

In a mystical realm teeming with legends of deities, a tale unfolds of a zombie-infested apocalypse. As humanity struggles to survive, Adam becomes a beacon of hope. However, he grapples with his own internal conflicts, battling demons within. With unwavering support from loyal companions, they embark on a perilous quest to rescue their world from impending doom.

ShawnGuh · Fantasy
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70 Chs


In a bedroom, Lia cradles Leona in her arms, attempting to soothe her as she cries, while Conor stands by, bow in hand, aiming an arrow towards the door. The room is filled with loud noises coming from behind the door. Suddenly, the door swings open, catching Conor off guard and prompting him to lower his bow. Lia's face reflects relief as she sees the person who entered. Meanwhile, in another location, Megan clings tightly to Duke, both of them hearing the clamor from behind a door. As the door breaks open, Megan and Duke are taken aback by the sight of the person standing there.

Adam awakens, his eyes flutter open, and he finds himself in a grassy field adorned with a tree emanating a radiant, magical glow. Gazing upwards, Adam's attention fixates on the resplendent tree, just as a mystical apple descends slowly, landing softly in his outstretched hand. Intriguingly, the apple dissolves into his hand, as if by enchantment, causing Adam's eyes to widen in astonishment.

Suddenly, a torrent of memories floods Adam's mind, evoking anguish and despair. His recollections catapult him back to the beginning of the apocalypse, to the haunting moment of the cafeteria room suicide, the catastrophic explosion, and Sam's treacherous act of betrayal. These memories enrage Adam, setting the grassy field ablaze in a fiery inferno. However, amidst his fury, the reflection of Lia, Leona, and Conor emerges in his eyes, and miraculously, the raging flames subside, restoring tranquility to the field.

Surveying his surroundings, Adam finds himself questioning the authenticity of his current reality, wondering if he is trapped within a dream. Despite recalling his own demise, he stubbornly denies the truth of his own death, slapping himself in an attempt to awaken. Unexpectedly, a voice emanates from the luminous tree, concurring with Adam's desire to rouse himself from this state. The voice strikes a familiar chord within Adam, as it mirrors the one he has been hearing within his own thoughts.

Seeking the source of the voice, Adam gazes up at the shimmering tree, but his vision can only discern a brilliant, indistinct mass of light. Perplexed, he inquires about the identity of his interlocutor. The voice responds, introducing itself as Gand and revealing that their encounter was predestined, as their worlds are intertwined. When Adam questions his own mortality, Gand confirms his death but promises him multiple opportunities for resurrection, contingent upon fulfilling a single condition: to kill the King. Adam probes further, seeking to identify this enigmatic monarch, to which Gand cryptically replies that the answer will reveal itself in due time, cautioning Adam that these chances are limited, for even his power does not surpass infinity.

Just as Adam contemplates Gand's words, footsteps materialize behind him, prompting him to turn and face an older incarnation of himself. The older version offers a cryptic statement, suggesting that Adam has a long and arduous journey ahead. With a gentle push, Adam begins to fade away, transforming into shimmering pixels infused with magic.

In the present time, a month has elapsed, and we find Kiren inside the camera room in the morning, eating his meager final meal. Due to the scarcity of sustenance, Kiren's physique has noticeably diminished. He idly fiddles with the buttons in the room, knowing well that there is no longer any electricity to power them. The walls are adorned with numerous drawings depicting Adam wearing a cape, created by Kiren during his time here.

Gradually, Kiren exits the camera room, cautiously maneuvering through the office, his movements veiled in secrecy. He makes his way to the bathroom, where he flushes the last remnants of water down the drain. Gazing into the mirror, Kiren observes the growth of a small beard on his face, a testament to the passage of time. Deep in thought, he begins to offer silent prayers to himself, seeking solace and guidance.

Leaving the bathroom behind, Kiren notices the hammer that was left behind by Adam. Its significance during the initial stages of the apocalypse floods his mind, triggering a wave of memories. With a sense of purpose, he stows the remaining water bottles in his possession into a bag, preparing himself for the forthcoming expedition into the city.

Adam awakens to he finds himself buried beneath a mound of lifeless zombies. Struggling to free himself, he rises to his feet and inspects his body, only to discover an absence of wounds. However, the putrid stench emanating from his body causes him to retch, overwhelmed by the odor resembling that of a decaying corpse.

While assessing his surroundings, Adam notices a zombie approaching him. Seizing the opportunity, he proclaims aloud that Gand, who is known to grant multiple chances at resurrection, will be put to the test. Adam extends his arm, offering it to the advancing zombie. The undead creature sinks its teeth into his flesh, and in excruciating pain, Adam forcefully withdraws his arm, a chunk of it now missing. Subsequently, the zombie convulses and froths at the mouth before succumbing to death.

To Adam's astonishment, he realizes that the pain in his arm gradually diminishes. Observing the wound, he witnesses a slow but steady process of regeneration taking place. Overwhelmed by the revelation of his newfound abilities, Adam leaps into the air, exuberant with joy. However, his celebration is abruptly interrupted as he realizes he has propelled himself to an extraordinary height, thousands of feet above the ground. Panic sets in as Adam hurtles back down, his screams piercing the air.

Kiren exits through the front doors, he whispers to himself that this represents his final opportunity to reunite with the legendary Zombie hero. Approaching the pile of corpses with caution, Kiren scrutinizes the lifeless figures, desperately seeking a familiar face. To his bewilderment, Adam remains elusive, leaving Kiren puzzled.

Suddenly, a deafening crash resonates from above, reverberating through the factory's roof. Intrigued, Kiren reenters the premises, locating an individual lying motionless on the floor of the Green Zone. Fixing his gaze upon the gaping hole in the ceiling, Kiren surmises that this must have been one of the formidable super zombies. As he observes the inert body on the ground beginning to stir, fear wells up within Kiren. Nevertheless, he musters his courage, determined to prove himself worthy of the hero he admires. Drawing his hammer, Kiren cautiously inches closer to the figure.

Trepidation courses through Kiren's veins as he prepares to strike, but then realization dawns upon him—it is Adam lying before him. Adam rises to his feet and locks eyes with Kiren. Overwhelmed with disbelief, Kiren drops his hammer and collapses to the ground, proclaiming that Adam has become one of those fearsome super zombies. However, numerous zombies gradually encroach upon their location.

In a moment of surrender, Kiren extends his arms and closes his eyes, accepting his fate, believing that his hero will end his life. Prepared to be devoured, Kiren relinquishes hope. Yet, a series of thunderous bangs reverberate through the air, prompting him to reopen his eyes. To his astonishment, he witnesses the undead being forcefully hurled into the walls. Turning his gaze towards the source of this sudden salvation, Kiren sees Adam decapitating a zombie with a powerful punch. Adam, too, is amazed by his newfound abilities, swiftly dispatching the remaining zombies nearby.

Adam turns towards Kiren, calling out his name. Still reeling from shock, Kiren responds, and Adam assures him that they will become the first zombie heroes. Overwhelmed with emotion, tears stream down Kiren's face as he rushes forward to embrace Adam. Overwhelmed by the weight of his feelings, Kiren breaks down, explaining how he had yearned for this reunion throughout the past month. Adam retrieves the hammer that Kiren had dropped, acknowledging that Kiren had cherished it all this time as a reminder of their bond. Handing it back to Kiren, Adam designates it as a symbol of their enduring friendship. A smile graces Kiren's face, grateful for the genuine camaraderie he has finally found with Adam.

Adam and Kiren embark on their venture through the city, with Adam valiantly defending Kiren against approaching zombies. With each powerful punch, Adam repels the undead, leaving Kiren in awe of his immense strength. Impressed, Kiren remarks that Adam's might could rival that of the renowned Big 3.

As they progress, Kiren's eyes widen as he witnesses Adam charging headfirst into a horde of a hundred zombies. The force of Adam's blows sends dozens of zombies hurtling into the air, crashing into buildings across the cityscape. However, Kiren's admiration turns to concern as Adam's energy wanes, causing him to fall to his knees. The overwhelming number of zombies overpower him, yet one by one, they fall lifeless to the ground after biting Adam. Foaming at the mouth, the zombies meet their demise.

Bloodied but undeterred, Adam rises from the ground, resolute in his ongoing battle against the undead. Meanwhile, Kiren spots a trapped zombie beneath an upturned car. Bracing himself, Kiren raises his hammer, but struggles to muster the strength to strike. In the midst of his hesitation, Kiren notices the Frog zombie perched on the side of a nearby building, observing his every move. Filled with fear, Kiren retreats, only to have the Frog zombie pounce in front of him, causing him to stumble and fall onto his back. Desperate and frightened, Kiren screams out for Adam, pointing his hammer at the approaching Frog zombie.

In a dramatic display of heroism, Adam leaps in front of Kiren, intercepting the Frog zombie's attack. He catches the creature's outstretched tongue with his hands and swings it around, propelling it through a series of city buildings. Releasing his grip, Adam sends the Frog zombie soaring through the air, crashing into a towering structure. Exhausted, Adam collapses onto the ground, panting heavily. Seeking their next course of action, Adam asks Kiren if he has found a functional car yet. Kiren, having been captivated by Adam's impressive show of power, admits that he hasn't had the opportunity to secure a vehicle. However after some time, he eventually locates a working car and skillfully hotwires it, announcing their readiness to proceed.

Adam rises, emerging from the midst of a hundred dead zombie bodies, stretching his limbs before getting into the car. Kiren then ponders whether Adam belongs among the living or the dead. They set off towards Adam's house. They get to their destination at night and Kiren notices the dwindling fuel gauge, indicating the need for more gas. Expressing concern, Kiren shares his observation with Adam. Nevertheless, Adam assures Kiren that they will manage. They exit the car and continue their walk to Adam's house.

Adam instructs Kiren to seek shelter inside a tree situated in front of his house. Kiren feels perplexed about how he could possibly enter a tree, but Adam guides him through a camouflage curtain. As Kiren emerges, he finds himself within the tree and gazes at the carvings depicting Adam and his son's remarkable journeys. Looking upward, Kiren discovers additional carvings chronicling their experiences.

Meanwhile, Adam enters his house, only to find Conor's arrows scattered throughout. In Leona's room, he encounters a dozen zombies, which leap onto him and attempt to bite, but Adam remains unaffected as they would one by one drop dead. He notices Conor's phone on the ground and retrieves it, discovering a text message in Conor's notes that reads, "Mommy loves someone else; look in photos." Scrolling through the photos, Adam finds an image of Lia kissing another man, although the man's face remains obscured.

Adam also comes across a video in which Conor playfully pokes at his face while he is asleep in the living room. Additionally, the video captures laughter upstairs, abruptly ending the recording. Adam proceeds to watch another video, in which Conor faces the camera at the front door as Lia departs with another individual. Unfortunately, Conor's phone battery dies.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Adam crushes the phone in his hand and notices an open window with a makeshift rope made of clothes tied to the bed. Underneath the pillow, he discovers Sam's work name tag, which contains a picture of Sam. Fueled by rage, Adam crushes the name tag, tears streaming down his face as he comprehends the truth—his wife had been unfaithful to him. Memories of Lia's messages, her absence the morning after the celebration for Sam, and the phone call in the QC room flood his mind.

In a fit of anguish, Adam kicks the bed through the wall, launching it onto the roof of a nearby house. He paces the room, consumed by emotional turmoil. Suddenly, he notices a hanging bag attached to the ceiling fan and takes it down, revealing the lifeless body of his baby, Leona. Overwhelmed with despair, Adam lets out a heart-wrenching cry and unleashes a surge of powerful magic.

The magic permeates the surrounding area, creating a colossal barrier that terrifies any nearby zombies, causing them to flee. Shaking with fear, Kiren, hidden within the tree, witnesses the magical spectacle and shields his ears from Adam's anguished screams. Adam, overwhelmed by emotional pain, mentally transports himself back to the grassland where the shining tree resides. Falling from the sky, he crashes next to the tree and quickly plucks a magic apple.

Gand, the voice he has been hearing, admonishes him, stating that he is not allowed to grant second chances. Undeterred by the admonition, Adam declares his indifference and fades away. Returning to reality, he finds a magic apple in his hand and places it on Leona's body, causing it to dissolve into her and revive her. Leona gasps for breath and cries aloud, much to Adam's relief.

As Adam's magic subsides, the barrier dissipates, and Kiren's fear subsides. Confused by the events but attributing them to magic, Kiren exits the tree to find Adam emerging from the house, holding Leona. Adam is now donning new clothes and hands Kiren a gun and a knife, stating that they are more effective weapons than the hammer. Together, they continue their journey through the neighborhood and arrive at a park near Sam's house.

Adam hands Leona over to Kiren to hold, he proceeds to enter Sam's house. Filled with anger, Adam dispatches the zombies within with incredible force and speed. He forcefully removes the door to Sam's room and discovers Megan and Duke on the bed, their food supplies nearly depleted. He inquires about Sam's whereabouts. Megan shakes her head, stating that she hasn't seen him since he left for his promotion party. Megan notices his bite marks, and in that moment, he hears Kiren's scream.

Without hesitation, Adam rushes out of the house, crashing through a window and rolling back into the park. There, he finds Kiren atop the slide, holding Leona, while six zombies attempt to reach them. Megan and Duke emerge from the house and witness Adam effortlessly lifting a car with one hand. He swings the car, eliminating four of the zombies, and then crushes the remaining two with the vehicle, causing it to shatter into pieces. Megan is astonished by Adam's immense power.

Adam turns to face Megan and Duke as they approach. In a defensive stance, Megan points the knife at Adam, demanding to know if he is human or is he among the dead.