
SPECTRA SHIFT: A Gamer Quest Through Dimensions

Hoang Minh, a university student, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into a game world he created. In this new reality, he navigates the complexities of power struggles among the Seven Great Families and the City Lord’s Residence, all while trying to adapt to his new life as Hoàng Chấn Minh. With the help of his childhood friend Vu, he begins his journey to become stronger, guided by the Dream Game System and his own determination. As he delves deeper into this world, Hoang Minh faces challenges, battles, and unexpected alliances. Using his knowledge from his previous life, he trains diligently and innovatively, even creating his version of the Multiple Image Splitting Technique. Alongside his faithful companions, Pikachu and Hitokage, he confronts foes and discovers hidden quests, including a showdown with the Wolf King. Despite the trials and setbacks, Hoang Minh perseveres, continually upgrading his skills and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and determination. Join Hoang Minh on his thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and electrifying battles as he strives to unlock the secrets of the Hoang Thien continent and his own potential. After all, in a world where anything is possible, who knows what destiny awaits?

Geovane_Magno · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Chapter 9: First mission

Day after day we were passed by!

It has been a month of living in this otherworldly realm, and Hoang Minh has gradually grown accustomed to the way of life here. No Facebook, no Zalo, no mobile phones, computers, or music players. For the first time, he feels like a technological genius like himself has no place to showcase his talents. Could he possibly invent electricity? He lacks the power to do so. His first creation in this place was just 5 pairs of underwear that he asked his mother to buy fabric for, so he could make them himself.

Looking down at his body, Hoàng Minh can only shake his head and laugh bitterly. Although his physical body has grown to the age of 10, his soul is that of a 24-year-old young man. Sometimes, when he sees models like A Trang, he still feels a twinge of desire, but his body doesn't react as expected. It's both amusing and disappointing to him. Hoàng Minh shakes his head and walks away.

The next morning, as usual, Hoang Minh woke up early and went to the mountain behind the house. No one had woken up yet and the darkness was still overwhelming. Hoang Minh is used to moving in this dim light. As he climbed the mountain, he vaguely saw a dark shadow moving ahead. Hoang Minh shivered slightly. After nearly a month of wandering around, he had never encountered this shadow. He silently crouched down and used the stealthy movements he learned from military training. Cleverly inching forward, the closer he got, the more scared he became. It's a giant monkey. This monkey was huge, about as big as three adult men, with arms as thick as house pillars. It moved slowly and Hoang Minh noticed it could not climb, possibly due to injuries to its left arm and right thigh. Instead, it is pulling itself forward. The smell of fresh blood entered Hoang Minh's nose, making him tense and afraid, not knowing whether to retreat or intervene. Maybe you should save it, in case it doesn't understand and attacks you. He was certain that even if he was slapped by it, he would not die but would definitely be seriously injured.

In the midst of this hesitation, a melodious voice suddenly rang out in his head. "The mission has been activated. Defeat level four Hoang Lan Hau, reward 1000 energy value. Pokemon Pikachu level 1. The task must be completed within 30 minutes. Failure will result in a grade downgrade!"

"Damned!" Hoang Minh wanted to curse. Although the fourth-order Hoang Lan Hau is injured, he is still a fourth-order beast. And on top of that, there's a 30-minute time limit. They may also want to kill him. But again, the reward is too attractive. Worth 1000 energy, plus Pikachu. To do or not to do, that is the big issue.

Hoang Minh thought for a moment, gritted his teeth. "Green beans," he muttered to himself, recklessly. This is not the first time he has been in danger. He had encountered monsters in the game before and even fought hundreds of them alone. Even though his current body is that of a child, his experience and skills are still formidable. Thinking so, Hoang Minh pulled out the Kunai he had exchanged earlier. This is his favorite weapon, inspired by Naruto. Today, now is his first battle in this place. All you can do is not lose. The motherfucker has to win. Vietnam says and does.

Hoang Lan Hau was angry. Just yesterday, he challenged the leader and, due to two mistakes, was defeated. Unwilling to accept defeat, it separated from the herd to recuperate, intending to return for another challenge. As it climbed closer to the mountainside, it suddenly felt a strong killing intent. Wary, it pulled back its left hand and raised its right hand to defend itself, its eyes cautiously observing its surroundings. Suddenly, three strange iron bars flew towards it, attacking its face, right thigh and heart. Startled, Hoang Lan Hau quickly dodged, leaning to avoid the attack. With its right hand, it deflected one of the iron bars aimed at the heart. His face wrinkled with anger. It was very angry at the sneak attack, finding it despicable. Even though its skin was thick, today's battle had consumed a lot of its strength. It blocked two sticks aimed at the face and heart, but the third stick accurately stabbed into the right thigh, re-opening the old wound. Hoang Lan Hau roared in pain, glaring at this dark source. In front of it there was only one child, a human child, who dared to challenge it, a level four beast, to a direct confrontation. Humiliated, Hoang Lan Hau roared again, his eyes burning with anger. It used its hand to pull out a Kunai, repeatedly hitting its chest in frustration before ignoring the pain and bleeding, it rushed towards Hoang Minh.

The sooner we deal with this brat, the better. His body is already weak, if we don't handle it quickly, he will be exhausted. This kid is very cunning, he just released toxic gas, spilling everything. The royal court's choice was indeed the right choice, the most reasonable choice, but it didn't know one thing. In front of him is a gamer who was voted as the top 10 best PK players in God of War game in the 21st century.

Hoang Minh calmly watched Hoang Dinh advance, his eyes bright, the scene in his eyes was clear, in just a split second he thought of many ways to fight, he just chose the most effective one. Then his small mouth curled up into a smile. If his previous life gamer brothers saw this, they would bitterly say: that opponent is unlucky.

The sooner we deal with this brat, the better. His body is already weak, if we don't handle it quickly, he will be exhausted. This kid is very cunning, he just released toxic gas, spilling everything. The royal court's choice was indeed the right choice, the most reasonable choice, but it didn't know one thing. In front of him is a gamer who was voted as the top 10 best PK players in the God of War game in the 21st century.

Hoang Minh calmly watched Hoang Dinh advance, his eyes bright, the scene in his eyes was clear, in just a split second he thought of many ways to fight, but he just chose the most effective one. Then his small mouth curled up into a smile. If his previous life gamer brothers saw this, they would bitterly say: that opponent is unlucky.