
SPECTRA SHIFT: A Gamer Quest Through Dimensions

Hoang Minh, a university student, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into a game world he created. In this new reality, he navigates the complexities of power struggles among the Seven Great Families and the City Lord’s Residence, all while trying to adapt to his new life as Hoàng Chấn Minh. With the help of his childhood friend Vu, he begins his journey to become stronger, guided by the Dream Game System and his own determination. As he delves deeper into this world, Hoang Minh faces challenges, battles, and unexpected alliances. Using his knowledge from his previous life, he trains diligently and innovatively, even creating his version of the Multiple Image Splitting Technique. Alongside his faithful companions, Pikachu and Hitokage, he confronts foes and discovers hidden quests, including a showdown with the Wolf King. Despite the trials and setbacks, Hoang Minh perseveres, continually upgrading his skills and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and determination. Join Hoang Minh on his thrilling adventure filled with twists, turns, and electrifying battles as he strives to unlock the secrets of the Hoang Thien continent and his own potential. After all, in a world where anything is possible, who knows what destiny awaits?

Geovane_Magno · Book&Literature
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105 Chs

Chapter 20: Team Collaboration

After a day of following the group deep into the forest, Hoang Minh clicked his tongue, not because he didn't want to separate, but because they didn't allow him to separate. Although he reassured himself that he would be fine, most people advised him to follow them. In this area, how could a child like him escape? Just looking at him knew he was a kid practicing weapons, but they didn't pay attention to him anyway.

Although this group of people rarely spoke up, after a day, Linh San also said that he knew they were a different group invited by her father. Aim this trip to search for a rare herb. This intelligence information has been confirmed to be accurate, this trip is secret. She just said that and didn't say anything else.

Hoang Minh is transparent. It turned out to be quite a dangerous trip. No wonder there are so many experts. This Linh San is a famous family if not a powerful force. Just hiring these experts is a significant expense.

Uncle Kim whom Linh San talked about is middle-aged with those two swords. He is a generous and quite laid-back person. Very engaging conversation, very interested in Hoang Minh, not bad. In this group of people, besides Uncle Kim and Linh San, they talked happily with him, no one else paid attention to him, which was better, and less headache.

However, among the three magicians, there was a young magician who often looked at him with hostility and strangeness. Hoang Minh did not touch his rice cooker. Duh. This magician is quite young, he looks older than Hoang Minh. Maybe 18 already. the initial stage of body refining aura. This is also a young genius. Hoang Minh frowned, it's best not to touch him. During physical training, he also had a chip on his head. Ha ha ha. Hoang Minh said that in his mind.

Here we go, go through this cave!

The archer pointed at the dark cave, the cold aura emanating from the cave kept everyone awake. The middle-aged archer bent down to touch the soil and grass outside the door. He rubbed it a bit and spoke again:

It's Han Tri Chu's cave!

Han Tri Chu, Hoang Minh reviewed the information he had read about the book Monster Beast that he had previously borrowed from the little guy. The Han tri chu is a spider that lives independently but is aggressive and strong. Especially its cold nature, not only poisonous but also extremely cold. If you are caught by it, you will be able to wrap it correctly. Very quickly, cold air will penetrate. If you don't give first aid in time, you will freeze and spread throughout your body. The only way is to cut off that part. This spider's size is huge, an adult must be as big as a house, not to mention its legs. While Hoang Minh was imagining, 4 soldiers had already entered. They had agreed on a plan. combat. Torches were lit, and the crowd began to move deeper.

The cave was enveloped in cold air, Linh San rubbed her hands together, and her mouth rubbed, the warm air outside was overwhelmingly cold inside. After going about 50 meters into the cave, the target appeared. A terrifyingly large spider, bigger than Hoang Minh thought, with a hairy body. The mouth is as big as a basin of blood, and the long legs cling to the spider web below the feet. Its body is red but its belly is pure white.

Han tri-cycle condensing gas level 5

The archer spoke again

Uncle Kim pulled out his two swords, and everyone began to pull out their weapons to fight. The 3 blockers take the lead, followed by the dual-sword warrior, the middle-aged archer has disappeared, it is unknown where he is hiding, the 3 magicians are under the cover of the remaining soldiers, on duty as buffs. Shield activates damage skills. Hoang Minh nodded, he is a master, no need to say much, just the arrangement alone shows the real price of the goods. Reminds him of the times he went to hunt bosses with his brothers. This is also the basic combat arrangement of this type.

Follow me!!

Linh San pulled his shirt and dragged him towards the far corner of the cave, where the gray-shirted old man was already standing. Strangely, he didn't participate in the war. Good thing who is he? Or did he just follow to protect this girl.

Hoang Minh thought to himself. But without giving him time to think, the battle had already begun.

Tri Chu is really strong, but the spider silk shoots toward the crowd, the silk threads carry an amazing coldness, the soldiers shrink their bodies, their shields cover the dangerous spot, one person blocks, and two people slash...Coordinate smoothly. Around their bodies are faint rays of light, a layer of armor covered by a magician. Uncle Kim hid behind the group of soldiers blocking the attack, flexibly dodging, and when he had the opportunity, he rushed out and slashed repeatedly, then hid again before Tri Chu's attack came.

Flash.. flash... 3 arrows from an unknown direction were inserted exactly into Han Tri Chu's eyes. It's so precise, Hoang Minh also has to admit that it's really precise and delicate.

What a strong team!