
SPECTRA SHIFT: A Gamer Quest Through Dimensions

Hoang Minh, a university student, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into a game world he created. In this new reality, he navigates the complexities of power struggles among the Seven Great Families and the City Lord’s Residence, all while trying to adapt to his new life as Hoàng Chấn Minh. With the help of his childhood friend Vu, he begins his journey to become stronger, guided by the Dream Game System and his own determination. As he delves deeper into this world, Hoang Minh faces challenges, battles, and unexpected alliances. Using his knowledge from his previous life, he trains diligently and innovatively, even creating his version of the Multiple Image Splitting Technique. Alongside his faithful companions, Pikachu and Hitokage, he confronts foes and discovers hidden quests, including a showdown with the Wolf King. Despite the trials and setbacks, Hoang Minh perseveres, continually upgrading his skills and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and determination. Join Hoang Minh on his thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and electrifying battles as he strives to unlock the secrets of the Hoang Thien continent and his own potential. After all, in a world where anything is possible, who knows what destiny awaits?

Geovane_Magno · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Chapter 58: We're not interested

You guys are home, my father has already booked the banquet table. Don't forget to stop by tonight!

Linh San spoke up when she saw Hoang Minh and his group arriving.

Ordered to rest, the group crawled to the ground, exhausted. The mother is so tired.

The most painful is probably Chu Du and Vu Ban Tu. Face and nose are scratched. My arms and legs kept hanging out. The group returned home to shower and change clothes.

Hoang Minh returned to his room and looked at his backpack and was quite satisfied. This is probably a good start for his upcoming work.

It was already dark, Hoang Minh led his younger brothers into Linh Vo Song's residence. Unexpectedly, his residence was a small bamboo garden. The space is quite quiet. There were only 3 people in the room talking. One is Linh San, the other is Linh Vo Song, the group leader, and the third is an old man, unexpectedly wearing a slightly tattered gray suit.

Hoang Minh gasped, not expecting it to be him.

The three people also realized there was a servant, and at the same time turned to look.

Little brother, do you remember me?

The gray-shirted old man smiled and asked:

Nice to meet you again, senior!

Hoang Minh smiled and naturally sat down on the chair. The same goes for Doan Du's traveling group.

The gray-shirted old man nodded. This group of teenagers are all good seeds. I didn't expect that at such a young age, there would already be 2 guys who practice bodybuilding. The old man's eyes shone brightly. Star Beast Sect is in need of a new batch of geniuses. It would be a great achievement to trick this group of people back. While deep in thought, Linh Vo Song next to him stood up and said:

Today, I mainly thank little brother Hoang Minh and elder brother Ung. During the recent trip, I helped my daughter a lot. Also Kim Tu. He had something to do at home today so he couldn't come over, thank you everyone for this cup of wine. The group stood up, raised their wine cups, and took a sip.

Then sit down again. Vu Tu held a knife and fork in both hands, Doan Du held chopsticks, they all picked up the food, but did not touch the food. They all turned to look at Hoang Minh and waited.

The other 3 people all found it strange. Hoang Minh looked around and nodded.

Boom, clang, 8 teenagers like 8 monsters, sweeping the dining table. Even fighting over food.

The gray-shirted old man and Linh San's father and son opened their mouths wide. This is what generals eat. Patriarch.

Hoang Minh smiled. For more than half a month, they have gotten used to this way of eating. Hoang Minh once asked him to eat quickly and neatly, not to care about gossip. Eat quickly and you'll be full, so you can survive. If you're slow, you won't be able to survive.

A lot becomes a living habit. I'm just afraid I won't be able to quit later haha.

Linh Vo Song laughed loudly. It had been a long time since he had laughed comfortably. Seeing this group of teenagers reminded him of the old days. Also at this level, have fun without worrying.

Then he took out a small porcelain vase and handed it to Hoang Minh

Little brother, although you did not participate in my invitation, you still made a great contribution to the trip just now. This is the little reward I should give you.

Hoang Minh gasped, what is this? As for the reward, he accepted it. Don't know what it is. Giving money might be better.

Hoang Minh didn't pay attention, put it in his pocket, and quietly put it in his backpack

Little brother.

The old man in the gray shirt suddenly called out

What's the matter, senior?

Ha ha, if you don't mind, you can call me uncle from now on. Every senior and senior is really distant.

The gray-shirted old man smiled and waved his hands.

Okay then, uncle.

Hoang Minh answered honestly.

Ugh, the old man looked at Hoang Minh helplessly and said:

Are these teenagers your brothers?

Yes, my brother!

Hoang Minh replied.

Okay then, actually I am a member of the Star Beast Sect!

Star beast gate!

Chu Du and Truong Vo Ky also looked over in surprise.

Oh, did you know?

The old man was interested in seeing the two people's reactions.

I heard it.

Chu Du replied once, then bowed his head and continued eating.

They were almost exhausted from such a large dining table. Linh San's beautiful eyes kept opening wide. It's mostly the food she makes.

Star beast gate? Is it relevant to us??

The old man laughed and replied:

I want to bring some of your brothers to become Star Beast Sect disciples. Look at their talent. Will definitely be accepted as an outer disciple. Make a certain effort within 3 years to become an inner disciple.

The gray-shirted old man handed out a honey cake. He trusted the young people of this small kingdom. Being a monk in a large sect is definitely a dream.

They all turned to look at Hoang Minh. After all, the old man's voice in the gray shirt was intentionally speaking for them to hear.

Hoang Minh didn't say anything and drank another glass. Both hands tapped on the table, two eyebrows furrowed.

Old man Ung smiled triumphantly, he couldn't believe that they wouldn't agree with such a sweet piece of cake. Just need to get these guys here. He will have a large amount of contribution points because he recognizes that this group of teenagers has quite good cultivation talent.

Hoang Minh's eyebrows widened, he smiled, he picked up a piece of meat, and put it in his mouth. Then, while chewing, he replied:

I'm sorry, senior uncle, even if my brother comes in, he must be an inner sect disciple or above. Besides, we don't want to enter any sect yet.

Actually, we are not interested.

His voice was not loud, and while he was chewing, his meaning was not obvious.

Outer sect disciples, damn we have to be outer sect disciples. Hoang Minh despised.