
SPECTRA SHIFT: A Gamer Quest Through Dimensions

Hoang Minh, a university student, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into a game world he created. In this new reality, he navigates the complexities of power struggles among the Seven Great Families and the City Lord’s Residence, all while trying to adapt to his new life as Hoàng Chấn Minh. With the help of his childhood friend Vu, he begins his journey to become stronger, guided by the Dream Game System and his own determination. As he delves deeper into this world, Hoang Minh faces challenges, battles, and unexpected alliances. Using his knowledge from his previous life, he trains diligently and innovatively, even creating his version of the Multiple Image Splitting Technique. Alongside his faithful companions, Pikachu and Hitokage, he confronts foes and discovers hidden quests, including a showdown with the Wolf King. Despite the trials and setbacks, Hoang Minh perseveres, continually upgrading his skills and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and determination. Join Hoang Minh on his thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and electrifying battles as he strives to unlock the secrets of the Hoang Thien continent and his own potential. After all, in a world where anything is possible, who knows what destiny awaits?

Geovane_Magno · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Chapter 61: Van Nam wall

Hoang Minh groaned and got up.

Yawn and tear your mouth open, say one word and you already know.

Hurry up, don't keep us waiting too long.

Linh San was excited, looking forward to last night, and didn't sleep well.

Hoang Minh put on more clothes and when he got there, he saw Doan Du Trieu Van and his group practicing. He nodded.

At this rate, they will quickly advance to the body refining stage.

After giving two instructions, Hoang Minh went to meet Elder Ung and Linh San.

Old man Ung still wears the same gray shirt. Many times Hoang Minh thought to himself, this old man shouldn't bathe, clothes don't change at all. At his feet is a level 6 Golden Condor. Its wings are wide and its eyes are sharp. The head is tapered, the two claws cling tightly to the ground.

Linh San waved his hand to signal Hoang Minh to come up. Today she is wearing green clothes, exuding a lovely purity. Her cheeks were slightly pink from the cold morning air. Hoang Minh felt a bit uncomfortable and just shyly turned away.

Linh San saw his reaction and felt happy. She spent all night choosing this outfit, letting you know that I am actually a beautiful woman, huh huh?

Hoang Minh didn't pay any attention to her. The Golden Condor followed the old eagle's command and took off. The speed is quite fast, the back is large so it is quite stable. This is the second time Hoang Minh has flown in the sky. Looking at the open space, the yellowish clouds from the sunlight shining in, I felt a little enchanted. Hoang Minh was secretly anxious. We must quickly let the hitokage evolve. Let's quickly take him on a flight.

It took a day of travel, Kim Dieu flew at a fairly fast speed, seemingly without resting, the three arrived at their destination in the late afternoon. Elder Eagle landed 500 meters in front of the city gate.

From here we have to walk, flying monsters can't fly in.

Both nodded and followed Elder Ung into the city

Hoang Minh started evaluating this place. This population is 10 times larger than that of Thai Minh town, and the city gate alone is huge and majestic. The soldiers guarded it extremely carefully. On the city gate, there is a large line of letters, Van Nam Thanh.

The more Hoang Minh went inside, the more interested he became. Even though the sky was getting dark, the bustling atmosphere still did not decrease. All three agreed to go to the inn to rest for the night. I was tired from the journey, so I quickly ate and went back to my room to rest.

The next morning, when the sun was bright, Hoang Minh emerged to eat. The atmosphere at the inn is also prosperous in the morning.

Do you know what's going to happen after Lenh Ho Xung finishes learning the Star Absorption Technique?

A grumpy old man sat at the table waving a bamboo fan. The crowd gathered around eagerly listening to him talk about Tieu Ngao Giang Ho.

Hoang Minh did not expect that "Smiling and Proud Wanderer" is the hottest thing for nearly a month now.

He just laughed and finished eating. Said he would go alone, even though Linh San wanted to follow. Hoang Minh did not allow it. Elder Ying only advised that you should not cause trouble at the auction house. Hoang Minh nodded. Returning to his room, he put on a black robe like the wizard in Harry Potter. Wear a virtual paint needle mask. Now no one recognizes him as a child anymore. This year huh? Even though he is only about to turn 11 years old, his body is already as tall as an adult. The face is covered. He started moving into the street. The street was bustling, Hoang Minh wore a mask but no one paid attention. At the beginning of this year, a lot of crazy people liked to wear masks or maybe some people want to hide their faces and wear them, nothing new. For Hoang Minh, that's even better.

Having lost 2 gold coins to a beggar, Hoang Minh was taken to the auction by a photo session.

Standing in front of Hoang Minh's door, one can see the reputation of this force.

Unexpectedly, the doorman was also an intermediate-level physical trainer. The 4 intermediate level gymnasts are just the door guards.

The area is quite large. Walls surround a large house.

Hoang Minh nodded. He walked forward step by step.

Stop, who are you???

A guy at the door shouted loudly when he saw Hoang Minh coming

I have a deal with your boss, so call him over.

Hoang Minh pushed his throat to cover a few parts. A hoarse voice replied.

Are you looking for the guild master? Tell me who are you? Don't deceive us..

A guy next to him responded

I said there are a transaction, which is to trust Phien Anh's trust. If you don't call your master out. Surely you will have some regrets. I just give you 5 minutes to think

Hearing Hoang Minh's words, several guys discussed something and one responded:

Wait a minute, let me talk to the guild master

The curly-haired guy said a word then opened the door and went inside. Less than 5 minutes later, he came out.

The guild master invites you in.

Hoang Minh nodded. This photo session is not doing too well.

Hoang Minh was led into a large living room. There were two people talking inside. One male and one female. The man was middle-aged, the woman was unexpectedly young, around 20 years old. Extremely beautiful.

Hoang Minh walked in, catching both of their attention and then invited:

Please sit!

The middle-aged man stood up and invited Hoang Minh. Hoang Minh sat down very naturally, without any hesitation.

Looking at Hoang Minh sitting still, the woman spoke, her voice was sweet and easy to hear:

I don't know what business this gentleman came to the Phien Anh Association to have.

Hoang Minh received the cup of tea brought by the maid, placed it aside, and replied:

I want to send items for auction!