousness began to slip away, a metallic voice rang out within his soul. Mission failed. Activating sponsor’s Boon: Reverse Time Walk. Activating sponsor's Boon: Beast System. "Welcome to the Beast System. My name is Hawk, your AI." ----------------------------------------------------------- EXCERPT from Chapter 1: Elliot screamed in absolute exhilaration as he smashed his foot on the brakes, just enough to fully utilize the power of his ceramic brakes but not so much that his tires locked up. He went from two hundred miles an hour to forty miles an hour in a heartbeat. He entered the sharp corner from the outside at the maximum entry speed and skillfully brought his car to the threshold of his tire’s grip. SCREEE!! He took the corner at record speed like a professional racer and then floored the pedal to the metal once more! ---------------------------------------------------------- Action packed start. Please give it 15 chapters for the plot to thicken :) This is my 3rd novel, I hope you'll enjoy it! Join my discord channel for a richer reading experience with pictures! :) https://discord.gg/ZqdTKhtn6z

mrant12 · Fantasy
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442 Chs


Sorry guys, I posted the wrong chapter just now... Haha. This is the real chapter 32. What I posted earlier was chapter 33. Consider this chapter a bonus chapter!

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. In fact, we'll all be fine. I'll be making a little base for us to hide in, and I will strengthen that base until nobody can threaten us. We will be safe." Elliot assured his sisters.

Jessica and Jennifer nodded.

"I want to grow stronger." Jennifer said suddenly. "Can we get that beast system as well?"

"Yes. Me too." Jessica agreed. "How can I grow stronger?"

Elliot nodded in agreement.

"Yes, you two need to get stronger as well. The best strength is personal strength. Afterall, there are some situations where you can only depend on yourselves."

"In a few weeks, the aliens will send Resource Boxes down from space in various places called drop-points. Within those Resource Boxes are various things that we would need to survive. Food, medicine, weapons, tools and if we're lucky, Power Up Packs which would contain a random item which would increase our survivability." Elliot said.

"I know a few drop-points which would receive Resource Boxes with very strong Power Up Packs in their first drop. I'll make sure we get one from the nearest drop-point, and if we're lucky, we'll make it in time to get the second one before it gets snatched by others. That way, you both will become slightly stronger."

"Okay." Jessica said quietly. "I will get stronger and not be a burden to you, brother."

"Yes." Jennifer agreed. "You can't keep protecting us forever."

Elliot smiled at them gently and said, "This time I can. And I will."

[Your emotional health has risen by 0.1]

[Emotional health: 0.5]

[AI Comment: Love tank at half full. Sicker than the average human being. Comparable to an outcast monkey with only a monkey doll made of sticks as a friend. A badly made one.]

"... … …"


"Hawk, can you confirm what egg this is?" Elliot asked while holding his eggs.

His two sisters had fallen asleep a few minutes ago, and Elliot was finally able to have some peace and quiet to do the things he needed to do.

[Affirmative. It is an Armored Kaijin egg.]

"Can I tame the Armored Kaijins when they hatch?" Elliot asked with bated breath.


"Excellent. And what about this egg? It's darker and slightly bigger."


… … …

… … …



… … …

… … …

"What's taking you so long? Don't tell me you don't know what's in it?" Elliot asked incredulously.

[Analysis complete.]

[I do know what it is.]

"Well, if you know, tell me then!" Elliot muttered in slight irritation.

[It is a mutated Armored Kaijin egg.]

... … …

… … …

"And? Quit telling me information in tiny portions! Just spill out everything you know about this egg!" Elliot said, his irritation mounting slightly.

"You're a super duper powerful AI, surely you didn't take ten full seconds just to discover that this is a mutated Armored Kaijin egg? My thousand year old grandmother with both eyes blind and a brain disease can probably figure that out in half the time!"

[You don't have a thousand year old grandmother with both eyes blind and a brain disease.]

*Flips a table, throws a chair and stomps on the AI in his mind.*

[After cross-checking with the main database, this egg contains an Armored Kaijin with a rare mutation that reverts to its ancient bloodline. A more accurate name for it would be Archaic Kaijin, which is an extremely rare Mythical Grade beast found only in the Frosthaven Empire.]

"Mythical Grade? What is that?" Elliot asked, the beginnings a radiant smile already forming on his face.

[It is the 5th Grade in Beast Rarity, 1 Grade above Legendary. Mythical Grade beasts have 5 skills compared to 4 skills in Legendary Beasts. They are also usually much stronger physically.]

"Perfect! My collection of beasts is growing! Ha ha ha!" Elliot hooted with laughter.

[You are currently unable to tame Mythical Grade beasts. Please reach level 50 in order to gain enough strength to tame Mythical Beasts.]

"What! You.. You purposely withheld that information in order to make me happy first before throwing me down!" Elliot said accusingly to Hawk the AI.


"You… Sigh. Fine. Arguing with a mindless AI probably makes me more stupid than you." Elliot grumbled. "Why do I have to be level 50 in order to tame the Mythical Beast?"

[Before level 50, your Soul Power is too weak to tame Mythical Beasts. Mythical Beasts, even newborns, have extremely high Soul Power and will refuse to submit to those with much lower Soul Power.]

"Refuse to submit huh. What if my affinity with said beast is extremely high? If it chooses to submit despite my low Soul Power, can it work?" Elliot asked as his mind raced to find a loophole in the system.

[Affirmative. Beast taming will succeed regardless of Soul Power if the beast is willing.]

"So if I consume Beast Affinity potions and let the beast eat something like the Beast Taming Candy I got at level 1, I can tame the newborn Archaic Kaijin?" Elliot asked to confirm.


"Yes! Loophole." Elliot grinned. "When will the eggs hatch?"

[The Armored Kaijin eggs will hatch in 10 hours. The Archaic Kaijin egg will hatch in 15 hours.]

"I see. No wonder there wasn't an Archaic Kaijin in the previous iteration. It was probably eaten by the Armored Kaijins." Elliot surmised.

"But this time, there will be one, and it will be mine! MINE! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!! Ha hahahahaha!!"

[Your mental health has fallen by 0.1]

[Mental health: 0.4]

[AI Comment: Psychopath. Obsessed with gaining strength and power. Crazier than the average human being. Totally nuts compared to a monkey. If the monkeys know about this, they will worship you as a Mad God.]

... … …

"You like making fun of me huh? Fine, laugh at me all you want. As long as I am strong enough to survive and protect my family, I don't really care what you think!" Elliot grumbled.

At that moment, the baby monkey hopped out of Jessica's embrace and went back to Elliot.

"Hey, let's tame you now, shall we?" Elliot smiled at it.

Hi guys, I hope you enjoy the story. The start of the Beast Apostle System is upon us! It's just a start, the main awesomeness of it will only bear fruit in the future :)

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