Duke, still wary of being tracked, took a circuitous route through crowded areas to avoid being cornered. He decided to abandon his old job, convinced that it was how a government agent had previously located him.The mysterious disappearance of the female agent and her team had left him baffled, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was some Voodoo shit.
Although he had always believed that magic didn't exist in this world, recent events had started to make him doubt that. He even caught himself wondering if he possessed magical abilities himself.
As he checked his system's stats, he noticed that while other attributes had fluctuated, his MP (magic points) remained eerily constant.
The bus arrived, and Duke briefly set aside his thoughts to follow the crowd inside.
Five minutes into the ride, Duke began to feel like he was being watched. He tried to brush it off, but the sinister feeling lingered, making him suspect that the gaze wasn't just a random passenger's curiosity. Duke decided to get off at the next bus stop, eager to escape the unsettling sensation.
Just as he made this decision, a man stood up and positioned himself next to Duke, holding onto the handrail to steady himself. Duke's eyes widened as he noticed a tattoo on the man's hand, identical to the one he had seen Murphy wore.
"Fuck," Duke muttered under his breath.
He attempted to play it cool, but the stranger's sly glances at him made Duke realize he was being watched closely, ensuring he didn't escape.
Duke discreetly surveyed his surroundings, noticing the seats behind him were occupied by four other guys, all with their eyes fixed on him.
'Come on, let me catch a break,' he mumbled to himself as he frantically tried to calculate a way out of their clutches. They were approaching the next bus stop, so he had to think fast. That's when he spotted an elderly woman standing by the rail close to him, taking advantage of the limited seating. An idea struck Duke.
"Ma'am, please take my seat," Duke said, a little too loudly, drawing the attention of everyone on the bus. He was certain even the driver had heard him.
As Duke tried to give up his seat for the woman, the man who had been keeping a close eye on him attempted to push him back into his seat.
However, the praise and commendations from the surrounding passengers on Duke's Kindness, made him reconsider. The woman thanked Duke profusely before making her way to his seat, and Duke took her previous position, which was conveniently close to the exit.
The men must have realized Duke's intent, as they suddenly stood up and tried to push through the crowd on the bus. Their eyes were fixed on Duke, and their movements were swift and determined.
As the bus slowed to a halt, Duke knew he had to act fast. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bundle of 100 dollar crisp bills, throwing them into the air with a swift motion. Immediately, the surrounding passengers rushed to grab the money, creating a chaotic scene that blocked the men's path.
The bus came to a stop just in time, and Duke quickly disembarked, blending into the crowd on the street. He moved swiftly but cautiously, taking slow yet hurried steps as he disappeared into the throng of people.
The men were left behind, struggling to push through the crowd and giving Duke the perfect opportunity to escape their clutches.
Duke glanced around cautiously before entering a shopping mall, ensuring he wasn't being followed. He made his way to the clothing section, intent on changing his appearance to avoid detection. His eyes landed on a sleek black suit, which inexplicably drew him in.
The fit was perfect, and for an unknown reason, it appealed to him. Just as he was admiring the suit, a sales representative approached him. She assessed Duke, and he didn't look like someone who could afford a T-shirt, let alone the suit, in her perspective.
"Shoo now, we don't entertain window shoppers," she told him with a dismissive tone.
Duke felt slightly embarrassed, but he didn't let that deter him. "How much is it?" he questioned, dismissing her earlier remark.
The representative raised an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed. "Nothing you could afford," she replied disdainfully. But when she noticed that didn't deter Duke, she decided to tell him the amount, hoping to scare him off. "One hundred and fifty US dollars," she called out proudly, expecting him to walk away.
Duke simply shoved his hand into his pocket, pulled out a bundle of cash, and handed two notes to the sales representative.
She looked at him with a shock-stricken expression, collected the money hastily, and hurried to the counter.
Duke used that opportunity to try on the outfit, and it fit perfectly. He emerged looking completely different.
The sales representative rushed back to him, saying, "Here's your change, sir."
Duke replied, "Keep it," before walking out of the shop and heading to a hair salon to restyle his hair.
It didn't take long for them to finish with Duke's hair. While he was there, he noticed someone looking at him. He hoped it was just an admirer, but when the man strode to the entrance and started talking on the phone while darting his gaze at Duke, Duke's instincts kicked in.
He quickly paid for his haircut and pretended to be interested in something else, using that as a distraction to head to the second exit.
However, he noticed the guys from the bus entering the salon, and his heart sank.
"Fuck," Duke mumbled to himself before turning on his heels and heading in a different direction. One of the men shouted, "There he is!" and Duke took off in a sprint, taking the first exit he had initially avoided.
Duke exited the mall and made a run for it, dashing into the opposite street. He tried his possible best to blend in with the crowds, but luck seemed to be against him as he ended up in a dead-end alley.
Noticing a van parked nearby, he rushed to the side and knocked on the window earnestly. The driver rolled down his window, revealing a broad expression on his face.
Duke intended to offer him some cash in exchange for a ride to safety. However, his vision suddenly zoomed in on the vehicle, and he saw the occupants tied up in the back of the van. One particular occupant caught his attention.
"Piss off," the driver told Duke and started rolling his window back up, but Duke gripped it firmly, preventing it from closing.
The group of men who had been chasing him appeared, and just then, a screen popped up in Duke's system with a Special Order notification.
"Oh, come on!" Duke yelled in frustration. How did he gain so many enemies from just one escapade?
What happened to people leaving him be, due to the fact he was the only delivery man around?
'It's not been up to 5 hours since I left Nadia house and I'm already being chased again? Come to think of it, unlike the previous people I had encountered, Nadia didn't seem intent on killing me or hurting me. Maybe Nadia safe house might just be the only good hide out for one' Duke Mused as he watched more men joining the group of guys, that had chased him down.
The other day I joked about being gifted 5000 coins, and VIOLA!