

In a mystical realm teeming with legends of deities, a tale unfolds of a zombie-infested apocalypse. As humanity struggles to survive, Adam becomes a beacon of hope. However, he grapples with his own internal conflicts, battling demons within. With unwavering support from loyal companions, they embark on a perilous quest to rescue their world from impending doom.

ShawnGuh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
86 Chs


During the town's celebratory moment, Chef Spice approaches Ezzy with his daughter and expresses gratitude for saving his daughter, followed by Nhia's embrace, though Ezzy feels a tinge of guilt for involving Nhia in the war. Meanwhile, wiping away tears, Adam is approached by Barbra, and he expresses boundless gratitude for her unwavering support and hardship. Barbra suggests it might be time for Adam to finally accept his daughter, Leona, who is carried over by Megan. Adam, visibly moved, tightly embraces his daughter and thanks everyone for their care. Over at Kayla's grave, Jean offers prayers while Agustin visits Will and Cameda's grave, where his brother Angel awaits. They exchange a brief handshake, and Agustin settles by Will's gravestone, reflecting on their past conversations, that Adam is a beacon of hope for humanity. Elsewhere, Mai carries Michael to the electrical power house, where she sets him down. Michael expresses gratitude to Mai, apologizing for his earlier hesitancy during the war, promising to trust her judgment from now on. As Mai activates the power, electricity rejuvenates Michael. Ezzy enters the room, emitting bits of flames from her shoulders. Megan quickly hands her a bottle of blood, which Ezzy consumes to pacify her fiery temperament. In a lighthearted moment, Michael jests, welcoming Ezzy to the "BCC," the Blood Consumption Club.

Shortly after, Mai finds herself near the remnants of where Robo Mall once stood. Spotting her father, Rex, he's positioned his robot arm onto the ground, expanding it into a floor platform. As he lays down, tears streaming, he expresses the daunting task of rebuilding Robo Mall, foreseeing a lengthy process ahead. Reflecting on the footage she captured of Robo Mall's final stand during the war, Mai remarks on its preservation. Rex, still emotional, requests all the footage she has of Robo Mall's last moments. He acknowledges his initial expectation of dying in the war, only to realize Adam's overwhelming power, which safeguarded further deaths. Mai concurs, labeling Adam as their "Special Star." In a moment of inspiration, Rex proposes the idea of enlisting Nhia's aid in reconstructing Robo Mall, reminiscent of his past efforts in restoring its power. Rune and Simbad makes their way to the prison area where Jacade is confined. Emerging from a shadowy corner, Jacade bears the scar on his face. Rune informs him of the war's conclusion and the demise of all the riders. Angrily, Jacade refutes the claim, asserting himself as the sole surviving Rider, adamant that the war will persist until his death.

Simbad suggests Jacade consider joining the other former Riders who have settled in Old Berry Town. However, Jacade expresses that those ex-Riders weren't truly real Riders and explains his deep connection to the Rider system, emphasizing that it was his sole upbringing. He adamantly declares his loyalty, stating he will never change or betray the Riders. Rune takes Simbad's katana and tosses it inside the cell, puzzling Jacade. Rune proposes a challenge, saying that if Jacade isn't willing to change then he shall be granted his revenge and that Rune can be the one to end the legacy of the last Rider. In a swift move, Jacade seizes the katana, preparing for a confrontation, while Rune uses his large butcher blade to sever the cell bars, Simbad questions Rune's seriousness in this situation while Jacade, roaring fiercely, charges forward. Moments later, Jacade smashes through the cell's brick walls, tumbling onto the streets. Stepping through the newly-formed opening, Rune joins him on the streets. Jacade wipes the blood from his mouth and takes up a fighting stance once more. Reflecting on Jacade's demeanor, Rune comments that Jacade reminds him of his younger self. Jacade launches a series of aggressive swings, which Rune adeptly blocks and counters with non-lethal blows. Observing Jacade's intense gaze, Rune notes the similarity to his own passionate eyes from years ago. Despite Jacade's wild attacks, Rune parries and lands a slash on Jacade's side, forcing him to kneel in pain.

Amidst cries of anguish and covered in blood, Jacade vows to be triumph in this war, engaging Rune in another clash. As the townspeople gather to witness the confrontation, Simbad shakes his head from the hole in the wall, remarking that Rune has captured the entire town's attention with his actions. The clashing of their swords echoes throughout the town, drawing more and more spectators to witness the battle. Jacade fights emotionally, tears streaming down his face, blood from his mouth, and sweat on his forehead, evoking sympathy from the growing crowd. Rune strikes Jacade's nose with the hilt of his weapon, causing it to bleed. Gripping his bleeding nose, Jacade winces. Rune tries to reason with him, recounting his own similar experiences that he also had when he was younger and eventually he had to change in order to survive. In an unexpected move, Jacade throws his blood onto Rune's eyes and lunges forward with a thrust attack. Sensing the danger, Rune swings his weapon forcefully, shattering three-quarters of Jacade's katana blade. Unfazed, Jacade presses on, managing to stab Rune in the chest with the remaining quarter of his katana. Addressing Jacade, Rune questions whether hurting others than his family will ever bring him peace. Pushing Jacade away, Rune is about to be interrupted by Mai, who urges him to halt. Rune wipes the blood from his eyes and remarks that Jacade seems to seek death, and if that's the case, he will meet his end. Gathering magical energy into his blade, Rune prepares to unleash a powerful attack.

Mai moves to stop Rune, but Adam intervenes, assuring her not to worry. As Rune swings his magic-infused blade, a wave of magical energy slash comes out of his blade and moves towards Jacade, causing an explosion that rattles the nearby building. Once the smoke clears, Jacade is seen lying on his back, narrowly dodging the attack. Gasping for air, he trembles in fear and sheds tears. Observing Jacade's fear, Rune acknowledges that it seems like Jacade does desires to live and that the choice to change for the better lies with him. He then walks away as Mai rushes to his side, directing him to seek care from Barbra for his wounds. Mikey approaches Jacade, expressing that he no longer needs to be tethered to the system and can embrace freedom, choosing his own path rather than the Rider's. Simbad joins in and supports this sentiment. Carefully, he starts stitching Jacade's wound with a needle and thread. Mikey encourages Jacade to explore this new way of life, offering the chance to see if it suits him and emphasizes the potential for a different, happier life. If not, he can proposes a challenge with him to the death. Jacade, overcome with emotion, covers his eyes and tearfully expresses his struggle, noting that fighting for the Riders is all he learned from his father. In response, Mikey apologizes and explains that Jacade's father, Jarvis, is gone now. He urges Jacade to move forward, embrace love, and learn to rebuild his life in a different manner.

After hearing Mikey's speech, Adam ponders quietly before distancing himself from the group. Observing this, Megan and Kiren approach him, concerned about his mood. Feeling a bit low, Adam struggles to put on a cheerful face. Kiren remarks that this doesn't look like the face of a victorious hero and encourages Adam to celebrate their triumph. However, Adam expresses that with the war behind him, it's time to attend to unfinished matters, and with determination, he leaps away towards Sam's cabin. Megan tries to follow Adam, intending to use her magic but finds herself unable to and falls. Kiren assists her and assumes that Adam must be heading for the cabin. Megan rushes to the electric power house, urgently confronting Michael and demanding a boost of lightning powers for speed. Michael, initially hesitant, reluctantly agrees despite having just recharged his energy. He touches Megan's shoulder, enveloping her in crackling lightning magic, enabling her to dash quickly towards the cabin. Kiren, in a light-hearted manner, suggests if Michael could also boost his speed as well, eliciting a sarcastic laugh from Michael in response.

Adam arrives at the cabin, inhales deeply, and summons his white bat, advancing slowly toward the cabin while recollecting past memories. He remembers on confronting his darker self, recalling the pain in his eyes during that time. Memories cascade in his mind, from the initial arrival at the cabin where he witnessed Sam and Lia's happy life, to the moment Conor's arrow struck him from behind. His thoughts then drift to the mental battles he faced at Barbra's daycare and in his realm. Fueled by anger, his eyes blaze red, and he smashes the cabin's front door with his bat, entering to find the place in a mess. As he explores the cabin, he senses activity in the back of the cabin. To gain insight, he shifts his eyes to snake eyes for his thermal vision, detecting someone's presence in a distant room. In that person's body the heart and brain emit the most heat. Closing in, Adam sees Vass seated against the wall with Conor's knife in his chest, transformed into an A-Star zombie while retaining only small traces of his humanity. Vass, recognizing Adam as Conor, he utters the name Conor, piquing Adam's interest. Their eye contact establishes a magical connection, revealing a vision to Adam of the events that transpired at the cabin.

The vision portrays Conor and Vass in combat against hooded individuals. Amidst the struggle, a hooded figure known as Edna reveals himself, asserting Conor as the one he's been seeking. Pinning Conor down, Edna's eyes flare red, displaying an intense fire in his pupils. Conor retaliates by thrusting a knife into Edna's chest, prompting laughter from Edna, who admires Conor's tenacity. In a bid to escape from the other hooded men, Vass employs his magic, tackling Edna while a ball of strings drops from Edna's belt. The moment when the balls touches the ground it ignites into flames, it conjures a zombie with a burning chest and a burning head. Edna pushes Vass toward the burning zombie, causing it to bite him. He then removes Conor's knife from his chest and plunges it into Vass's chest, he uses his magic to contain the burning zombie back within the strings as it turns back to a small ball of strings. Vass falls to the ground and coughs up blood, as the virus rapidly spreads through out his body. Uttering his desire that all he wanted was for a good meal and didn't wanted any of this to happen, Vass moves indoors, feasts at the dinner table wildly, then says that he also wanted a good life, he settles in a room. His eyes turn grey as Edna approaches the room, with a smile, he closes the door shut. Vass transforms into a zombie as Conor's knife in his chest glows in magic and immobilizes him, concluding the vision. 

Adam retrieves the knife lodged in Vass's chest. Vass then realizes that Adam is not Conor and lunges at him. Moments later, Vass crashes out through the cabin walls, followed by Adam's forceful exit. Seizing a nearby tree, Vass swings it at Adam, who, in turn, obliterates the tree with his bat. As Vass attacks, Adam swings and destroys Vass's lower body and pins Vass onto the ground, pressing his foot onto Vass's glowing heart, demanding information on his son's whereabouts. All Vass can muster is Conor's name, leaving Adam feeling helpless. Hallucinations ensue, transforming Vass's face into Sam's, who claims Conor as his. Overwhelmed, Adam crushes Vass's heart with a stomp, Sam then says that Lia also belongs to him. Adam pierces Sam's head with the bat, reverting it back to Vass's face. Stepping back emotionally, Adam is tackled by Megan wielding lightning magic.

Megan grasps Adam's shoulders, questioning whether he truly killed Sam. Adam remains silent as she inspects Vass's body, realizing it isn't Sam. Puzzled, she asks Adam about Sam's whereabouts. Suddenly, Kiren bursts into the cabin in lightning magic, unable to control his speed. He comes out and questions about the situation. Adam explains that Sam and Lia are missing and that someone named Edna took his son. Megan breathes a sigh of relief but wonders where Sam and Lia might be. Meanwhile, Kiren searches through the cabin and finds a poster depicting Nemura City, with a writing of plea for help to repair the city that'll save the world. Bringing the poster to Adam and Megan, Kiren suggests that Sam might have headed to Nemura City. Adam starts walking back to Old Berry Town without saying a word. Feeling disheartened, Megan enters the cabin and discovers a picture of Sam and Lia. She tears the picture in half, keeping Sam's image in her pocket. Eventually, they trail after Adam on the journey back to town.

Six months pass, and the people of Old Berry Town complete the repairs on the town and its outer walls. Ezzy and Stella stand atop the walls, admiring the restored town below, pleased to see it returning to its former self. The streets bustle with activity as residents resume their daily tasks, and children fill the parks with laughter and play. In another part of town, Mai and Xai stand proudly in front of the reopened Robo Store, launched officially for business by Rex. They share a heartfelt embrace with their father. Meanwhile, Simbad instructs numerous children in swordsmanship at an open field, where Jean and Jacade engage in friendly sword sparring to the delight of the watching kids. Elsewhere, Agustin arrives at Barbra's newly established daycare building, visiting his brother while Barbra plays with Leona. Nearby, Megan and Rune engages in a sparring match at a nearby dojo. At the same time, Nakao enters the electric power house, seeking a bottle of blood for Ezzy. Inside, she finds Michael using his lightning powers to operate numerous generators, ensuring the town's electricity supply for the next decade. Meanwhile, at Adam's residence, he lies in bed consumed by depression. Outside, his mailbox overflows with mail, and a steady stream of people casually visits his door, offering prayers.

In the adjacent room, Nhia remains fixed on the radio, suddenly hearing his girlfriend's voice, Jasee. Tears fill his eyes as he finally speaks to her, overcome with emotion at discovering she's alive after such a long time. He desperately asks about her whereabouts. Nhia quickly grabs a pen and paper, jotting down crucial details, affirming his determination to rescue her. Moments later, Mai is engrossed in tinkering with metal plates when Nhia enters, sharing his breakthrough about contacting Jasee. Urgently, he shows her the location. Mai nods, revealing that they were already planning to head to Nemura city, Nhia's hometown, and that Jasee's location is along the way there. Nhia can barely contain his excitement, thrilled at the prospect of saving his girlfriend and returning home, he then continues conversations with her about how they can travel to Nemura city faster. 

Later that night, Mikey and Ezzy perch atop a building. Mikey expresses his intention to stay in Old Berry Town, explaining it's his home. Ezzy nods, and says that's why she's appointing him as the new leader before they part ways. Mikey, proudly prepares for their final adventure together, suggesting a last parkour run through the town. As Ezzy agrees and mentions they have a third person for tonight. Mikey turns back to see Kiren climbing onto the rooftop, finding parkour more challenging than anticipated. Ezzy and Mikey take off, leaping from roof to roof, navigating the town's heights with fluidity. Meanwhile, Kiren struggles to keep up, urging them to slow down as he grapples with the obstacles.