
SPECTRA SHIFT: A Gamer Quest Through Dimensions

Hoang Minh, a university student, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into a game world he created. In this new reality, he navigates the complexities of power struggles among the Seven Great Families and the City Lord’s Residence, all while trying to adapt to his new life as Hoàng Chấn Minh. With the help of his childhood friend Vu, he begins his journey to become stronger, guided by the Dream Game System and his own determination. As he delves deeper into this world, Hoang Minh faces challenges, battles, and unexpected alliances. Using his knowledge from his previous life, he trains diligently and innovatively, even creating his version of the Multiple Image Splitting Technique. Alongside his faithful companions, Pikachu and Hitokage, he confronts foes and discovers hidden quests, including a showdown with the Wolf King. Despite the trials and setbacks, Hoang Minh perseveres, continually upgrading his skills and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and determination. Join Hoang Minh on his thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and electrifying battles as he strives to unlock the secrets of the Hoang Thien continent and his own potential. After all, in a world where anything is possible, who knows what destiny awaits?

Geovane_Magno · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Chapter 33: The Hatred of Thai Binh Village

Trieu Van listened to Hoang Minh and was surprised. Trieu Van is his name, but who is Trieu Tu Long?

Hoang Minh knew he was out of control, so he laughed it off and urged:

If there is an urgent matter, you should hurry up, don't waste time.

Trieu Van nodded and stood up. Mouth hesitant:

Can you tell me your name and where you live? I will definitely come and pay you.

Hoang Minh's heart bloomed. This is what he's been waiting for.

I'm Hoang Minh, you can ask when you come to Thai Minh town. Keep calm with money, don't rush. Gentleman, I'm waiting for you to come and discuss it!

Trieu Van rest assured. Nodding, he clasped his hands together, bowed his head in thanks again, then turned and ran away. Very fast speed.

Kieu Phong used both hands to brush dust from his clothes as he walked.

Hoang Minh said:

Feel so?

Kieu Phong's eyes flashed:

Strong force, very potential.

Hoang Minh nodded, hoping that Trieu Van would come find him. Trieu Van's personality is truly upright, except for this robbery.

Perhaps something happened to his father or mother.

DieuThuyen said in a soft voice. Hoang Minh was startled, this was very possible, he was too stupid, he should have asked more carefully, he should have come to see, maybe he could help. Now is not the time. Trieu Van's speed is also quite fast. You must be familiar with the terrain here.

That's it, Hoang Minh clicked his tongue.

One afternoon passed, a shadow also fell. 5 people are sitting in a small cave. This cave was found by Kieu Phong. He often went to town so he found this place. Looks like the demon beast left a long time ago. On the dining side, the atmosphere is a bit cozy.

Pikachu and Hitokage are let out. Dieu Chan hugged the Pikachu tightly and fed him pieces of rabbit meat. It goes without saying that Pikachu's damage is high against women.

Hitokage's task on the other side was to adjust the fire, while Hoang Minh personally went down to grill the meat, the fragrant smell of grilled meat. On this side, Linh Ho Chong and Tieu Ngu Nhi couldn't help but continuously lick their lips. Whenever you get a bite, you eat it right away, quickly, then turn back to look at the kitchen. Hoang Minh smiled bitterly. He roasted a bunch of rabbits in a modern way. In his backpack, there was a bunch of spices he brought with him before leaving home. Before the system was upgraded, the backpack could not be started, now that Hoang Minh could open it, he also noticed, the backpack space was also too small. Must have gold coins to be able to expand. But he doesn't have any gold coins. The backpack space only contained a few kunai, a few explosive talismans, and a few spice bottles. Just two sets of field clothes.

Thinking about money makes me sad.

While thinking, seeing Kieu Phong still sitting still, Hoang Minh frowned.

What's up?

Hoang Minh asked.

Kieu Phong's eyes were a little sad, but also a little hot. His two fists suddenly clenched tightly.

Seeing this scene, Dieu Thuyen suddenly calmed down, tears flowing down his eyes. Linghu Chong and Tieu Ngu Nhi also held back, hugging each other and crying.

Hoang Minh was all frantic. It took 20 minutes to ask.

It turned out that the four sisters were all from Thai Binh village. 3 months ago, Dieu Thuyen wanted to pick some medicinal leaves to treat colds, Kieu Phong agreed to take her there. Lenh Ho Xung and Tieu Ngu Nhi, who were playful and wanted to follow. So the four went up the mountain early in the morning.

When returning to the village in the afternoon, what happened before their eyes scared everyone. The village was destroyed, the fire burned down, people died everywhere, and there were no survivors. Dieu Thuyen was so scared that he fainted. On this side, Kieu Phong alone took 3 billion of his disciples to hide in the thick bushes 30 meters away from the village. After a while, I saw a group of people coming out. The group of people wore white robes with mottled patterns of fire on them, there were more than 30 people. When you look at it, you know it must be a great force. But what does a normal village have that makes it so common for a force to intervene and destroy and kill people?

The more Hoang Minh thought about it, the more he didn't understand. There is definitely a secret.

Kieu Phong Boat sculpture. Linghu Chong and Tieu Ngu Nhi. Why not join them? It turned out that they were just siblings playing together in the village.

Hoang Minh's eyebrows furrowed. He had just arrived in this other world not long ago, and he didn't know which force had such a uniform.

Do you want revenge?

Hoang Minh spoke up to break the silence.

Kieu Phong was startled, his eyes opened wide. What is that question?

Seeing Hoang Minh's leisurely and confident look. Kieu Phong exudes enthusiasm.

Want, really want!

Kieu Phong gritted his teeth and blurted out.

On the other side, Linh Ho Chong and Tieu Ngu Nhi's eyes were filled with tears, but they both showed enthusiasm.

Dieu Thuyen's eyes sparkled, why did he say that, did he have a chance to take revenge for them?

Hoang Minh just wanted that answer.

I can help you gain strength, but you will be the one to act. Whoever took anything from you, you must make them pay it back a hundred thousand times over!

Hoang Minh's eloquent and domineering words were uttered, and the three young men's souls seemed to be pinned tightly together. Kieu Phong knows that Hoang Minh is a cultivator if he can help him become strong and avenge his parents. He vowed to worship Hoang Minh for the rest of his life.

Kieu Phong decided he knelt down on both knees, Linh Ho Chong and Tieu Ngu Nhi also saw and knelt down as well.

Please listen to Ca Ca!!

Kieu Phong said loudly with both eyes determined.

Please listen to me!!

Tieu Ngu Nhi and Linh Ho Chong followed suit.